Showing posts with label Blue Poppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Poppy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blue Poppy

A genus within the larger Papaveraceae ( Poppy ) family that are among the most exotic of all perennials.

* photo of unknown internet source

* historic archive photo

Meconopsis baileyi
A perennial, preferring cool climates.
In North America, it thrives best in coastal British Columbia and the St Lawrence Region of the northeast.

Meconopsis betonifolia ( Himalayan Blue Poppy )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 6.5 x 2 feet, that is native to the Chinese portion of the Himalayan mountains.
The hairy, shallowly-toothed, oblong leaves are up to 12 inches in length. The foliage is mid-green.
The very beautiful, sky-blue ( with yellow stamen ) flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne in heads of up to 6 from early to late summer.
The stems are covered in bristly, gold-brown hairs.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 in cool partial shade on moist, acidic, humus-rich, well drained soil. It should not be allowed to bloom in the first year of the plant may weaken and not survive the first winter. Plants may die young if allowed to produce heavy seed crop. Outside its native range, it thrives in the British Isles, the Pacific Northwest and southern Chile.

White flowers, otherwise identical.

Meconopsis cambrica ( Welsh Poppy )
A long-lived, tap-rooted perennial, reaching a maximum size of 2 feet x 20 inches, that is native to woodlands in western Europe including the British Isles.
The ferny basal leaves, up to 8 inches in length, are mid-green.
The bright yellow to orange poppy flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne late spring into mid autumn.
Hardy zones 2 to 8 and easy to grow in full sun on just about any well drained soil.
Self seeds abundantly.

* photo of unknown internet source

Orange flowers; otherwise identical to species. It usually comes true from seed.

Meconopsis cheilonifolia
A long-lived perennial, reaching a maximum size of 3.3 x 2 feet, that is native to mountains in western Szechuan in western China.
The hairy leaves are deeply lobed. The foliage is bright green.
The pale yellow, bell-shaped flowers, up to 3.2 inches, are borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 7, preferring cool, moist, acidic, woodland conditions.

Meconopsis grandis
A very vigorous perennial, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 2 feet, that is native to the Himalayas.
The coarsely-toothed, elliptical basal leaves, up to 12 inches in length, are hairy and green.
The nodding, deep blue poppy flowers, up to 9 inches across, are borne in clusters of 3 or more during late spring.
Hardy zones 3b to 6 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil. Prefers cool summers and thrives especially well in Anchorage, Alaska, coastal British Columbia and the Canadian Maritimes. Divide regularly.

Meconopsis integifolia ( Yellow Chinese Poppy )
A rosette-forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 3.3 x 2 feet.
It is often monocarpic ( die after flowering ).
The basal leaves are up to 15 x 2 inches.
The yellow, cup-shaped flowers, up to 7 inches across, are borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil

Taller ( to 4 feet ) with larger flowers, up to 8.5 inches across.

Meconopsis nepaulensis
A vigorous, large, upright, clump-forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 8.3 x 3.3 feet, that is native to the Himalayas ( from Nepal to southwest China ). It is usually monocarpic ( die after flowering ).
The deeply-lobed, basal leaves are up to 20 inches in length. The foliage is covered in fine hairs.
The nodding, blue, white, red or purple flowers, up to 3.2 inches across, are borne during early summer. Up to 16 flowers may be borne on a raceme.
The stems are covered in fine hairs.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil.

Meconopsis quintuplinerva ( Harebell Poppy )
A clumping perennial, reaching a maximum size of 3 x 3 feet.
The lance-shaped basal leaves are up to 10 inches in length. The foliage is mid-green.
The hanging, azure-blue, bell-shaped flowers, up to 2 inches in length, are borne mid to late summer on arching, hairy stems.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil

Meconopsis regia
A rosette-forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 6.5 x 4 feet, that is native to Nepal. It is usually monocarpic ( die after flowering ).
The deeply-cut basal leaves reach up to 40 ( rarely over 24 ) inches in length. The foliage is mid-green with silvery or bronze hairs.
The golden-yellow, cup-shaped flowers, up to 5 inches across, are borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil.

Red flowering form.

Meconopsis sheldonii 'Branklyn'
A strong growing perennial, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 2 feet.
The bristly, oblong basal leaves are up to 12 ( rarely over 10 ) inches in length. The foliage is deep green.
The rich blue flowers are up to 6 inches across, are borne from the upper leaf axils, during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zone 3 to 6 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil
It can tolerate as low as -40 F but hates hot summers.
In the eastern U.S., it only grows about as far south as Wilkes-Barre PA.
Divide regularly.

* photo of unknown internet source

Meconopsis superba
A rare evergreen, rosette forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 3 feet.
The white poppy flowers, up to 5 inches across, are borne during mid summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 in cool partial shade on humus-rich, well drained soil

Meconopsis villosa
A rosette-forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 5 feet x 20 inches, that is native to the central Himalayas.
The 3 or 5 lobed foliage is hairy and green.
The nodding, clear yellow, rounded poppy flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne during early to mid summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in cool partial shade on moist, humus-rich, well drained soil.