All Azaleas fall into the Rhododendron family!
Azalea bushes thrive under the partial, filtered shade of pine, hickory and Oak, along with companion dogwood trees and camellia shrubs. Azalea plants prefer grown in partial shade, and when planted next to buildings, the north side offers protection from cold damage. The flowers of the azalea plant last longer in filtered pine tree shade because of the cooling effect. Pine tree straw, pine cones, and pine tree bark make excellent mulch under azaleas because it both cools and acidifies the soil. When planting azalea bushes, the shrub should be put into a landscaped hole containing 1/2 soil & 1/2 organic matter, such as peat moss, leaf gro or pine bark. Azalea plants are very shallow rooted and do not do well in compacted or heavy clay soils.
* properly pruned and mulched ( 1/2 pine bark nuggets & 1/2 chopped oak leaves ) azaleas
Azaleas love acidic soils, and a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 is perfect for vigorous growth. Watering may be essential if significant rainfall does not occur over two week period and fertilizing is usually not recommended. Fertilizer can burn the tender fibrous roots and may even kill the plant. If yellowing occurs in the leaves or leaf veins, Iron or Magnesium (Epsom salts) can correct the situation. NEVER put lime on an Azalea plant, not only is it wasting money, it can kill the plant.
Healthy Azaleas have bright green glossy leaves in the summer. If the leaves are dull green above and reddening below, that may signal phosphorous deficiency. It is ok to put a water soluble phosphorous fertilizer on the plant but AVOID NITROGEN!
Pruning should be done immediately after blooming to ensure good bloom the following season.
Azalea shrubs are propagated easily by taking a cutting about 8 inches long and placing the cut end about 2 inches deep in sand. These cuttings may root within a week during June and July, and the plant may grow another foot tall before being ready to be planted permanently.

* photo taken on April 11 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum
* photos taken on April 14 2010 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on April 18 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photo taken on May 8 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 25 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photo taken on May 10 2016 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - Belgian Indica Hybrids
Developed from Rhododendron simsii and unless noted are generally hardy zones 8 to 11
and reach up to 6 feet
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Albert Elizabeth
Flowers up to 3.7 inches across and are pale pink with darker edges. The throats of the flowers are spotted olive green.
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Chimes'
Flowers are semi-double, cup shaped and are intense purple-red
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Elsa Karga'
Double flowers are glowing red in color
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Gretel'
Double flowers are medium sized and white edged deep red. Compact growth habit.
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Helmut Vogel'
Intense purple-red double flowers over a long season
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Kelly's Cerise'
purplish-red double flowers
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Leopold Astrid'
Glossy foliage and large frilled, double flowers that are white and bordered in pink-red
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Only One Earth'
bright red, ruffled, hose in hose, semi-double flowers
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Orchidiflora'
semi-double medium pink flowers
Azalea ( Belgian Indica ) 'Red Wing'
An upright shrub reaching up to 6 feet in height with rich fuchsia rose ruffled hose in hose flowers up to 3 inches across. Sun tolerant and hardy to -5 F
Azalea ( Eden Hybrid ) 'Orange Delight'
A low dense shrub reaching up to only 2.5 feet with very large reddish orange flowers up to 4 inches across.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
Azalea ( Gable )
A group of hybrids that are generally hardy zones 6 to 8 unless otherwise stated
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Corsage'
Reaching up to 6 x 6 feet or more; this Azalea has abundant, lavender blooms up to 2.5 inches across.
Hardy north to zone 5b
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Herbert'
A dense, domed, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, with an eventual maximum size of 5 x 6 feet.
The pointed leaves are glossy mid-green.
The frilled, hose in hose flowers, up to 2 inches across, are brilliant red-purple with a darker blotch. They appear earlier than that of most evergreen hybrid Azaleas.
Hardy zones 6 to 8 ( tolerating -15 ).
* photo taken on Nov 10 2014 in Howard Co., MD
Azalea ( Gable ) 'James Gable'
Reaching up to 6.6 feet with red, hose in hose flowers with a darker blotch.
Hardy north to zone 7
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Karen'
A fast growing, rounded to spreading, evergreen shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet.
The deep green foliage turns to deep red during autumn.
The lilac-purple, trumpet-shaped, hose-in-hose flowers, up to 1.7 inches wide, are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5a to 8 ( reports of 4b on protected sites ). Thrives on acidic and even neutral soils.
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 5 2015 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Louisa Gable'
Spreading and dense, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet in size.
The semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches across, are pink with a darker blotch.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Purple Splender'
A vigorous, upright shrub, reaching up to 6 x 7 feet.
The mid-green foliage turns orangish-red during winter.
The fringed, orchid-purple, hose in hose flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne mid-season.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( tolerating -20 F ).
* photo taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 5 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 9 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 27 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Rosebud'
Slow growing and spreading, reaching up to 2 x 2 feet in 10 years, eventually 5 x 5 feet in 30 years.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The double, silvery-pink flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, during mid-spring, sometimes remain as long as 6 weeks completely covering the shrub.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
* photo taken on May 5 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 5 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on May 8 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Springtime'
* photo taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
Azalea ( Gable ) 'Stewartsonian'
A fast growing ( up to 15 inches per year ), medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 5 x 6 feet in 10 years, with an eventual maximum size of 8 x 8 feet.
The leaves, up to 2 inches in length, are glossy, very deep green, turning to rich deep red during winter.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, scarlet-red flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne earlier than those of most evergreen hybrid Azaleas. They persist for a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( tolerating -20 F ). It is sun tolerant.
* photo taken on Apr 2005 in Catonsville, MD

* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 20 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 8 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 15 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 27 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 12 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - ( Girard Hybrids )
Originating from Ohio, the Girard Hybrids are typically hardy north to zone 5 ( tolerating to at least -15 F ) and can eventually grow to 4 x 5 feet. The flowers are typically borne during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Girard Crimson'
Compact and rounded, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 5 x 5 feet.
The large foliage is glossy deep green.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, deep red flowers are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 9.
* photo taken on May 10 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2014 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Apr 30 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 3 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 29 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 12 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 2 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 18 2022 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Girard Fuchsia'
A vigorous, dense, broad-domed shrub, reaching up to 4 x 5 feet in 10 years, with an eventual maximum size of 6 x 6 feet.
The glossy deep green foliage turns to deep red during winter.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, intense reddish-purple, frilled flowers, up to 2 inches wide, are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid to late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
* photo taken on Nov 10 2014 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on May 3 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 22 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 8 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dov 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 28 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 4 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Girard Hotshot'
A dense, compact, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, with an eventual maximum size of 6 x 5 feet.
The luxuriant glossy deep green foliage turns to brilliant orange-red during autumn and winter.
The abundant, lightly-fragrant, vivid, orangish-red to scarlet-red, frilled, semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 9
* photos taken on May 7 2014 in Odenton, MD
* photos taken on Apr 2010 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 20 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 27 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 4 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 3 2021 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Pleasant White'
A vigorous but compact, domed shrub, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 5 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet.
The glossy deep green foliage keeps a good green color during the winter.
The abundant, lightly-fragrant, pure white, large, white, double flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
* photos taken on May 12 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 2 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 27 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 3 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 6 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 4 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 9 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 1 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 5 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Renee Michelle'
A dense, domed, semi-evergreen shrub, reaching up to 3 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 4 x 5 feet.
The glossy deep green foliage turns to deep red or purplish-bronze during winter.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, large, ruffled flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are glowing mid-pink with deep pink spotting on the throat. They appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid to latespring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
* photos taken on Apr 30 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 9 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Girard Rose'
Compact and rounded in habit, reaching up to 3 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet.
The deep green foliage turns to orangish-red during autumn then bronze-red during the winter.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, deep pink, double flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 9.
* photo taken on Apr 27 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 11 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) ‘Silver Sword’
A rounded, small shrub, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 4 feet.
The deep green leaves are edged with white.
The ruffled, dark rose-purple ( with darker veins ) flowers are up to 2.5 inches across.

* photo taken on April 10 in Howard County, MD
* photos taken on Apr 26 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 15 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 20 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 20 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 26 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 16 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Girard ) 'Variegated Hotshot'
Similar to 'Girard Hotshot' except reaching a maximum height of 4 feet, with foliage boldly edged in white.
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - ( Glenn Dale Hybrids ) - typically preferring warm summers and are hardy zones 7 to 8 ( 6 if sheltered ) unless otherwise stated
* photo taken on July 1 2010 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Alight'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
Mid season flowers up to 2.5 inches across are intense purple pink with a lighter center
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Allure'
Upright and rounded in habit, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 20 years. It is a hybrid between Azalea simsii & mucronatum.
The downy foliage is mid-green.
The pale pink, single flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear during mid-spring.
* photos taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Antares'
Very upright in habit, reaching up to 8 feet in height.
The wide leaves are mid-green at first, turning to deep green.
The flowers, up to 3 per cluster, are 1.5 inches wide. The bright red flowers with violet-red dots appear during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Aphrodite'
An upright to eventually spreading, medium-size shrub up to 5 x 5 feet.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The abundant, light purplish-pink flowers, up to 2 inches across, appear during mid-spring.
* photos taken on May 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Boldface'
Dense and spreading in habit, reaching up to 4 feet in 10 years, eventually 6 x 7 feet. It is a hybrid between Azalea mucronatum & keisetsu.
The foliage is mid-green.
The frilled flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are white with deep purplish-pink edges. The flowers appear 1 to 3 per cluster, during late spring.
It sometimes reverts. Cut out all branches with flowers that are a solid color.
* photos taken on May 9 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 18 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos takeno on May 14 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 18 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 13 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Bonanza'
A broad-spreading, domed shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height. It is a hybrid between Azalea mucronatum & A. Kagetsu.
The foliage is deep green.
The intense purplish-pink flowers, up to 2.5 inches across, appear during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Buccaneer'
Upright to eventually spreading, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The abundant flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4 during mid-spring. The intense orange-red flowers blotched deeper red.
It does not enjoy full sun or reflected sun.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Chanticleer'
Dense and rounded, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The very abundant, brilliant red-purple flowers, up to 2 inches across, appear in clusters of 2 to 4 during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Chloe'
A rounded shrub, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet. It is a hybrid between Azalea simsii & A. mucronatum
The foliage is lightly downy mid-green.
The huge, ruffled flowers are rosy-pink. The flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 2 to 3 during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Cinderella'
A flat-topped, large shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The mid-green foliage is semi-evergreen.
The white flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, are very heavily striped red, often with more red than white. They are borne 2 to 3 in a cluster during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Damask'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet tall.
The foliage is mid-green.
The hose-in-hose, creamy-white flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear 1 to 3 per cluster during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Dauntless'
A twiggy, dense, spreading small shrub, reaching up to 2 feet in height.
The foliage is greenish-yellow at first, turning to deep green.
The flowers are deep purplish-red with a scarlet-red eye. The abundant flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Dayspring'
A dense, spreading shrub, reaching up to 6 x 7 feet.
The obovate leaves are mid-green.
The flowers have white centers shading to a light purplish pink at the edges. The flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4 during mid-spring.
Hardy to -10 F
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Dimitry'
A dense, rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet.
The mid-green foliage is semi-evergreen.
The white ( with purple-red flecks ) single flowers, up to 2 inches across, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Dragon'
Dense and rounded in habit, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The abundant, brilliant red flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Echo'
A dense, spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height..
The large ( for an azalea ) leaves are mid-green.
The abundant, rose-pink flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 1 to 2, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Fandango'
A very dense, twiggy shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet.
The small leaves are deep green.
The very abundant, purple ( with red throat and stamens ) flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Fashion'
Vigorous and upright in habit, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 10 years or 8 feet with great age. One of the faster growing Azaleas; rates up to 28 inches have been recorded though less than half that is average.
The deep green foliage turns reddish during winter.
The salmon-pink, hose-in-hose flowers, up to 2 inches across, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during mid-spring.
Hardy north to zone 6

* photos taken on Apr 25 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 3 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Firedance'
A dense, broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The abundant, double intense rose-red glowing flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Galaxy'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The foliage is deep green.
The white ( often with very pale purple shadings ) flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Gaiety'
An upright to later spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The narrow leaves are deep green.
The very abundant, purplish-pink ( with darker blotch ) flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 3 during mid-spring.
* photos taken on May 8 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Geisha'
An upright to eventually spreading shrub, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 10 years, eventually slightly more.
The foliage is mid-green.
The white ( striped purplish-red ) flowers, up to 2 inches wide, are borne 2 to 4 per cluster, during mid-spring.
* photo taken on Apr 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Glacier'
A vigorous, spreading, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 6 x 5 ( rarely over 5 ) feet in 10 years, with an eventual maximum size of 6 x 6 feet.
The foliage is glossy deep green all year.
The large white flowers, up to 3 inches across, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during late spring..
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected site ).
* photos taken on Apr 2010 @ U.S. National Arboetum, DC
* photo taken on Apr 27 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 21 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Gladiater'
A vigorous, dense, upright shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The leaves, up to 2 inches in length, are deep green.
The intense deep red flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 3 to 4, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Harmony'
Semi-double flowers, up to 2.2 inches wide.
