Welcome to Randy Stewart Landscape Design blog, specializing in Horticulture / Landscape Design with 20 years experience.
I hope to help you transform your home into a sustainable flourishing garden paradise. Enjoy scrolling through the plant profiles and Model Home Design Albums on the right side index.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Japanese ( Palmatum ) Maples
Acer palmatum ( Japanese Maple ) A medium-sized to large tree native to China, Korea & Japan that grows upright in its youth and spreading with age. It can reach up to 20 x 5 feet in 10 years, 33 x 33 feet in 20 years and eventually to 50 feet with some much larger to 90 x 72 feet. The largest trunk diameter ever recorded is 5.5 feet! Long lived; the Japanese Maple is known to persist as long as 1000 years in age. In the U.S. an exceptional tree of 54 x 60 x 3.5 feet grows in Greenwich, CT. The leaves are palmately 5 to 7 pointed toothed lobed. The foliage is light green turning to orange, red and purple ( sometimes with all colors on the same tree ) over a long season during late fall. The Japanese Maple typically leafs out early in spring. The fruits are small to 0.5 inches in small clusters. They are reddish in color. The smooth bark is greenish-gray. Often Japanese Maple leaf scorch is caused by more water lost from the leaves that replaced by the roots. Often the problem is incompatability between understock and graft or a mechanical obstruction at the graft union that blocks uptake of water. Its many forms must be propagated either from softwood cuttings during early summer or by grafting since seed grown trees are extremely variable. The species can be grown from seed that is soaked in warm water then sown during autumn. Hardy zones 6 to 9. The Japanese Maple is hardier than its delicate appearance might suggest though it does grow best on sites with fertile, moist, cool, acid, light, well drained soil and some shelter from wind. Late winter to spring pruning is not recommended due to excessive bleeding due to rising sap, unless to fix broken limbs. Inspect young trees for narrow branch angles and older trees for over extended branches and excessively twiggy growths. Prune accordingly during early autumn to prevent winter storm damage caused by snow / ice weight. An organic mulch over the root zone is recommended. Korean Maples are not fussy whether it is a shredded hardwood mulch, bark chips or chopped oak leaves. Turf grass or weeds will compete with the shallow roots and reduce growth of your japanese maple. The roots can be easily damaged by lawn chemicals or herbicides or cultivation such as hard raking. Mice sometimes eat the bark during winter, risking girdling to the tree - wrap the lower trunk of young trees where this is a problem.
* photo taken on April 11 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC * photo taken on annual Horticultural Society of Maryland Garden Tour * photos taken on 4th of July 2010 in Washington, D.C. * photos taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA * photos taken on Nov 24 2012 in Wilkes-Barre, PA
* photos taken on Sep 3 2013 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on Sep 27 2013 in Laurel, MD
* photo taken on July 24 2014 in Ellicott City, MD
* photo taken on Aug 30 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Jan 18 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Mar 1 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 10 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Aug 4 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
'Arakawa' ( Roughbark Japanese Maple ) A fast growing, upright tree to 26 feet or more. The rough creased cracked bark on this fast growing greenleaf palmatum develops after 3 years.
The foliage is similar to species Acer palmatum and is bright green, turning to golden-yellow during autumn.
'Atrolineare' A dense, upright ( eventually rounded ) tree, reaching up to 12 x 5 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 25 x 25 feet. The leaves are palmate with 5 very narrow linear lobes. They are dark red in spring turning greenish-bronze during summer then orange-yellow in fall.
Hardy zones 5+.
'Atropurpureum' Same as 'Bloodgood' below except for not holding its deep red color as well during the summer.
* photos taken on June 24 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 3 2017 in Columbia, MD
* Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' in Simcoe, ON
* Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' in Grand Bend, ON
* Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' in Grand Bend, ON
* Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' in Kingston, PA
* photos taken on Apr 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 23 2022 in Columbia, MD
* additional Jap Maple photos
* photos taken on Nov 9 2011 in Columbia, MD
'Bloodgood' ( Bloodgood Japanese Maple ) An upright tree that becomes spreading with age that grows to about the same size as Acer palmatum. A moderately fast grower ( no more than 2 feet per year ); it sometimes grows much faster in ideal sites with the record growth rate being 6 feet. The 5 to 7 lobed leaves are dark red in spring and holding that color well in the summer. They turn vibrant red in the fall. The winged fruits are also red. Reported to tolerate -30 F; this cultivar is very common in southern Ontario as well as much of the eastern U.S. Cuttings are easy to root. * photo taken in Wilkes-Barre, PA on July 2009 * photo taken on May 7 2014 in Edgewater, MD
* photo taken in Catonsville, MD on April 2005 * photo taken on April 11 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC * photos taken on August 3 2010 @ University of Guelph Arboretum, Ontario * photo taken on August 4 2010 @ Stratford, Ontario * photo taken on Apr 24 2011 in Columbia, MD * photo taken on June 17 2011 in Columbia, MD * photo taken on Oct 17 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 11 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 14 2015 in Baltimore Co., MD
* photo taken on May 26 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 14 2016 in Howard Co., MD
* bloodgood jap. maple in Wiarton, ON
* photo taken on May 18 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 13 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Brown Sugar'
Vigorous growing, reaching up to 2.5 x 3.4 feet in 2 years, eventually reaching up to 17 x 12 feet.
The foliage is deep brownish-red at first, turning to deep green. After the middle of summer, new growth continues into autum but this further new growth is bright red. The 7-lobed leaves are up to 3.5 x 3.7 inches in size.
The stems are bright red durign winter.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
'Burgundy Lace' A vigorous spreading Laceleaf Maple with large, deeply-cut leaves that are rich purple, turning to intense scarlet-red in fall. Some records include: 10 years - 12 feet; largest on record - 20 x 22 feet.
* photo taken on May 8 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
'Butterfly' A small vase shape tree, up to 8 x 6 feet in 10 years, with the record being 20 x 15 feet. Slow growing; on ideal sites it can become almost moderate growing with the most recorded being 4 ( over 2.5 extremely rare ) feet. The 5-lobed, distinctly twisted leaves are gray-green with creamy white margins. Plant in light shade on a site sheltered from hot dry winds or the foliage may scorch during summer.
* photo taken on May 10 2011 in Columbia, MD * photos taken by Milan Havlis, owner of central Europe's premier plant nursery
* photos taken on May 2 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 1 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Chishio' A slow growing shrub or small tree that rarely reaches up to 30 + x 10 feet. The foliage is shrimp pink in spring later turning to green. Fall color is poor. The leaves are small, up to 2 inches across. An excellent choice for bonsais.
'Chitoseyama' Slow growing, arching and mounding in habit, reaching a maximum size of 12 x 10 ( rarely over 6 x 6 ) feet. The deeply-cut leaves are purplish-red at first, turning to bronze-green during summer. The foliage turns to scarlet-red during autumn.
'Corallinum' Slow growing compact round shrub to 4 feet in 10 years, 6.5 x 6.5 feet in 20 years, eventually to 8 x 7 feet or more. The record height is 17 feet. The leaves are coral pink in spring turning to bright green during summer, then to scarlet-red during autumn. Propagated from softwood cuttings taken in early summer.
* photos taken by Milan Havlis, owner of central Europe's premier plant nursery
'Crimson Prince'
Similar to 'Bloodgood' but faster growing and somewhat more cold hardy. It has been reported to have grown twice as fast as seedlings of Acer palmatum `Atropurpureum` growing in identical conditions in a seed plot in Princeton, NJ
The deep purplish-red foliage turns to scarlet-red during autumn. The 5 to 7 lobed leaves are up to 5.7 x 5.7 inches in size.
Hardy zones 4b+, it is more cold hardy than 'Bloodgood' and is less likely to have tip dieback during cold winters.
'Crimson Queen' Strong growing Laceleaf Maple to 6 x 8 feet in 10 years, 10 x 12 feet in 15 years with the record size being 15 x 20 feet. Some records include: fastest growth rate - 2 feet. It often has a twisted trunk and is strongly weeping in habit. The deeply-cut leaves are deep red all summer long, turning to intense scarlet-red during autumn.
* photos taken on Aug 5 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 11 2019 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on Nov 4 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photos taken on Sep 10 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 20 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 2 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 19 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Dissectum Atropurpureum' ( Laceleaf Japanese Maple )
The original laceleaf japanese maple cultivar, typically deep red during spring, turning to bronze-green during summer.
* taken on college landscape tour of Longwood Gardens, Philly on March 1994 * photos taken on July 2021 @ Hershey Gardens, Hershey, PA
'Emperor' Identical to 'Bloodgood' but exceptionally vigorous and more upright, holds its color well in the shade and leafs out 2 weeks later avoiding frost damage. It reaches an average of 30 x 30 feet in 20 years, eventually much larger.
* photo taken on June 15 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 18 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photos taken on July 10 2023 @ Collingwood Arboretum, Collingwood, ON
* photos taken on May 8 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 10 2024 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Aug 18 2024 in Bayfield, ON
'Ever Red' An irregular dome-shaped plant reaching up to 15 x 15 feet in 20 years though its height can vary depending on the height of the graft. Moderate growing; it can sometimes grow very vigorously to 4.5 feet per year when young. The largest on record is 16 x 33 feet with a trunk diameter of 1.5 feet making this one of the largest of all the Laceleafs. The foliage is silvery pubescent at first during spring, turning to deep red and holding this color well during summer. In autumn its foliage turns to scarlet.
* photo taken on June 28 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 5 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 21 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken during Nov 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 18 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photos taken on May 24 2022 in Columbia, MD
'Fireglow' A tree form, averaging about 10 x 10 feet in 10 years, 15 feet in 15 years, eventually 25 x 20 feet in size. It is similar to Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' but its foliage is even deeper purple and less deeply divided. It is also more heat and sun tolerant than 'Bloodgood' having been developed in Alabama. Hardy north to zone 5
* photo taken on Aug 13 2023 in Elkridge, MD
'Garnet' A very vigorous spreading Laceleaf Maple ( averaging 5 x 6 feet in 10 years, 12 x 8 feet in 20 years ). The largest on record is an amazing 17 x 34 feet and the record growth rate is 4.5 feet ( both mature size and growth rate usually half or less ). This Maple can be kept much smaller with pruning. The finely dissected foliage is deep red during spring and holding its color well in summer. The leaves turn to fiery red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5
'Garnet Tower'
Moderate growing and upright in habit but not as much as 'Seiryu'. It can reach up to 13 x 10 feet in 10 years. It originated as a mutation on 'Garnet'.
The foliage is silvery at first, turning to deep purplish-red during summer. The foliage turns to intense scarlet-red during autumn. The leaves average 3.6 x 3.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
'Glowing Embers' Hardy north to zone 5 and growing to 40 x 30 feet or more in size; it is sun, drought and heat tolerant. Very vigorous when growing on its own roots. Green foliage with intense orange-red fall color.
'Green Lace' Cascading form to 13 x 13 feet with finely dissected fresh green leaves that turn golden yellow in the fall.
'Heptalobium Rubrum' Similar to Acer palmatum except with 7 lobed leaves that are wine purple in spring turning green in summer then to orange-red in fall.
* photos taken on Dec 6 2015 in Columbia, MD
'Higasayama' An open vase shaped small tree eventually reaching up to 12 feet in 10 years, eventually to around 27 x 20 feet. Largest on record is 40 feet in height with a trunk diameter of 14 inches. The 5 to 7 lobed crinkled leaves are boldly edged with cream and pink. The foliage turns to yellow and red during autumn. This Maple needs shelter from western sun.
'Inaba Shidare' The largest leaf of the cutleaf Purple Jap. Maples. It can vigorously reach up to 6 x 6 feet in 10 years, 10 x 12 feet in 20 years and eventually up to 15 x 15 ( rarely over 12 ) feet in size. It is often more upright & tree-like in habit than many other cutleaf Japanese Maples. The leaves, up to 6 inches across, are deep purple, turning to red during autumn. Hardy zones 5+, it is also one of the most heat tolerant cutleaf cultivars.
* photo taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* photo taken during Nov 2018 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on July 6 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 13 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 25 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 29 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 19 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 29 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Katsura' A spectacular, moderate growing, shrubby tree that can reach up to 12 feet in 10 years, 25 feet in 15 years, 30 x 15 feet with great age. The leaves are 5 to 7 lobed. The small foliage is intense orangish-yellow during spring and fall; yellowish-green during summer. The foliage turns to intense yellow, orange and red during autumn.
* photo taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
A fast growing but low and spreading, reaching up to 6 x 6+feet in size.
The filagree foliage is orangish-red at first, turning to luxuriant mid-green. The leaves turn intense orangish-yellow during autumn.
* photo taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
'Linearilobium' An elegant small tree to 30 feet with a trunk diameter of 1 foot with great age. The palmate leaves have 5 narrow long lobes and are bright green in spring and summer turning to yellow-orange in fall. * photo taken on May 16 @ Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD * photos taken on Aug 4 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
* photos taken on Oct 18 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Sep 15 2022 in Columbia, MD
'Linearilobium Atropurpureum' Same as 'linearilobium' except with purple-bronze foliage.
* photos taken on July 25 2015 @ Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
* photo taken on Apr 16 2017 in Pikesville, MD
'Lionheart' A semi-upright ( not weeping ), small tree reaching up to 6 x 3 feet in 10 years, eventually to 13 x 13 feet. The cutleaf foliage which is red in spring and fall and bronze in summer.
Has good heat tolerance.
'Margaret Bee' Vigorous growing to about same size and form as Acer palmatum. Has 7 lobed deep purple foliage that holds its color well in summmer. Fall color display is poor.
'Moonfire' One of the fastest growing Japanese Maples to 3.5 feet per year, it averages 15 feet in 10 years and can reach an eventual size of 25 x 20 feet. It is upright in habit. The 7 lobed leaves are pinkish-red during spring turning to very deep purple during summer. The new growth during summer is red. Autumn color is often poor though is sometimes red.
The stems are also very deep burgundy to nearly black.
Very heat tolerant.
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Nicholsonii' A dense branched shrub or small tree, reaching up to 8 x 5 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 17 in height. The large leaves are similar in shape to Acer palmatum and 7 to 9 lobed. The foliage is pale green with yellowish midrib ( and tipped pink ) during spring. The blue-green summer foliage turns to intense scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5, also has good heat tolerance.
'Nigrum' Very similar to Acer palmatum in size and shape. The leaves are also similar but 5 lobed and very large. They are very dark purple.
'Okagami' Vigorous, upright and very large growing, reaching up to 18 feet in 10 years, eventually much larger.
The large leaves are deep red during spring, turning to the shiniest of black-red during the summer. The foliage then turns to intense scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5.
'Omurayama' With a moderate growth rate, reaching up to 12 feet in 10 years and eventually to 20 x 16 feet. This Japanese Maple is shaped like the Weeping Willow. The brilliant bright green deeply divided leaves turn golden-yellow or red during autumn.
'Orangeola' A vigorous cascading shrub, reaching up to 6 x 4 feet in 10 years, 10 x 8 feet in 15 years and eventually to 15 x 10 feet.
The finely-dissected foliage is orangish-red during spring, turning to reddish-green during summer with long lasting fiery orange-red fall color. It often continues to push new growth all summer long attributing to a multi-color effect.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photo taken on July 17 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 20 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 19 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 20 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 7 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Ornatum' A widely-spreading, mounding shrub; this Cutleaf Japanese Maple can grow huge with great age with the record being 28 x 20 feet with a trunk diameter of 1.5 feet. It is usually slow growing, reaching just 6 feet in 10 years.
The deeply-dissected leaves are bronze-red during spring, turning to greenish in summer. The foliage turns to deep red during autumn. The leaves are large for a cutleaf Maple and are up to 6 x 5 inches in size.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photo taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
* photo taken on Aug 4 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
'Osakazuki' Rapid growing and rounded in habit, reaching up to 18 x 8 feet in 10 years; eventually 26 x 20 feet or more. The largest on record is 33 feet with a trunk diameter of 1.5 feet and even larger ones likely occur.
This cultivar has very large leaves, up to 5 inches across. The foliage is rich mid-green during summer, turning intense scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Oshio Beni' A fast growing tree with a single trunk and rounded to broad crown; it reaches an average of 15 feet in 10 years, 25 feet in 15 years and eventually about the same size as Acer palmatum. The very deeply-lobed leaves are bright red during spring turning to darker red, before turning to bronze-green during summer. The leaves turn to deep red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5, it also has good heat tolerance.
'Our Backyard' A freak of nature "Japanese Maple on Steroids!" 6 feet of new growth is common. The large foliage turns brilliant red very late in the fall.
'Purple Ghost' Fast growing & upright ( eventually rounded to flat-crowned ) in habit to 30 feet in height. The leaves are intense purplish-red during spring, turning to deep purple veined black during summer. The foliage turns fiery scarlet-red during autumn. The foliage has a distinct ruffled edge that is very attractive but can scorch in intense full sun.
'Red Dragon' A fast growing Laceleaf Maple, reaching up to 3 feet in 4 years, 8 x 8 feet in 10 years and eventually to as large as 12 x 15 feet. The foliage is rich reddish-purple and holds this color even in hot dry conditions. The leaves are smaller than some other dissectum cultivars and very resistant to leaf scorch.
The stems are blackish-purple.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photos taken on Sep 19 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 20 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 30 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 25 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 4 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 28 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 20 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 30 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2022 in Ellicott City, MD
* photo taken on Nov 19 2023 in Columbia, MD
'Red Filagree Lace' Slow growing and wide-mounding. It may need to be trained on a stake when young for it to gain height, otherwise it typically only reaches 3 feet in height in 10 years.
The foliage is the most finely dissected of all the Cutleaf Japanese Maples. Very deep purple color holds well in summer. The foliage turns to red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5, it is surprisingly sun tolerant but also holds its color well in shade. * photo taken on May 1 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C. * photo taken on May 1 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 15 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 27 2023 in Ellicott City, MD
* photo taken on May 8 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
'Redwood' Similar to 'Sangu Kaku' but faster growing. The stems are red for 2 or more winters.
'Reticulatum' Slow growing eventually becoming a tall spreading shrub up to 15 feet in height. The leaves are 7-lobed with white net-like patterning.
