Most thrive in sun or shade on most types of soil and are tolerant of pollution and salt. Alkaline soil tolerant.
In dry climates, mulch to preserve moisture.
The roots are greedy. Privet regenerate freely when cut back hard in spring just before the new growth begins. Hedging plants should be cut back hard to a foot tall upon planting and pruned hard for the following 2 years to encourage dense habit.
On the contrary, larger species can be trained to single trunk, feathered with lower branches gradually limbed up to encourage an attractive tree. Shrub forms can also be left to their own devise to develop their naturally attractive form.
The species are grown from seed sown when ripened. The cultivars are sown from firm tip cuttings taken during late spring and summer.
The Privets are not generally eaten by deer.
* photo of unknown source on internet

* photo taken on Oct 31 2013 in Towson, MD
* photo taken on Oct 31 2013 in Columbia, MD
Ligustrum compactum ( Chenault Privet )
Also called Yunnan Privet. A vigorous, broad-conical, semi-evergreen tree native to southwest China. Some records include: largest on record - 40 x 20 feet.
The lance shaped leaves, up to 6 inches in length, are deep green.
The white flowers are borne in panicles up to 8 x 10 inches.
The fruits are black.
Hardy north to zone 7
* photo taken on July 3 2024 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Wash DC
Fast growing, reaching up to 40 x 25 feet, with larger leaves up to 10 inches in length.
Ligustrum delavayanum ( Delavay Privet )
A very fast growing, dense, medium-size spreading, evergreen shrub native from southwest to central China. Some records include: 5 years - 7 feet; largest on record - 13 x 10 feet.
The small, elliptic to oblong leaves, up to 1.5 x 1 inches in size, are glossy deep green.
The flowers are white with violet anthers. They are borne in dense panicles, up to 2 inches in length, during early summer.
They are followed by showy, deep blue to black fruits.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 in full sun to partial shade. The hardiest seed source is reported to be hardy in Detroit.
Ligustrum japonicum ( Japanese Privet )
A very dense compact evergreen large shrub or small tree that is native to Korea and Japan. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 4 + feet; largest on record - 60 x 47 feet with a trunk diameter of 4 feet. It is an excellent hedging and screen plant. It has escaped into the wild and become invasive in parts of the southern U.S.
The leaves, up to 4 x 3 inches, resemble that of the Camellia. The foliage is glossy, olive-green to deep green.
The white flowers are borne in large panicles up to 8 x 8 inches during late summer and early autumn.
They are followed by deep blue fruits that ripen during mid-autumn and persist well into winter.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 in sun or shade.
* photos taken on Sep 3 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 22 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken during Sep 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 13 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Mar 4 2023 in Columbia, MD
Intense bright yellow foliage later deepens to lime green.
A fast growing, small tree; it is similar in habit to the species.
'Jack Frost'
Compact in habit, reaching up to 10 x 8 ( rarely as much as 12 ) feet in size, though can be kept pruned much smaller.
The deep green foliage is boldly and broadly margined creamy-white. This makes a stunning plant for foliage effect.
* photo taken on Sep 19 2021 in Burtonsville, MD
Rapid growing ( up to 5 feet per year ) with large, thick, glossy deep green leaves. 'Nobilis' is very similar.
Very salt tolerant.
* photos taken on Aug 25 2013 @ University of Maryland, College Park
* photos taken on Oct 17 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 28 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 9 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 17 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 21 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 7 2019 @ Univ. of Maryland, College Park
* photos taken on June 16 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 14 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 16 2002 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 22 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 4 2024 in Columbia, MD
A very fast growing, upright shrub that is great for screening. It can reach up to 15 x 8 feet in 5 years.
The leaves have wavy margins and a twisted tip. The foliage is glossy deep green.
The creamy-white flowers are borne late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 10.
* photo taken on Sep 23 2013 in Burtonsville, MD
* photo taken on Oct 2 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Feb 11 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Mar 25 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 6 2022 in Columbia, MD
Also called 'Coriaceum'. A slow growing, upright shrub reaching up to 6 x 6 feet. Some records include: 5 years - 5 x 5 feet; 15 years - 10 feet; largest on record - 12 x 6 feet.
The closely-spaced leathery, rounded leaves are up to 2.5 x 2.5 inches. The foliage is glossy deep green.
A vigorous shrub reaching up to 9 x 6 feet.
The foliage is bright green at first, later turning to deep green.
The white flowers are fragrant.
* photos taken on October 15 2010 in Crownsville, MD

* photo taken on Aug 14 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 22 2019 in Columbia, MD
Ligustrum lucidum ( Glossy Privet )
A very dense, handsome, domed, small to medium-size, evergreen tree to around 45 feet that is native to central & southern China. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 6 feet; 20 years - 40 x 20 feet; largest on record - 95 x 70 feet with a trunk diameter of 4 feet.
The long pointed, ovate leaves are up to 7 x 3 inches in size. The foliage is bronze at first turning very glossy deep green above, pale green beneath.
The fragrant, white flowers are borne in conical upright panicles, up to 10 x 10 inches, during a long period in early autumn. The flowers are borne much later than that of Ligustrum japonicum.
They are followed by long persistent blue-black berries up to 0.5 inches across.
The bark is gray and smooth, sometimes becoming finely-fissured on older trees.
Hardy zones 7 to 10, it is hardy north to Philadelphia, PA. Seed source from Gansu & Shaanxii Provinces in China might be slightly hardier.
* historical archive photo
* excellent photo link
'Davidson Hardy'
Fast growing ( up to 3.3 feet per year ) reaching a maximum size of 50 feet. Hardier with foliage that is evergreen to -10 F.
Hardy north to zone 6a tolerating -15 F, while regular Ligustrum lucidum is killed at -8 F.
'Excelsum Superbum'
Vigorous growing with bright green leaves that are widely edged in yellow.
Some records include: 10 years - 20 x 20 feet; largest on record - 50 x 50 feet.
Very deep green foliage
The narrow leaves are deep green and heavily marked with gray-green and edged in light creamy-yellow. The young foliage is heavily flushed with pink.
Ligustrum obtusifolium ( Border Privet )
Also called Amur Privet. A fast growing, deciduous to semi-evergreen, large shrub, reaching up to 15 feet, that is native to northeastern China, Korea and most of Japan. Some records include: fastest growth rate - 3 + feet; 10 years - 10 x 10 feet; largest on record - 20 x 17 feet. It is frequently used for hedging and screens in cold climates.
The oblong leaves, up to 3.7 x 1 ( rarely over 2.3 ) inches in size, are dull deep green, above, pale green beneath. The foliage turns to purple during autumn.
The abundant, white flowers, up to 0.4 inches wide, are borne in pendulous panicles, up to 2 inches in length, during early summer.
They are followed by rounded purplish-black berries, up to 0.4 inches long.
The bark is grayish-brown.
Hardy zones 3 to 7, it is the best Privet for use on the Great Plains and the Ottawa Valley of Canada. Cold, pollution, salt, clay, wind, heat and drought tolerant.
* photos taken on Oct 17 2013 in Olney, MD
* photos taken on Aug 12 2016 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on Sep 18 2016 @ Patuxent Research Refuge, Laurel, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2018 in Bayfield, ON
* photo taken on Sep 6 2020 @ Patuxent Wildlife Refuge, Laurel, MD
* photo taken on July 13 2021 @ Hershey Gardens, Hershey, PA
* photos taken on Oct 27 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 16 2023 @ Fort Hunter, Harrisburg, PA
'regelianum' ( Regel's Privet )
A spreading medium sized shrub. Some records include: 10 years - 5 x 10 feet; largest on record - 15 x 17 feet.
The blunter tipped foliage is slightly smaller ( to 3 x 1 inches in size ) and very hairy beneath.