Hardy to -5 F
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Jubilant'
A vigorous, dense, upright to eventually spreading shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in 10 years, eventually 8 feet in height.
The small leaves are deep green.
The intense, deep red flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Lullaby'
An upright to eventually wide-spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The leaves are deep green.
The abundant, hose-in-hose flowers, up to 1.3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Martha Hitchcock'
A broad-spreading, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 5 x 6 feet.
The hairy foliage is mid-green.
The large, white ( with thin magenta margin ), single flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne in clusters of 1 to 3 during late spring.
Hardy zones 5b to 8 ( tolerating -15 ).
* photos taken on May 17 2017 in Howard Co., MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Modesty'
An upright, rounded shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height. It is a hybrid between Azalea simsii & A. mucronatum.
The hairy foliage is deep green.
The semi-double, rose-pink flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Morgana'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The somewhat narrow leaves are mid-green. The leaves often turn attractive fall color and may become deciduous during severe winters.
The abundant rose-pink flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 2, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Mother of Pearl'
An upright, rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The white ( with very pink shadings towards edges ), hose-in-hose flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, appear during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Picador'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The foliage is deep green.
The very abundant, rose-red ( with deep red dots ) flowers, up to 2 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 2, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Pirate'
An upright to later arching shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The small leaves are deep green.
The bright red, hose-in-hose flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Prelate'
A dense, strongly-upright shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The foliage is deep green.
The abundant, rose-pink flowers, up to 2 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Quakeress'
An upright to eventually spreading shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The large ( for an azalea ) hairy foliage is mid-green.
The white ( with a few purple specks ) flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, are borne 2 to 7 per cluster, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Quest'
An upright to eventually spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The lightly-hairy, narrow leaves are mid-green.
The abundant, lavender-pink flowers, up to 3 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 1 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Red Bird'
A thin, upright to eventually dense and rounded shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The obovate leaves are deep green.
The scarlet-red ( blotched reddish-purple ) flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Red Hussar'
An upright to eventually flat-topped shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in 20 years, eventually slightly more
The leaves, up to 1.5 inches long, are mid-green.
The abundant, deep purplish-pink flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Refrain'
An upright, rounded shrub, reaching up to 7 x 7 feet.
The foliage is mid-green.
The pale pink ( bordereed white ), hose-in-hose flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Revery'
An upright to eventually broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The single, rose-red flowers up to 2.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 2, during mid-spring, continuing randomly into late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Reward'
An upright to eventually broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The lightly hairy, narrow leaves are mid-green.
The abundant, lavender-pink flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 3 during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Sappho'
A vigorous, upright, rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The rose-purple ( with deeper purple blotch ) flowers, up to 2.3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 3 to 5, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Silver Moon'
A broadly-spreading shrub reaching up to 5 x 5 feet.
The foliage is bright green, turning to mid-green.
The frilled, white ( with greenish-yellow blotch ) flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 3, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Surprise'
Dense and upright, reaching up to 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 6 feet.
The foliage is dull mid-green.
The deep coral-pink flowers, up to 3 inches across, are bordered with a broad white margin. The flowers appear in clusters of 1 to 3, during late spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 8 ( tolerating -10 F )
* photos taken on May 8 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Tanager'
An upright, to eventually broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 x 5.5 feet.
The narrow leaves are deep green.
The very abundant, intense purple-red ( blotched darker ) flowers appear in clusters of 1 to 3, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Templation'
A broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The large ( for an azalea ), hairy leaves are mid-green.
The abundant, pink ( with a few darker rose-pink dots ) flowers, up to 2.2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 2, during mid-spring.
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Tomboy'
A very dense, rounded shrub, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The abundant white ( with red striping and yellow blotch ) flowers, up to 2 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 3, during late spring.
* photos taken on May 5 2015 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Treasure'
A vigorous, broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The foliage is deep green.
Huge white ( with some very pale pink shading ) flowers, up to 4 inches across, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Tristan'
An upright shrub, reaching up to 7 feet in height.
The foliage is mid-green.
The rose-pink flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 1 to 2, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Trouper'
A moderate growing, rounded shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 6 x 5 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The large, bright reddish-orange, ruffled, single flowers appear in clusters of 2 to 4 during mid-spring. The flowers usually drop off cleanly after they fade.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Velvet'
A very upright to eventually rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
The narrow leaves are mid-green.
The bell-shaped, rose ( with black anthers ) flowers are borne in clusters of 2 to 3 during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Violetta'
Moderate growing, compact and rounded in habit, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet.
The elliptical leaves are glossy mid-green.
The vivid purplish-pink flowers, up to 2.3 inches wide, appear early.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
* photo taken on Oct 29 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 12 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 7 2024 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Whirlwind'
A upright ( eventually spreading ) shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in 10 years, eventually to 9 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The abundant, purplish-pink ( with dark purple blotch ) flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 4, during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 7+ ( tolerates -5 F )
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Zealot'
A dense, upright shrub, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
The small leaves are deep green.
The very abundant, pink ( with rose blotch ) flowers, up to 2 inches wide, are borne in clusters of 2 to 4, during late spring.
Azalea ( Glenn Dale ) 'Zulu'
A spreading shrub, reaching up to 5 feet in height.
The mid-green foliage is semi-evergreen, often dropping during severe winters.
The abundant, bright purple ( with deeper purple blotches ) flowers, up to 3.3 inches wide, appear in clusters of 2 to 3, during mid-spring.
Azalea ( Harris ) 'Fascination'
A vigorous growing, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years and an eventual maximum size of 5 x 7 feet.
The foliage is luxuriant deep green.
The huge single flowers, up to 5 inches across, are pink on the inside edged bright red on the petals.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
Azalea ( Harris ) 'Midnight Flare'
A domed, small shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet.
The large ( for an azalea ) leaves turn to deep reddish-green during fall and winter. The foliage is bright green at first, turning to glossy deep green.
The intense deep red, ruffled flowers appear during late spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
* photo taken on Apr 28 2020 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on May 11 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Hirado ) 'Hakura'
Azalea ( Hirado ) 'Shiroku Jaku'
* photo taken on Apr 24 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
Azalea - Kaempferi
A group of hybrids hardy from zones 6 to 9 unless otherwise stated.
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Bengal Fire'
Orange-red flowers
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Dorset'
* photos taken on March 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Eddy'
Semi-double bright red flowers
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Fedora'
Reaches up to 5 feet in 10 years, eventually more, with deep purple-pink flowers
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'John Cairns'
Dense and upright, reaching up to 7 x 7 feet with bright green foliage and profuse deep orange red blooms
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Orange Beauty'
Reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years with deep green foliage and orange flowers flushed salmon.
Hardy north to zone 5b
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Palestrina'
Dense and upright, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, 6 feet in 20 years and eventually 10 feet.
The very showy, lightly fragrant, pure white ( with large yellowish-green flare ) flowers are up to 4 inches across.
Hardy zones 5a to 8 ( tolerating at least -20 F ).
Azalea ( Kaempferi ) 'Purple Triumph'
Deep purple flowers.
Azalea - Kurume
A family of hybrid Azaleas with large mid season blooms and mostly small ( up to 1 inch ), glossy dark green foliage. Most are slow growing, eventually reaching around 6 x 7 feet.
Karume Azaleas are typically hardy zones 7 to 9 unless otherwise noted. They can be prone to lacebug especially in sun.
Azalea ( kurume ) 'Amoenum'
Reaches up to 8 feet tall and even wider and living over 100 years; this Azalea has vivid purple red flowers. The largest recorded is in Swarthmore, PA
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Anniversary'
Compact, low growing up to 2 feet in height with light purplish-pink flowers
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Aratama'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Azuma Kagami'
Slow growing and compact to 5 x 4 feet with glossy bright green foliage and small, deep salmon pink, hose in hose flowers.
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Blaauw's Pink'
a dense compact shrub to 4 x 4 feet with deep green foliage and deep pink early spring flowers with a darker blotch.
Hardy north to zone 6b
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 3 2015 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Christmas Cheer'
Moderate growing, dense and upright; reaching up to 5 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 7 feet or more with great age.
The foliage is glossy mid-green.
The lightly fragrant, intense bright red, single to semi-double flowers, up to 1.3 inches across, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Coral Bells'
Moderate growing, dense and rounded; reaching up to 5 x 6 feet in 10 years, eventually to 7 x 6 feet.
The foliage is glossy mid-green.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, coral-pink flowers, up to an inch across, appear during early spring.
Hardy zones 6b to 9
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Dogwood Red'
Reaching up to 4 x 5 feet and sun tolerant unlike most Azaleas. The flowers on this one are red and edged with white
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Dogwood Variegated'
Reaching up to 4 x 5 feet and sun tolerant unlike most Azaleas; this one has salmon pink flowers with white streaks. It can even grow in the heat of Phoenix, Arizona if planted in the shade.
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Fukuhiko'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hardy Firefly'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hatsu Girl'
Reaching up to 4 feet in height with intense purple red flowers that are spotted pink in the throat
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hershey Red'
A vigorous grower, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 10 years, eventually to 6 x 8 feet. It is one of the faster growing Azaleas with a record growth rate of 28 inches.
The glossy deep green foliage turns to burgundy-red during the winter.
The abundant, lightly-fragrant, vibrant red, semi-double flowers, up to 2 inches across, appear over a 3 week period during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 9.
* photo taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2014 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Dec 3 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 6 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 25 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hino Crimson'
A moderate growing ( up to 1 foot per year ), dense, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 5 feet in 10 years, 6 x 5 feet in 20 years. The maximum size possible is 10 x 10 feet after 50 years or so.
The leaves, up to 1.3 inches long, are glossy deep green turning to red during winter.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, deep red to purplish-red, single flowers, up to 1.3 inches across, appear over a 3 week period during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 ( tolerating as low as -10 F ).
* photo taken on April 10 in Howard County, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 3 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 8 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 29 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 20 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 4 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 6 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 28 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 13 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 18 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 29 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 2 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 20 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hinode-Girl'
Moderate growing, compact and dense; reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet
The glossy bright green foliage turns to deep red during the winter. The abundant, lightly fragrant, bright crimson-red flowers, up to 1.5 inches across, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
* photo taken on Apr 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hino Mayo'
Reaches up to 8 feet with soft rose pink flowers
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Hino Tsukasa'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Ima-shojo'
Azalea ( Kurume )'Irohayama'
Compact and dense, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet with glossy bright green foliage and flowers that are white with pale lavender margins.
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Kagara'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Kagaribi'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Madonna'
semi-double white flowers
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Maya Fujin'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Mothers Day'
A dense low growing shrub to 4 x 6 feet or very rarely 6 feet in height.
The abundant flowers are up to 2 inches across and are scarlet in color.
Hardy north to zone 5b
* photo taken on May 5 2015 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( kurume ) 'Oochi Yama'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Osaraku'
Also called Penelope Azalea; it can reach up to 5 feet with age with flowers that are soft light purple or lavender in color
* photo taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Pink Pearl'
A rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 10 years, to 13 x 13 feet with great age.
The deep green foliage turns to pale green during winter.
The intense bright pink, semi-double flowers appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 6b to 9.
* photos taken on May 8 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Red Robin'
More tolerant of sun than most Azaleas and can reach up to 3 x 5 feet. Flowers are intense red.
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Rosebud'
Compact and rounded in habit, reaching up to 3 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 4 x 5 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The abundant, double, shell-pink flowers are borne over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 9
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Ruth May'
Dense, upright in habit, reaching up to 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 10 feet.
The elliptical leaves are up to 1.5 inches in length. The foliage is glossy deep green.
The flowers, up to 2.5 inches wide, are pink in bud, opening to pale pink.
Hardy zones 7+ ( tolerates -5 F ).
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Santoi'
Also called A. 'Shin Utena'; this Azalea has pale salmon flowers up to 1.5 inches across
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Sherwood Red'
Reaching up to 5 x 4 feet in size with orange red flowers
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Show Girl'
small bright salmon-orange flowers
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Snowflake'
Reaching up to 5 feet in height; this Azalea has semi-double white flowers
Hardy north to zone 6b
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Tokunatsu'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Tradition'
A moderate growing, dense, compact, rounded, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 x 5 feet.
The luxuriant mid-green foliage turns to orange-red during autumn.
The abundant, lightly fragrant, clear pink, hose-in-hose flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, are borne over a 3 week period during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 8 ( 5 on protected sites ).
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Usuyo'
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Ward's Ruby'
A shrub reaching up to 5 feet that produces intense deep red flowwers
Hardy north to zone 6.
Azalea ( Kurume ) 'Yuro'
Azalea ( Linwood ) 'Hardy Gardenia'
A small to medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 3 feet, bearing pure white, double flowers during mid-spring.
The foliage is green throughout the year.
Hardy to -10 F.
Azalea ( Macrantha ) 'Flame Creeper'
A delightful creeping, moderate growing, evergreen groundcover shrub, reaching up to 2 x 4 feet.
The small leaves are glossy deep green.
The abundant, single flowers, up to 2 inches across, are vivid orange-scarlet. The flowers are borne late spring into early summer, around the same time as the Gumpo Satsuki Azalea series.
Hardy zones 6b to 9 ( tolerating -10 F ).
* photo taken on June 1 2014 @ Maryland Horticulturalist Society garden tour, Columbia
* photos taken on June 11 2014 in Clarksville, MD
* photos taken on June 4 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Jun 14 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 30 2018 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Robin Hill ) 'Congo'
Dense and compact in habit, reaching up to 5 x 5 feet with intense bright purple flowers during mid to late spring.
The narrowly-elliptical leaves are glossy deep green.
Hardy zones 6 to 8.
Azalea ( Robin Hill ) 'Conversation Piece'
Fast growing ( up to 2 feet per year ), spreading, mounding, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 10 feet
The huge, light pink flowers, up to 3.5 inches across, are borne during late spring.
Zones 6 to 8 ( tolerating -10 F ).
* photos taken on May 25 2018 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Robin Hill ) 'Nancy of Robin Hill'
Low growing, reaching up to 2 feet, bearing bright pink ( with rose-pink flare ), double flowers, up to 2 inches across, during late spring.
Zones 6 to 8 ( tolerating -10 F ).
Azalea ( Robin Hill ) 'Sir Robert'
A compact, spreading shrub, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The abundant, frilled, very large, pale-pink ( with deep pink streaks and a rosy-purple blotch ) flowers, up to 3.5 inches wide, are borne during late spring into early summer. It also frequently reblooms during early autumn.
Hardy zones 6 to 8. It is more vigorous and less disease prone when compared to the similar sized Gumpo Azaleas in the hot humid southeastern U.S.
* photo taken on June 4 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 5 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 6 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 17 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 19 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - Satsuki Hybrids
Late blooming Azaleas that make excellent landscape plants but are also commonly used for bonsai in Japan. They are usually used for mass plantings. The leaves are small, up to 1 inch in length. The blooms appear after that of most evergreen Azaleas, during late spring into early summer. Hardy zones 6 to 9 ( protected sites in 6 ) preferring partial shade.
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Amagasa'
A low, spreading to domed shrub, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 3 x 5 feet in size.
The foliage is glossy mid-green, turning to bronze-purple during winter.
The abundant, intense deep orangish-pink flowers, up to 3.5 inches wide, appear during late spring, sometimes repeating during early autumn.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
* photos taken on May 25 2018 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Getsutoku'
Slow growing and rounded, reaching up to 3 x 3.5 feet.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The large flowers are white with salmon-pink interior and deep pink spots.
* photos taken on June 5 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 20 2024 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Gumpo Lavender'
Compact and domed in habit, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 4 x 5 feet with great age.
The small leaves are glossy deep green.
The lightly fragrant, lavender, ruffled, semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during late spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Gumpo Pink'
Compact and domed in habit, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 3 x 5 feet with great age.
The small leaves are glossy deep green.
The lightly fragrant, pink ( edged in white ), ruffled, semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during late spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
* photo taken on May 27 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 25 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 6 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 23 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 21 2014 @ Smithsonian Inst., Washington, DC
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Gumpo Red'
Similar to 'Gumpo pink' except with rose-red flowers.
* photo taken on June 13 2015 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Gumpo Salmon'
Similar to 'Gumpo Pink' but with ruffled flowers that are salmon-pink.
* photo taken on June 15 2014 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Gumpo White'
Compact and domed in habit, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 3 x 5 feet with great age.
The small leaves are glossy bright green.
The lightly fragrant, white, ruffled, semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches wide, appear over a period lasting up to 3 weeks during late spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
* photos taken on June 1 2010 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 15 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken @ Smithsonian Inst, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
* photo taken on June 13 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Jun 14 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 19 2016 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
* photo taken on June 10 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 10 2022 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Kaempo'
Reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in 10 years and eventually up to 4 x 4 feet with wavy edged, single, light pink blooms.
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Shirafuji'
Slow growing and rounded to domed, reaching up to 3 x 4 feet.
Foliage is mid-green with a creamy-white margin.
The flowers are white with reddish-pink striping.
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Shogetsu'
Compact in habit, reaching up to 2.3 x 4 feet in size. As with other satsuki hybrids, it is a hybrid containing mostly A. indicum and A. tamarae
The huge white ( with lilac-purple edge ) flowers, are up to 5 inches wide.
* photos taken on May 1 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photos taken on May 17 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 21 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Satsuki ) 'Tama-no-Hada'
Compact in habit, reaching up to 2 x 3 feet in size. As with other satsuki hybrids, it is a hybrid containing mostly A. indicum and A. tamarae
The huge white flowers, up to 5 inches wide, are often splashed red while some flowers are entirely red.
* photos taken on May 28 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 3 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 2 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 24 2024 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - Shammarello Hybrids
Azalea 'Elsie Lee'
An upright, rounded, evergreen shrub, reaching up to 3 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 6 x 7 feet.
The leaves, up to 3 inches in length, are glossy deep green, turning to orange or red during autumn.
The abundant, lightly-fragrant, lavender-pink, very large, semi-double flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne during mid-spring.
Hardy zones 5b to 9.
* photos taken on May 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 15 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 4 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 3 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 15 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 9 2023 in Columbia, MD
Azalea - Southern Indica Hybrids
Generally large growing, vigorous and sun tolerant.
The foliage is large, up to 3 inches in length.
They can reach up to 10 x 10 feet or sometimes even 12 feet and are hardy zones 8 to 11 unless otherwise noted. Preferring partial shade, established plants are more sun tolerant than most Azaleas.
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Alba Magnifica'
Vigorous growing and tolerant of full sun; this azalea has fragrant, large white flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Alphonse Anderson'
Reaching up to 6 feet with light pink flowers blotched darker.
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Brilliant'
Flowers are deep pink blotched purple-red
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Concinna'
Violet flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Desiree'
Bright green foliage and deep pink flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Formosa'
Reaching up to 12 x 10 feet with 3.5 inch flowers that are deep red-purple blotched darker
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'GG Gerbing'
Moderate growing up to 12 x 8 feet with white flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'George T Taber'
Moderate growing, reaching up to 12 x 8 feet with single, orchid pink flowers up to 3 inches across
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Glory of Sunninghill'
The large, up to 2 inch flowers are single and orange-red in color
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Magnifica'
Reaches up to 5 x 5 feet in size with large, slightly fragrant, violet color flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Pink Lace'
Flowers are light pink except for the throat which is rose and the petal margins which are white.
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'Snow Prince'
Very profuse white flowers
Azalea ( Southern Indica ) 'White Lace'
Pure white flowers
Azalea ( Unknown ) 'Anna Kehr'
Vigorous growing up to 4 x 4 feet with double, dark pink tinged purple blooms. Easy to grow and hardy zones 7 to 9
Azalea ( Unknown ) 'Blue Baron'
A compact plant reaching up to 4 x 4 feet with rich green foliage that turns bronze in winter. The flowers are indigo blue.
Azalea ( Unknown ) 'Chippewa'
Dwarf and spreading, reaching up to 2.5 feet in 10 years. This Azaleas has rose pink flowers up to 1.7 inches across in early summer extending the Azalea blooming season.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
Azalea ( Unknown ) 'Lemur'
Reaches up to 2 x 3.5 feet and is absolutely covered in intense deep pink flowers, up to 1.8 inches wide, during mid spring. It is a Azalea nakaharae hybrid that includes both Azalea 'Mariko' and Azalea 'Vuyk's Scarlet'.
The glossy foliage turns an attractive reddish color during the winter.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
Azalea ( Vuyk ) 'Blue Danube'
Reaching up to 3 x 5 feet ( rarely 5 x 5 feet ) with deep green foliage and intense violet blue flowers with deep purple-red midribs.
Hardy to -15 F.
* photo taken on Apr 28 2020 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Vuyk ) 'Christina'
Reaching up to 6 x 6 feet or rarely 10 feet; this Azalea has large purplish-pink flowers.
Azalea ( Vuyk ) 'Johanna'
Vigorous, reaching up to 6 x 5 feet with shiny, deep green foliage that turns stunning red-purple in the fall and winter.
The semi-double flowers are stunningly intense deep red.
Hardy north to zone 6
* photos taken on Apr 2010 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 25 2017 in Columbia, MD
Azalea ( Vuyk ) 'Vuyk's Scarlet'
Compact and dense, reaching up to 3 x 5 feet with profuse bright scarlet red flowers up to 2 inches across and very glossy,bright green foliage. Hardy north to zone 5
Azalea ( Weston ) 'Abigail Adams'
Mounding and spreading in habit, reachingu p to 4 feet in height.
The large flowers are bright pink.
Hardy zones 6a to 8 ( tolerating -15 F ).
Azalea ( Weston ) 'Bixby'
A low, spreading, semi-evergreen shrub, reaching up to 2 feet in height.
The large flowers are intense scarlet-red.
Hardy zones 5b to 8 ( tolerating -20 F ).
Additional Azalea photos taken during April 2010
* photos taken on April 22 2010 @ Brighton Dam in Howard County, MD
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