Showing posts with label Cyclamen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyclamen. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011


A genus of low growing, tuberous perennials for moist temperate and tropical climates. Propagation is from seed soaked in water for 12 + hours then sown in a cold frame during autumn. Keep the seeds dark until they germinate. If purchased as tubers, they can be planted in the landscape 3 inches deep while dormant during mid to late summer. Squirrels and mice may dig up and eat the tubers...wise mesh can be places on top of the soil to prevent that.

For more info on the Cyclamens...check out this excellent external website

* photo taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD

* historical archive photo

Cyclamen coum ( Hardy Cyclamen )
A dwarf perennial, reaching up to 8 ( rarely over 4 ) x 10 ( 3 feet ? ) inches, that is native to eastern Europe ( especially the southern and eastern coasts of the Black Sea ) to northern Iran and as far south as Isreal.
The narrow heart-shaped to rounded leaves, up to 1 inch in length, are glossy mid-green.
The foliage emerges during mid autumn and persists through the winter before going dormant during the spring.
The nodding, white, pink or deep red ( always with purple blotching ) broad-petalled, flowers are borne during early spring though often begins blooming during the winter in mild climates. The flowers often appear through the snow.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 ( tolerating -20 F ) in partial shade on moist, humus-rich, well drained soil. Drought tolerant..they should not be watered during summer while dormant.

* photo taken on Sep 8 in Harford Co, MD

* photo taken on Mar 24 2015 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken on Oct 3 2017 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Dec 1 2017 in Columbia, MD

* historical archive photo

* excellent video found on Youtube

White flowers, otherwise identical.

var atkinsii
Similar, except with foliage being marbled silver.

Deep pink flowers, otherwise identical.

Cyclamen hederifolium ( Neapolitain Cyclamen )
Also called Cyclamen neapolitanum or Hardy Cyclamen. A fast spreading perennial, forming a clump up to 8 inches x 3 feet, that is native to southern Europe. The tubers eventually grow very large, up to the size of dinner plates and live over 100 years. They are great for combining with shrubs and hostas in the shade garden.
The cordate, very broad-ovate leaves are up to 6 inches in length. The often lobed, Ivy-like foliage is marbled with silver. The foliage persists all winter but typically goes dormant during summer.
The very abundant, rose-pink flowers, up to 1 inch wide, are borne late summer to early winter. A single plant may bear up to 50 flowers at a time.
Hardy zones 5 to 9 ( 4 on protected sites ) in partial shade. They do not enjoy to be irrigated while dormant during summer. Propagation is from seed and they often self seed. The seed should be soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing to soften the coat. They may take up to a year to germinate.

* photo taken on Dec 4 2011 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Apr 2013 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken on Oct 23 2013 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken on Nov 22 2013 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Nov 10 2014 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Apr 20 2017 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Feb 21 2017 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Feb 13 2018 in Columbia, MD

* photo of unknown internet source

* historical archive photo

White flowers, otherwise similar.

* photo taken on Oct 21 2014 @ Smithsonian Inst., Washington, DC

'Pure Silver-Leaf'
Foliage nearly entirely silver with a few green markings.

'White Cloud'
Intensely silver leaves. White flowers.

Cyclamen persicum ( Persian Cyclamen )
A moderate growing, clumping perennial, reaching up to 1 foot tall, that is native to shrub and woodland from the Greek Islands to Turkey; south to Tunisia to northern Algeria to Isreal. The tuber grows quickly and can exceed 6 inches across.
The cordate-ovate leaves, up to 6 x 5.5 inches in size, are mid-green and often heavily mottled with silver.
Within its natural range, it goes dormant during the summer dry season, re-emerges after the first autumn rains then blooms late autumn through early spring.
Hardy zones 10 to 11...however seed sourced from a 1990 Cyclamen Society expedition to Israel where healthy plants were found after snow had fallen in the Golan Heights have proven to be hardier.

* photo of unknown internet source

* photos taken on Mar 2012 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken on Jan 17 2021 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken on Dec 11 2023 in Columbia, MD

Cyclamen repandum
A perennial native to the southern Europe along the north shore of the Meditterranean.
The triangular leaves are green with silver specks and markings.
The fragrant pinkish-red to red flowers are borne mid to late spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in partial shade on fertile, well drained soil.
* excellent photo link found on internet