'Sango Kaku' One of the most beautiful of all Maples this one grows to about the same size as Acer palmatum. Typically of moderate to fast growth rate, some records include: fastest growth rate - 5 feet; 10 years - 18 feet; 20 years - 25 x 22 feet; largest on record - 40 x 25 feet with a trunk diameter of 22 inches.
The foliage is luxuriant bright green during spring and summer; turning apricot-orange over a long period during autumn. It is known for the bark on it younger branches which is glowing red in winter.
It is not recommended north of zone 6. The foliage emerges early and may be prone to spring frosts in some areas.
* photos taken on Mar 7 2013 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD * photos taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
* photo taken on June 15 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Mar 18 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Nov 3 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* Acer palmatum 'Sangu-Kaku in Dunnville, ON
* photo taken on Nov 7 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 5 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Oct 27 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 11 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 9 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 8 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 27 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 18 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 16 2024 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Aug 24 2024 @ Howard County Conservancy, Woodstock, MD
* photos taken on Nov 21 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Sherwood Flame' An upright, rounded tree, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 16 feet. Some records include: 10 years - 8 x 8 feet; 20 years - 13 x 10 feet. The laceleaf foliage is deep reddish-purple.
'Seiryu' An upright, dissectum ( cutleaf ) cultivar with green foliage. Vigorous growing ( record growth rate is 4.5 feet ) and upright to vase-shaped; reaching up to 50 feet in height with great age. In normal conditions, 12 to 12 feet is about average for 10 years, 20 x 20 feet in 20 years. The dissected, lacy foliage is rich bright green during spring, turning to mid-green during summer, the foliage then turns to red-purple during autumn. The green stems are especially attractive during winter.
Hardy north to zone 5, it is also very heat and sun tolerant.
* photo of unknown internet source * photo taken on April 11 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum * photo taken on August 2 2010 in Bayfield, Ontario * photo taken on October 17 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C. * photos taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photos taken on Aug 16 2024 in Bayfield, ON
'Shishigashira' ( Lions Mane Maple ) A dense, upright tree, reaching up to 10 feet in 10 years, 15 x 12 feet in 20 years, eventually around 20 x 20 feet. The twisted branches create an interesting architectural effect. The dense, crinkled, deep green foliage turns to bright golden-orange during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photo taken on June 22 2014 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Aug 14 2024 @ Coventry Gardens, Windsor, ON
'Shin-deshojo' Forms a delicately branched, dense, rounded tree, up to 8 x 6 feet in 10 years, the largest on record is 13 x 17 feet.
The foliage is regular A. palmatum type but smaller. The leaves are scarlet-red at first, turning to olive-green with a thin red edge then finally bright green. The fall color is usually not spectacular but is sometimes red.
It is only hardy north to zone 6 but has excellent heat and sun tolerance.
'Suminagashi' Growing vigorously to about the same eventual size as Acer palmatum, reaching about 15 x 15 feet in 10 years.
This cultivar has very deeply cut 7 lobed leaves. The foliage is very deep purple, holding their color well during the summer, The leaves then turn crimson-red during autumn.
It bears abundant red seeds.
The stems are bright green.
Hardy north to zone 5
* photos taken on Mar 18 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Summer Gold'
The golden leaf counterpart to 'Bloodgood' and even forms a stunning contrast planted with it. It forms a moderate growing, upright ( eventuallt rounded ) tree, reaching up to 12 feet in 10 years, eventually 20 feet or more.
The Acer palmatum type foliage is golden-yellow all season long. The red leaf stalks and stems form a nice contrast.
It is only hardy north to zone 6 but is surprisingly heat and sun tolerant.
'Tamukeyama' A Cutleaf Japanese Maple very vigorously reaching up to 6 x 8 feet in 10 years, 12 x 12 feet in 20 years, and eventually to 13 x 15 feet in size. The foliage is deep red during spring turning to deep reddish-purple during summer and remaining that color even in the hot humid summers of the southeast U.S. The foliage on the long pendulous branches turns to scarlet-red during autumn. The stems are deep burgundy-red.
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on June 5 2019 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on Nov 9 2020 in Ellicott City, MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on June 19 2023 @ Hershey Gardens, Hershey, PA
'Trompenburg' A very vigorous, upright tree, averaging 15 x 6 feet in 10 years, reaching an eventual maximum size of 30 x 30 feet in size. The deeply-divided leaves are made up of 7 serrated narrow lobes. The leaves are cupped downward creating a distinctive and interesting effect. The scorch resistant leaves are shiny purple during the spring turning rich purple-red through the summer. The foliage turns to scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5. Irrigation water tends to damage the foliage on this cultivar easily.