Ligustrum ovalifolium ( California Privet )
A fast growing, dense, erect to rounded, deciduous to semi-evergreen large shrub to small tree. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 3 feet; 10 years - 17 x 17 feet; largest on record - 30 x 41 feet with a trunk diameter of 2.6 feet. Frequently used for hedging, it is among the most commonly planted of all Privet. It has escaped into the wild and become a weed in New Zealand and parts of the U.S.
The oval leaves are up to 4 x 2 ( rarely over 2.5 ) inches.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The white flowers are borne in dense panicles up to 5 inches in length during mud summer. They are followed by glossy black, rounded fruits, up to 0.25 inches across.
Hardy zones 4 to 9.
* photos taken on May 21 2012 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Oct 17 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 30 2015 in Columbia, MD
* historic archive photo
* photo taken on July 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 2 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 23 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 24 2021 in Columbia, MD
'Aureum' ( Golden Privet )
The foliage is green in the center with a wide yellow margin. Some leaves are completely yellow.
* photos taken on August 2 2010 in Bayfield, Ontario

* photos taken on Aug 2 2012 in Bayfield, Ontario
* golden privet in Pucon, Chile
* golden privet in Puerto Montt, Chile
The leaves are variegated with a pink margin that later becomes white.
Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 3 feet; largest on record -
Ligustrum quihoui
A rounded evergreen large shrub to small tree, reaching up to 15 x 15 feet, that is native to southern and eastern China. Some records include: 6 years - 11 feet; 15 years - 13 feet.
The leaves, up to 2.3 x 1 inches, are glossy deep green.
The creamy-white flowers are borne in large panicles, up to 24 x 3 inches, during late summer and early autumn.
They are followed by blackish-blue fruit.
Hardy zones 5 to 9 ( likely 4b on protected sites as it survives at Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada ). It is deer resistant and drought tolerant.
* historic archive photo
* photos taken on Aug 30 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
Ligustrum sinensis ( Chinese Privet )
An upright, bushy large shrub to medium sized semi-evergreen tree native to central China. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - ; 5 years - 15 x 15 feet; 20 years - 30 x 30 feet; largest on record - 75 x 70 feet with a trunk diameter of 2.6 feet. It has escaped into the wild and has become an extremely invasive pest in eastern Australia and parts of the southeastern U.S..
The ovate leaves, are up to 5 x 2 ( rarely over 3 ) inches, are bright to medium green.
The white flowers are borne in long, dense sprays up to 4 inches in length during mid spring to early summer.
They are followed by long persisting, profuse deep purple berries.
Hardy zones 7 to 11. Prefers full sun but tolerates shade. Tolerates both drought and flooding.
* photos taken on May 16 2010 @ Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
* photos taken on Aug 15 2014 at Maryland Zoo, Baltimore, MD
* photo taken on Nov 4 2014 in Columbia, MD
* historic archive photos
Massed of white flowers.
Branches are drooping. May be the same as 'Green Cascade'.
'Swift Creek'
Fast growing, dense, compact and upright in habit, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet in 5 years and eventually to 10 x 11 feet.
The mid-green foliage is boldly bordered in creamy-white.
* photo taken on Feb 8 2014 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photo taken on Apr 24 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photos taken on Dec 12 2016 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on Sep 3 2017 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photos taken on Aug 30 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 20 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 3 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 29 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 19 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 12 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 4 2021 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
Vigorous in habit, often becoming a small tree, up to 6.1 x 8.8 feet in 2 years, eventually to 20 x 25 feet or more.
The attractive, gray-green foliage is boldly margined white.
* photos taken on Aug 3 2012 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Nov 10 2012 in Catonsville, MD
* photo taken on Sep 23 2013 in Burtonsville, MD
* photos taken on June 21 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 10 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 24 2023 in Elkridge, MD
* photo taken on May 4 2023 in Elkridge, MD
Very small, closely spaced, luxuriant green leaves give this upright, semi-dwarf shrub ( maximum size of 8 x 8 feet ) a Boxwood-like appearance.
It makes a stunning specimen plant.
