Phacelia bipinnatifida ( Fernleaf Phacelia )
A biennial, native to deciduous woodland and streamsides in the eastern U.S. ( from central Iowa to central Indiana to southern Ohio to northern New Jersey; south to northern Arkansas to northern Alabama to western Virginia ).
The pinnate leaves, up to 5 x 3 inches in size, are divided into 3 to 7 ( rarely over 5 ) ovate leaflets. The foliage is mid-green.
The purplish-blue flowers last for up to a month during mid-spring. Do not deadhead as its habit of self seeding is required to sustain it in the garden.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial shade on moist, fertile, humus-rich, well drained soil.
* photos taken on March 28 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photos taken on Apr 17 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC