Most thrive in both eastern North America and the Pacific Northwest; also in temperate regions of Europe.
Propagate cultivars from softwood cuttings taken during summer. These cuttings root easily under mist, 1000 to 3000 ppm IBA in 4 to 6 weeks. Serious insect or disease problems are very rare.
* photo taken on May 1 2010 @ U.S.National Arboretum, D.C.
* photos taken on Aug 3 2014 @ National Zoo, Washington, DC
* photos taken on July 25 2015 @ Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
* photo taken on Nov 19 2016 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
Deutzia chunii
A gracefully arching, domed, medium-sized, deciduous shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 13 ( rarely over 7 x 5 ) feet, that is native to eastern China.
The pointed, ovate to narrow-elliptic leaves, are up to 0.7 inches wide. The willow-like foliage is bright to mid-green and may turn bright yellow during autumn.
The white flowers are borne in clusters, up to 4 inches in length.
Hardy zones 5 to 9, possibly 4b as it thrives at Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada with just occasional minor winter injury.
Deutzia compacta
A finely branched, cascading, medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 8 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to the Himalayas.
The pointed, lance-shaped leaves are up to 4 x 1.5 inches in size.
The foliage is deep green above, hairy pale green beneath.
The white flowers, up to 0.3 inches wide, are borne on dense clusters, up to 5 x 4 inches in size, during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8. Thrives in the Pacific Northwest.
'Lavender Time'
Lilac flowers; otherwise identical to species.
Deutzia coreana ( Korean Deutzia )
A medium-sized deciduous shrub, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet, that is native to Korea.
The sharply-toothed, lance-shaped to elliptical leaves are up to 3 inches in length. The foliage is deep green during summer, often turning to yellow during autumn. The tubular, white flowers are borne either singly or from small axilliary clusters during early summer.
The peeling bark is gray.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in full sun on just about any well drained soil.
Deutzia crenata
A moderate growing, arching, medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 8 feet, that is native to Korea and most of Japan.
The finely-toothed, pointed ovate leaves are up to 3 x 1.2 inches in size. The thick foliage is mid-green, turning purplish-red during autumn.
The white flowers, up to 0.5 inches, are borne on dense clusters, up to 6 x 2.4 ( rarely over 4 ) inches in size, lasting 2 weeks during mid to late spring.
The bark is pale grayish-brown.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun to partial shade. In regions with hot summers, it prefers light afternoon shade. Soil PH tolerant. Planting during early spring is recommended in colder regions.
* historical archive photo
* photo taken on May 17 2015 in Sandy Spring/Olney, MD
* photos taken on June 25 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 25 2024 in Columbia, MD
Vigorous, reaching up to 10 feet.
'Nikoensis' ( Nikko Slender Deutzia )
A low growing form with double white flowers.
Some records include: 2 years - 0.8 x 2.6 feet; 10 years - 2.5 x 5 feet; largest on record - 3 x 8.3 feet.
* photos taken on March 28 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photos taken on May 1 2010 @ U.S.National Arboretum, D.C.
* photo taken on Apr 24 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photo taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* photos taken on Nov 10 2020 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on July 13 2021 @ Hershey Gardens, Hershey, PA
* photo taken on May 6 2024 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Summer Snow'
Reaches up to 8 x 6 ( rarely over 5 ) feet, with foliage that is heavily splashed creamy-white; it is otherwise similar to species.
'Yuki Cherry Blossom'
Nearly identical to 'Nikoensis' except for having pink flowers. It originated as a hybrid between Deutzia gracillis ‘Nikko’ and Deutzia × rosea ‘Carminea’
* photos taken on May 31 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 20 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 17 2019 in Howard Co., MD
* photos taken on May 1 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 11 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 6 2021 in Howard County, MD
* photos taken on May 14 2022 in Elkridge, MD
* photos taken on May 3 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 9 2024 in Elkridge, MD
* patent photo
Deutzia discolor ( Discolor Deutzia )
An arching, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 10 x 6 feet, that is native to central China.
The finely-toothed, oblong leaves, up to 5 x 1.5 inches, are rough dull green above, hairy gray beneath.
