Also called Tritonia. These Iris relatives are corms, forming fast growing clumps composed of sword shaped, semi-evergreen leaves.
The funnel-shaped flowers, from 1 to 2 inches in length, are borne on arching spikes during mid summer. Crocosmias are great plants for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. They make great cut flowers.
These perennials are easy to grow in full sun ( or partial shade ) on just about any light, humus-rich, fertile, well drained soil and are propagated from division during mid-autumn or early spring. Plants bloom best when divided every 2 to 3 years, they multiply rapidly with ideal conditions. Some species are so vigorous, that they may even become invasive in some places including New Zealand. The ideal planting depth for the bulbs is 4 inches.
Prune old and tattered leaves off during early spring.
Deep winter mulch or snow cover is essential during winter to protect the roots. Mulch heavily during the first winter.
Planting during late spring is recommended to give the plant time to establish before the following winter.
In zones 1 to 4; the fleshy roots can be lifted and wintered indoors in the same way as Cannas. The corms should be planted back out in the garden 6 inches deep on light,
fertile, well drained soil during spring after the last frost. In mild climates, the corms can also be planted during autumn.
Crocosmias are not eaten by deer and are not usually bothered by pests or disease either though spider mites may sometimes occur.
* photos of unknown internet source

Crocosmia aurea
Forms a fast growing clump, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 4 ( rarely over 3 ) feet.
The large flowers are glowing bright yellow.
Hardy zones 6 to 10
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora
The hybrids between C. aurea & C. pottsii; forming clumps reaching a maximum size of 4 x 5 feet, with leaves up to 3 feet x 1 inch. The bright green foliage is evergreen in mild climates.
The large, yellow to scarlet-red flowers are borne during late summer.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 in full sun to partial shade. Mulch well during winter in cool climates.
* photos taken on July 7 2011 in Columbia, MD
'Bressingham Beacon'
Reaches up to 3.5 x 3 feet with orange and yellow bicolor flowers.
'Bressingham Blaze'
Intense orange-red flowers.
'Bright Eyes'
Dwarf in habit, reaching a maximum height of 20 inches, with linear deep green leaves and orange ( red eyed ) flowers borne mid to late summer.
* photo taken on Aug 29 2013 in Clarksville, MD
'Cast Leward'
Vigorous and clumping, reaching up to 5 feet with green foliage and dark stems bearing pendulous, deep orange-red flowers.
Light yellow flowers.
Reaches up to 2.5 feet with yellow and red bicolor flowers borne during summer.
'Culsean Reach'
Floppy and upright in habit, reaching up to 3.5 feet, with narrow green leaves and peach-red, tubular flowers.
'Custard Cream'
Forms a clump of deep green foliage bearing late season flowers that are orange in bud, opening to yellow.
Reaches up to 3 x 3+ feet with very large, deep orange-red ( centered yellow ) flowers.
'Emily McKenzie'
Fast growing and reaching a maximum size of 5 x 6 feet, with long-lasting, intense orange ( centered red ), trumpet-shaped flowers borne during late summer. Can be mixed with 'Lucifer'.
'George Davidson'
Reaches a maximum height of 4 feet, with small, intense bright yellow flowers.
'Jenny Bloom'
Reaches up to 3.5 x 3 feet, with intense deep yellow flowers.
Reaches a maximum size of 6 x 7 ( rarely over 3 ) feet, with sword-shaped leaves and nodding, small, scarlet-red flowers borne mid summer to early autumn.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 5 & 6 if very sheltered & mulched - do not cut back old foliage until spring ) in full sun.
Looks great combined with Moonbeam Coreopsis.
* photo taken on Aug 24 2010 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on May 3 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 6 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 1 2013 in Stratford, Ontario
* photo taken on Aug 8 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 30 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 19 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 30 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 2 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 28 2022 in Catonsville, MD
* photos taken on July 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 25 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 15 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Morning Light'
Short and compact, only reaching up to 2.5 feet in height.
The drooping foliage is green and the flowers are bright yellow.
'Norwich Canary'
Reaches up to 2.5 x 2.5 feet with bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers borne mid summer into early autumn.
'Prince of Orange'
Reaches up to 3 feet with intense deep orange flowers during mid to late summer.
'Queen of Spain'
Upright and dense, reaching up to 3 feet, with narrow green leaves and large but sparse intense orange-red flowers.
Very compact, reaching up to 2.5 feet, with bronze-olive green leaves and nooding flowers that are pinkish-orange with yellow centers.
'Severn Sunrise'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 4 feet, with mid-green leaves and peachy-orange flowers.
Dense, upright and clumping, reaching up to 2.7 feet.
Foliage is bronze and the flowers are apricot-orange eventually fading to yellow.
Upright in habit, reaching up to 2 feet, with green foliage and bright orange flowers.
'Star of the East'
Upright ( to 4 feet ) and running in habit with green, medium-width foliage and very large, tangerine-orange flowers up to 3 inches across each. The flowers are borne during early autumn.
Reaches up to 2.5 feet in height, with apricot-orange flowers during mid to late summer.
Reaches up to 3 feet with orangish-red flowers.
'Walberton Yellow'
Reaches up to 2 feet in height, with brilliant yellow flowers borne all summer long.
'Zeal Tan'
Moderately slow growing and upright in habit, reaching up to 3 feet.
The dark stems bear orange-red flowers.
Crocosmia masonorum
Forms a clump, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 5 feet, with fine textured leaves up to 3 feet in length.
The broad, erectly held flowers are fiery orange-red. They are borne over a long season.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( reported of 3 to 6 on sheltered sites and heavily mulched ).
Very compact in habit, reaching up to 3 feet, with green leaves and bright orange flowers.
'Rowallane Yellow'
Upright and floppy, reaching up to 4 feet with broad leaf blades and early season yellow-orange flowers.
Crocosmia pottsii
Forms a clump, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 3 feet, composed of broad leaves, up to 1.5 feet in length.
The bright yellow ( with red flushing ) flowers are borne on erect inflorescences during mid-summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 9