A vigorous, upright, large form, reaching up to 15 feet in 10 years, eventually to 30 feet or even more in height.
The foliage is bright red at first, quickly turning to mid-green, then developing a reddish tinge by late summer. The foliage turns intense orange-red during autumn.
* photo taken on Feb 8 2015 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photo taken on Sep 3 2017 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
'Velvet Viking'
Low, spreading and weeping in habit, reaching up to 3 x 1.8 feet in 3 years, 3 x 5 feet in 15 years, eventually more. It is moderate growing when young, up to 1 foot per year.
The leaves are up to 3 x 3 inches in size. The lacy cutleaf foliage is rich red all season, turning to intense scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 8, it is a full zone hardier than 'Crimson Queen' and most cutleaf Acer palmatums. It originated as a seedling in a private garden in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
'Ville Taranto' A striking, moderate growing, compact, small tree with an open vase-shape habit reaching up to 6 feet in 10 years, eventually to 18 x 18 feet at most.
The leaves are typically 5 narrowly-lobed. The finely-textured foliage is pinkish-purple at first, turning to greenish-purple. The leaves turn to
golden-yellow during autumn.
It is only hardy north to zone 6.
* photo of unknown internet source
A broad-spreading, domed to weeping shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in 10 years, 12 x 12 feet in 20 years, with great age they will add much more width but not height.
The finely dissected foliage is bright green. The leaves turn to intense golden-yellow or flaming orange during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 6.
* photo taken on October 17 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C. * photos taken on June 17 2011 in Columbia, MD * photo taken on Apr 24 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 4 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Jul 25 2018 in Columbia, MD
* historical archive photo
* photos taken during Sep 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 21 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 29 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 18 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 22 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 16 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 19 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 5 2022 @ Jackson Park, Windsor, ON
* photo taken on July 10 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 17 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 5 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 20 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 31 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 16 2024 in Bayfield, ON
* photo taken on Nov 21 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
'Waterfall' A cascading dome-shaped shrub reaching up to 8 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 10 x 14 feet in size. The deeply-cut dissectum foliage is luxuriant bright green during summer. The leaves turn to golden-yellow during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5. It may be prone to leaf scorch in full sun where summers are hot.
* photos taken on May 20 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 26 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 23 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 11 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 8 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 27 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 7 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 3 2024 in Columbia, MD
Acer japonicum ( Fullmoon Maple ) A broadly-spreading, dense-canopied, small to medium-size tree native to mountains of Japan. It grows at a moderate rate to a maximum size of 46 x 27 feet in 20 years. It rarely exceeds 50 feet at maturity though the largest trees ever recorded reach up to 72 x 72 feet with a trunk diameter of 26 inches. The fastest recorded growth rate is 3 feet. The round leaves are cut into 7 to 11 sharply-toothed ovate pointed lobes. The leaves average 6 inches in width but can be as much as 9 x 10 inches on vigorous shoots. The Fullmoon Maple leafs out early in spring when the foliage is hairy; turning to dark green above and lighter below being nearly smooth on both sides. The leaves turn to yellow, orange and red during autumn. The small red-purple flowers are borne in drooping clusters with the emerging foliage during mid or late spring.
They are followed by green keys up to an inch wide. The stems are very thick and the smooth bark is pale brownish-gray. Hardy zones 4 to 8 ( tolerating as low as -31 F ) , preferring a moist, well drained, fertile site sheltered from excessive wind. Sun or part shade is generally good though part shade is better where summers are extremely hot.
* photos taken on June 1 2014 @ Maryland Horticulturalist Society Garden Tour, Clarksville
'Aconitifolium' ( Fernleaf Maple ) Less vigorous with deeply dissected toothed leaves that emerge coppery-red turning to green then to deep red during late autumn.
* photos taken on May 8 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C. * photos taken on 4th of July 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C. * photo taken on Aug 4 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
* photo taken on Apr 16 2024 in Howard Co., MD
Huge', deeply-cut leaves ( around 10 inches across ) on a tree reaching up to 30 feet; otherwise similar to species.
'Ed Wood 2'
A fast growing version of 'Aconitifolium' with huge leaves.
'Emmett's Pumpkin'
A moderate growing, upright, bushy, semi-dwarf form, reaching only 12 feet in 15 years, eventually 20 feet. Some records include: fastest growth rate - 3 feet.
The large, 7 to 9 lobed leaves are orangish at first, turning to lime green than finally bright green during summer. The leaves turn to intense orange-red during autumn.
* photo taken on Feb 8 2015 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photo taken on July 10 2024 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Giant Moon'
Huge leaves are silver-pinkish and hairy at first, turning to bright green. The foliage turns to intense orange-red during autumn.
It is similar in growth and habit to regular Acer japonicum.
It bears abundant deep red flowers and fruits.
'Vitifolium' ( Vineleaf Maple ) Very vigorous. Very large leaves are 11 lobed and up to 8.7 x 9.5 inches in size. The foliage is bronze during spring turning to deep green during summer. The leaves turn to dazzling orange and scarlet-red during fall. The leaves can reach up to 8.7 x 9.5 inches in size.
'Wood's #2' Also called Ed Wood 2. Vigorously reaches about the same size as the species.
The huge leaves, almost up to a foot across, are bright green at first, turning to mid-green. The foliage turns intense yellow, orange and red during autumn.
Acer pseudosieboldianum ( Korean Maple )
A moderate growing ( often up to 1.5 feet per year ), upright ( eventually rounded ) tree, reaching up to 20 x 16 feet in 10 years, eventually to 30 x 30 feet or more. On tree planted at 3 feet was reported to have already reached 10 feet just 3 years later.
It is native to far eastern Russia, northeastern China ( Heilongjiang, southeastern Jilin and eastern Liaoning Provinces ) and the Korean Peninsula.
The deeply-lobed, 7 to 11 lobed, palmate, rounded leaves are up to 5 inches across. The foliage is downy bright green at first, later turning to deep green above, bright green beneath. The leaves turn to intense orange and red during autumn. The foliage of related Acer sieboldianum is different in that it is not hairy at it emerges during spring.
The small yellowish-white flowers are borne during late spring.
They are followed by purplish keys up to 1 inch wide during early autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 ( hardy to -30 F or possibly even colder for far eastern Russia seed sourse ) in full sun to partial shade. It is reported to thrive in central Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and also reported by famed horticulturalist Dr Michael Dirr to be thriving at the frigid University of Maine campus in Orono. Korean Maple is hardier than its delicate appearance might suggest though it does grow best on sites with fertile, moist, cool, acid, light, well drained soil and some shelter from wind. It tends to leaf out early in the Ohio valley where it can sometimes get damaged by late freezes but considering its cool natural range, it does well through much of the south, even tolerating the heat from eastern Texas through northern Georgia to North Carolina. Late winter to spring pruning is not recommended due to excessive bleeding due to rising sap, unless to fix broken limbs. Inspect young trees for narrow branch angles and older trees for over extended branches and excessively twiggy growths. Prune accordingly during early autumn to prevent winter storm damage caused by snow / ice weight. An organic mulch over the root zone is recommended. Korean Maples are not fussy whether it is a shredded hardwood mulch, bark chips or chopped oak leaves. Turf grass or weeds will compete with the shallow roots and reduce growth of your japanese maple. The roots can be easily damaged by lawn chemicals or herbicides or cultivation such as hard raking. Mice sometimes eat the bark during winter, risking girdling to the tree - wrap the lower trunk of young trees where this is a problem. Propagation is fairly easy from seed if hot waver is first poured over the seed during fall before it is soaked for 24 hours then planted 0.25 inches deep in a moist, well drained sandy medium and kept at 40 F for 3 to 4 months. Seed should not be used if the parent tree is close enough to related but less hardy maples in which is could hybridize.
* photo taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Aug 30 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
'Arctic Jade'
Similar to species in habit but with large, deeply cut leaves similar to the less cold hardy Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’. This cultivar was developed by the famous Iseli Nursery. It is fast growing, often more than 1 foot per year, to 20 x 15 feet in 20 years, eventually more. It is usually upright and broadly-oval to rounded in habit.
The leaves turn to intense orange and red during autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 7, it thrives best in a continental climate.
'Ice Dragon'
The first dissectum-type "Japanese Maple" for zone 4!!! It forms a vigorous, large, weeping, mounded to rounded shrub, reaching up to 8 x 10 feet in 10 years, eventually more. It can grow up to 1.3 feet per season.
The foliage is orange-red at first, turning to bright green. It often has a multi-colored effect as it vigorously continues to push new growth throughout the summer. The foliage turns to a combination of intense yellow, orange and red during late autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 7, it also has excellent heat and sun tolerance but thrives best in a continental climate.
* recommended video link
'Northern Spotlight'
An extremely cold hardy form selected at North Dakota State University where it has suffered no winter damage in an over 20 year period. It can reach an average size of 20 x 20 feet in 20 years and can eventually get larger. It is usually upright to eventually rounded to spreading in habit.
The mid-green foliage turns to intense golden-orange to orange-red during autumn then often remains dried on the trees through the winter. The dried leaves offer some protection to the trunk from frost splitting. The foliage appears later than related Acer palmatum during spring, offering protection from late freezes and is silky and bright green at first.