The abundant, white to pink flowers, up to 0.7 inches wide, are borne in clusters, up to 3.5 inches in length, during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
* historic archive photo
Whitish pink flowers.
Deutzia x elegantissima ( Elegant Deutzia )
A moderate growing upright, bushy, medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 7 feet, that is the hybrid between Deutzia purpurescens & D. sieboldiana.
The sharply-toothed, pointed ovate leaves, up to 3 inches, are deep green above.
The clusters of pink ( pinkish on the outside, white on the inside ) flowers are borne late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8, it survives in zone 4b at Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada but does freeze back to the ground during hard winters recovering rapidly after but not blooming.
Flowers are deep pink on the outside, white to light pink on the inside.
'Pink Minor'
An arching, medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 4 x 7 feet in size, bearing abundant bright pink flowers.
A dense, arching, rounded shrub, reaching up to 6 x 6 feet.
The abundant flowers are rich deep pink.
Deutzia glabrata ( Smooth Deutzia )
A large shrub, reaching up to 10 x 8 feet, that is native to eastern Russia, Korea and northern China. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 2 feet; 8 years - 7 feet.
The pointed ovate leaves, up to 4 x 1.6 inches in size, are mid-green.
The white flowers are borne in rounded clusters, up to 3 x 3 inches in size, during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
Deutzia glomeruliflora
An arching medium size shrub, reaching a maximum height of 10 feet, that is native to western China.
The finely-toothed, pointed narrow leaves, up to 3 x 1 inches, are mid-green above, hairy beneath.
The abundant flowers, up to 0.8 inches wide, are borne in clusters of only up to 5. The clusters are up to 2 x 2 inches in size. The flowers appear during mid spring.
The attractive bark is brown and peeling.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( possibly 4b as it is reported to grow at Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada ). Tolerant of more shade than most.
Deutzia gracilis ( Slender Deutzia )
A fast growing, spreading to mounding, medium-sized shrub that is native to mountains of Japan. Some records include: largest on record - 10 x 10 ( usually half that ) feet.
The finely-toothed, ovate leaves are up to 4 x 2 inches in size. The foliage is mid-green above, bright green beneath; turning to deep red during autumn. The foliage emerges very early in spring.
The fragrant, pure white flowers, up to 0.6 inches wide, are borne on dense, narrow, upright panicles, up to 4.8 ( usually 3 ) inches in length, during mid to late spring. The flower panicles usually contain between 12 to 25 flowers.
The shoots are arching and slender. The bark on older stems is brown and flaky.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
* photos taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
* photo of unknown internet source
* historical archive photos
* photo taken on July 16 2016 in Goderich, ON
* photos taken on Sep 26 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 28 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 8 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 14 2024 @ Coventry Gardens, Windsor, ON
'Chardonnay Pearls'
Reaches up to 3 x 3 feet in 5 years, eventually to 4 x 5.5 feet, with brilliant yellow to lime-green foliage, turning anywhere from yellow to deep red during autumn.
The flowers are white.
* photo taken on May 6 2010 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on May 7 2014 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
* photo taken @ Smithsonian Inst, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
* photos taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* photo taken on May 8 2019 in Gaithersburg, MD
* photo taken on Oct 6 2021 in Howard County, MD
* photos taken on Aug 1 2022 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Sep 20 2023 in Howard Co., MD
* photo taken on Apr 18 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 6 2024 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
'Creme Fraiche'
A moderate growing, small shrub, reaching up to 3 x 3 feet.
The mid-green foliage is boldly margined creamy-white.
The pure white flowers appear during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
* photo taken on June 25 2017 in Columbia, MD
* patent photo
Flowers are pink
Very attractive foliage that is boldly margined golden-yellow. It is otherwise similar to the species.
Deutzia grandiflora ( Bungei Deutzia )
A medium-sized shrub, reaching up to 6.5 feet in height, that is native to northern China.
the toothed, ovate leaves, up to 2.5 x 1.5 inches in size, are mid gray-green above, whitish beneath.
The white flowers, up to 1.3 inches wide, are among the largest of any Deutzia but are borne either single or in small clusters of 2 or 3. It blooms during late spring, among the first Deutzia's to bloom.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 ( may prove hardier with further testing ).
Deutzia x hybrida
A moderate growing, medium size shrub, reaching up to 6 feet in height, that is the hybrid between Deutzia discolor & D. longifolia. Some records include: largest on record - 8 x 6 feet.
The pointed leaves, up to 4 inches in length, are dull green.
The pink flowers with yellow anthers are borne in cymes during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
Lilac-pink flowers that are purple streaked on the outside; otherwise identical.
A dense, arching, rounded to broad-spreading shrub, reaching up to 8 x 6 feet in 10 years with an eventual maximum size of 10 x 16 ( rarely over 8 x 8 ) feet. On ideal sites, it can be fast growing with growth rates up to 4 feet.
The lance-shaped to ovate leaves are bright green during spring, turning to mid-green.
The abundant, large flowers are deep pink.
* photo taken on June 1 2013 in Clarksville, MD
* photos taken on Nov 16 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 10 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 18 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 13 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 2 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 21 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 26 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Oct 31 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 27 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 19 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 25 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 2 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 17 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 27 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Sep 5 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 26 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Nov 1 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Feb 15 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 21 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 19 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 21 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Mont Rose'
Forms a dense, bushy, upright shrub, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 6 feet.
The sharply-toothed, oval foliage is mid-green.
The flowers are pink.
'Perle Rose'
A bushy, upright shrub, reaching up to 7 x 8 ( usually under 4 ) feet with deep green foliage and abundant soft pink flowers.
An arching, large shrub, reaching up to 10 x 9 feet.
The ovate leaves are bright green.
The abundant, bright pink flowers are borne on pendulous clusters.
Hardy zones 5 +.
* photos taken on June 11 2014 in Clarksville, MD
Deutzia hypoglauca
An upright, medium to large sized, deciduous shrub, reaching a maximum height of 8 feet, that is native to northern China.
The pointed, ovate leaves, up to 4 x 1 inches in size, are bright green.
The white ( rarely pale pink ) flowers are borne on clusters, up to 2.4 inches wide, during late spring. A flower cluster may contain between 5 and 15 flowers.
The stems are reddish-brown.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 ( estimate...may prove hardier ).
Deutzia x kalmiiflora
An open, arching medium-size shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 8 feet, that is the hybrid between Deutzia parviflora & D. purpurescens. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 3 feet.
The finely-toothed, pointed, narrow oval leaves, up to 4 ( rarely over 3 ) inches in length, are mid green, turning to purple during autumn.
The deep pink ( light pink on the insides ) flowers are up to 0.7 inches wide. They are borne on upright panicles, up to 3 inches in length, during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8, however it rarely flowers at Ottawa, Ontario ( zone 4b ).
* photos taken on May 2 2014 in Columbia, MD
Deutzia lemoinei ( Lemoine's Deutzia )
An upright, medium-size shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 10 feet, that is the hybrid between Deutzia gracilis & D. parviflora. It is very long-lived, persisting up to 90 years or more.
The sharply-toothed, pointed lance-shaped leaves, up to 4 x 1.3 inches, are mid-green. The foliage often turns to bronze-purple during autumn.
The abundant, small, white flowers, up to 0.6 inches wide, are borne on upright, pyramidal panicles, up to 3 inches in length, during late spring.
Hardy zones 3 to 8, it has proven extremely hardy in the Ottawa Valley of Canada where it blooms very reliably year after year.
* historical archive photos
Deutzia longifolia ( Longleaf Deutzia )
A vigorous, upright to arching, medium to large, sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 10 feet, that is native to Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in western China. Some records include: 15 years - 8 feet.
The thick, toothed, pointed leaves, up to 5 x 1.3 inches, are dull deep green above, grayish-white hairy beneath.
The flowers, up to 1 inch wide, are borne on loose clusters, up to 3 x 3 inches in size, during late spring. The flowers are dark pink in bud, opening up to light pink with darker striping.
The new stems are purplish, the older stems have light brown peeling bark.
Hardy zones 5 to 8, it is reduced to perennial status in zone 4b Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada where it freezes back to the ground every year then produces vigorous shoots the year after but never blooms.