Ligustrum 'Sunshine'
A fast growing but compact, rounded shrub, reaching up to 4 x 3.8 feet in 2 years, to 8 x 6 feet in 4 years with an eventual maximum size of 10 x 10 feet if not sheared. It makes a great accent in a flower bed and is also great as a foundation shrub or low hedge.
The stunning foliage is bright green at first, turning to bright yellow during summer and fall. The leaves finally transition to orangish-yellow during autumn. The oblong leaves are up to 1.2 x 0.7 inches in size.
It is a sterile hybrid producing no berries.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
* photos taken on May 30 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on June 20 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on July 18 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on Oct 17 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 21 2024 in Ellicott City, MD
* patent photo
Ligustrum x vicaryi ( Golden Privet )
An attractive dense bushy, medium size, semi-evergreen shrub reaching up to 11 x 9 feet though lower if sheared. Some records include: largest on record - 15 x 15 feet.
The broadly-oval leaves, up to 3.5 inches in length, are golden-yellow.
The foliage often becomes flushed with bronze-purple during winter.
The white flowers are borne in dense racemes up to 3 inches in length during mid summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
* photo taken on June 8 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 30 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 10 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 25 2015 in Niagara Falls, Ontario
* photo taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* Ligustrum x vicaryi in Simcoe, ON
* Ligustrum x vicaryi in Pucon, Chile
* Ligustrum x vicaryi in Valdivia, Chile
* Ligustrum x vicaryi in Detroit, MI
* photo taken on Oct 2 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 11 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 3 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 24 2023 in Elkridge, MD
* photos taken on Aug 24 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 29 2024 in Wilkes-Barre, PA
'Golden Ticket'
Moderate growing and compact, upright-rounded in habit, reaching up to 3.8 x 2.4 feet in 2 years, to 6 x 6 feet in 6 years, eventually slightly wider.
The foliage is bright golden-yellow, turning to yellowish-green. The elliptical leaves are up to 1.6 x 1 inches in size.
It is usually seedless.
* photo taken on May 3 2023 in Columbia, MD
Ligustrum vulgare ( Polish Privet )
A dense large semi-evergreen shrub native to Europe, temperate Asia and northern Africa. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 3 feet; largest on record - 20 x 23 ( rarely over 15 ) feet. It has invasive potential in some locations.
The pointed oval leaves, up to 2.5 x 0.8 inches, are deep green.
The leaves persist very late in autumn.
The white flowers, up to 0.2 inches wide, are borne on clusters up to 3 inches in length, during early summer.
They are followed by poisonous, glossy black berries, up to 0.3 inches across.
The bark is light gray.
Hardy zones 4 to 7 ( hardiness north of zone 5b depends on seed source ), preferring alkaline soil but generally very easy to grow. It thrives in most of eastern North America, experiments with it in Alberta have failed.
* photo taken on Aug 2 2012 in Bayfield, Ontario
* photos taken on July 25 2015 @ Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
* photo taken on July 27 2015 in Bayfield, ON
* photos taken on July 14 2016 in Tobermory, ON
* photo taken on Oct 9 2017 in Columbia, MD
* polish privet in Thedford, Ontario
* polish privet in Simcoe, ON
* polish privet in Essex, ON
* polish privet in Stratford, ON
* polish privet in Detroit, MI
* photo taken on July 14 2019 in Bayfield, ON
* photos taken on Aug 22 2021 in Bayfield, ON
Bright yellow foliage.
Originated from seed grown at Cheyenne, Wyoming and is exceptionally hardy, north to zone 3.
The very deep green leathery foliage persists very late into autumn.
Blue-green foliage.
* historical archive photo
Larger leaves, up to 4.5 x 1 inches
'Straight Talk'
Moderate growing, very narrow, columnar habit, reaching up to 12 x 3 feet. This makes an excellent tall hedge for narrow spaces that does not need to be trimmed. This cultivar was developed by horticulturalist by Mike Jeronimus of Golden, Colorado.
The foliage is deep green.
The fragrant white flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees.
* photo taken on July 5 2021 in Columbia, MD
Yellow berries
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