Hardy zones 3 to 6 ( tolerating -43 F ) and tolerating a growing season as short as 125 days. It is the best "japanese maple" for the northern Great Plains. It is also exceptionally resistant to leaf scorch caused by high temperatures and wind. Propagation is from cuttings taken during mid-suummer.
'North Wind'
A hybrid between Acer pseudosieboldianum and Acer palmatum, it is fast growing, reaching up to 20 x 15 feet or more.
The foliage is reddish at first, turning to bright green. The leaves turn glowing orange-red during autumn.
The abundant pink fruits contrast with the summer foliage.
Hardy zones 4 to 7 ( tolerates at least -30 F and thrives in much of Midwest ). It is tolerant of salt wind making it a suitable choice for coastal gardens.
* photos taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
Acer shirasawanum ( Shira Maple ) Closely related to Acer japonicum; this Maple has a rounded shape and can reach over 30 feet. The largest on record is 72 x 72 feet with a trunk diameter of 2.7 feet. Moderate growing; the fastest growth rate recorded is 3 feet though on average only about 12 x 5 feet in 10 years and 20 x 15 feet in 20 years. The leaves, up to 5 x 5 inches in size, are rounded with 9 to 13 sharply double-toothed lobes. They are smooth on both sides. The foliage is lime-green during summer, turning glowing orange to red during autumn.
The winged fruits are reddish. The smooth bark is gray-brown. Hardy zones 4 to 8, tolerating at least as low as -31 F ( reports of zone 3 though this tree has not been thoroughly tested ). It grows best sheltered from hot afternoon sun.
'Aureum' Clear yellow leaves that turn orange during the fall, it is otherwise similar to the species.
* photo taken on Apr 18 2017 @ Mt Airy, MD
* recommended video link
'Autumn Moon'
Nearly identical to species in habit.
The foliage is pinkish at first, turning to greenish-yellow during summer. The leaves turn to orange or red during fall.
* photo taken on Feb 8 2015 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
A fast growing, upright tree, up to 3.5 feet per year in ideal conditions and averaging 15 feet in 10 years. It is otherwise similar to regular Acer shirasawanum in habit.
The foliage is light orange at first, turning to bright golden-yellow. In shade, the foliage may turn to lime-green. The foliage is very scorch resistant. The leaves are similar to that of the Acer shirasawanum with 9 to 11 lobes. During autumn, the foliage usually turns to golden-yellow.
The red seeds form an interesting contrast to the foliage.
Hardy north to zone 5a and is very sun tolerant.
* photo taken on June 25 2017 in Mt Airy, MD
* photo taken on Sep 3 2017 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* recommended video link
Fast growing but compact and upright, forming a small tree, up to 7 x 5 feet in 10 years, to 13 x 12 feet in 17 years, eventually slightly larger. It often grows almost double the rate of 'Aureum'.
The foliage is bright red at first during spring, then turns to lime-green. It often continues to push new growth during summer leading to a multi-color effect. The foliage turns to intense orange and red during autumn. The 7 to 11 lobed leaves are up to 4 x 4 inches in size.
Hardy zones 5 to 7, it has good resistance to leaf burn. It also grafts much easier than 'Aureum'.
'Red Dawn' Upright & fast growing, to 12 feet in 10 years, eventually a medium-sized tree to 25+ feet in height. The large foliage is deep red all summer long, turning to intense scarlet-red during autumn.
Hardy north to zone 5a. It might actually be the best red tree form Japanese Maple for zone 5.
* recommended video link
Acer siebolidianum ( Siebold Maple ) Very similar to Acer japonicum but is more cold hardy. Native to Japan; this is a broadly spreading tree to 50 feet in height. It can sometimes grow much larger; the largest on record is 72 x 72 feet with a trunk diameter of 25 inches. Moderate growing to 1.5 feet per year, reaching about 23 feet in 20 years. Acer pseudosieboldii is very similar and equally hardy but is native to Korea and the east coast of Russia. The leaves are rounded cut almost to the midrib with 7 to 11 sharply-toothed lobes. They are typically 3 x 4 inches but can reach up to 6 x 6 inches in size. The foliage is light green and white hairy at first turning to glossy deep green above and downy beneath. The foliage turns glowing scarlet-red during late fall. The leafstalks and young branches are also finely hairy. The flowers are similar to that of Acer japonicum but are yellow instead of red. The smooth bark is dark gray-brown. THE HARDIEST OF JAPANESE MAPLES!!! This tree is not even injured at -40 F and is even hardy in Manitoba, Canada & Maine. Hardy from zones 3 to 8!
* photo taken on April 11 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum * photo taken on August 3 2010 @ University of Guelph Arboretum, Ontario * photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
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