The compound leaves are divided into up to 9 toothed, ovate or oblong leaflets up to 3.2 inches in length. The foliage is deep green.
The small white flowers are borne in flat topped inflorescences up to 3 inches across, during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 1 to 8 in partial to full shade. Tolerant of deep shade, dry shade, poor soil and extreme drought but does not like hot sun. It will often thrive where nothing else will ( such as under large Maple trees ) and in most cases these are the only places it should be used.
OTHER USES: This Plant is Awesome!!!!!!! The young tender leaves during spring can be eaten in the same way as spinach! It is best picked between when it appears and when it blooms. By pinching out the flowers to stop it from flowering, you can keep it tasty for longer. After blooming the leaves tend to turn bitter and less desirable.
* photos taken on Aug 4 2013 in Bayfield, Ontario
* photo taken on July 27 2015 in Bayfield, ON
* photo taken on July 7 2023 @ Bayfield, ON
The gray-green foliage is boldly-margined creamy-white.
* photo taken on August 2 2010 in Bayfield, Ontario

* photo of unknown internet source

* photo taken on Aug 2 2012 in Bayfield, Ontario
* photo taken on July 27 2015 in Bayfield, ON
* photo taken on May 16 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 9 2022 in Bayfield, ON
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