Semi-pendulous with darker pink flowers.
The leaves are more narrow ( lance-shaped ) and the flowers are purplish.
Deutzia x magnifica ( Showy Deutzia )
A vigorous, strongly-upright medium-size shrub, reaching a maximum size of 13 x 10 ( rarely over 10 ) feet. It is a hybrid between Deutzia scabra & D. vilmorinae.
The finely-toothed, pointed ovate to oblong leaves, up to 4 inches, are bright green above, gray felted beneath.
The pure white, double or single flowers, up to 0.6 inches wide, are borne in dense clusters, up to 4 x 2.5 inches in size, during late spring.
Hardy zones 4 to 8, it has suffered frequent winter dieback at zone 4b Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada where it always recovered rapidly but rarely blooms.
* photos taken on June 5 2013 in Howard Co., MD
Deutzia monbeigii
An arching medium-size shrub, reaching a maximum height of 6.5 feet, that is native to western China.
Some records include: 4 years - 5 feet; 10 years - 5 x 5 feet.
The small, minutely-toothed, pointed oval leaves, up to 2 x 0.8 inches in size, are deep green above, white hairy beneath.
The abundant, small, pure white, star-shaped flowers, up to 0.5 inches across, are borne on clusters up to 2.5 inches across, early to mid summer. Each cluster may contain up to 15 blooms.
Hardy zones 6 to 8
Deutzia ningpoensis ( Ningpo Deutzia )
An extremely rare, very vigorous arching deciduous shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 14 feet, that is native to eastern China.
Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 4 feet; largest on record - 10 x 14 feet.
The smooth-edged, pointed narrow, willow-like leaves, up to 6 x 1.2 ( rarely over 3.5 ) inches, are mid-green above, gray hairy beneath.
The abundant, very small white to pink flowers are borne in dense panicles, up to 5 x 2.3 inches in size, during early to mid summer ( later than other Deutzias ).
The attractive bark is light chestnut-brown.
Hardy zones 5 to 9. Thrives especially well in the maritime Pacific Northwest.
'Pink Charm'
Almost identical except for the soft purplish-pink flowers.
Deutzia parviflora ( Amur Deutzia )
A very attractive, medium-sized, deciduous shrub native to far southeastern Russia, northern China and Korea. It can reach up to 7 x 6 feet in 10 years, eventually up to 8 x 8 feet.
The sharply-toothed, pointed-ovate leaves, up to 5 x 1.7 inches in size, are dull deep green with little fall color.
The white flowers, up to 0.5 inches wide, are borne on rounded clusters, up to 3 inches wide, during late spring.
Hardy zones 2b to 8 in full sun on just about any well drained soil. It is the best Deutzia for the northern Great Plains including Saskatchewan & Manitoba. It also thrives and blooms exceptionally well in the Ottawa Valley of Canada.
* historic archive photo
Deutzia pulchra ( Taiwan Deutzia )
A deciduous to semi-evergreen upright large shrub to small tree, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 8 ( rarely over 12 ) feet, that is native to mountains of Taiwan and the Phillipines. Some records include: 10 years - 10 feet.
The thick, leathery, pointed, narrowly-ovate leaves, up to 5 x 2 inches, are glossy deep green above, hairy beneath.
The white flowers are borne on pendulous terminal panicles, up to 12 inches in length, during late spring.
The attractive bark is peeling and orange.
Hardy zones 6 to 8.
Stunning with blue-green foliage that is heavily blotched and mottled in white.
Deutzia purpurescens ( Purple Deutzia )
A medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 10 feet, that is native to western China.
The toothed, pointed ovate leaves are up to 4 x 1.5 inches in size. The foliage is bright green.
The bright pink ( deep pink in bud ) flowers, up to 1 inch wide, are borne on clusters, up to 3 inches in length, during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
Deutzia x rosea ( Rose Deutzia )
A compact, arching, medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 12 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is the hybrid between Deutzia gracilis & D. purpurascens.
The finely-toothed, ovate to oblong leaves, up to 2 inches in length, are deep green.
The purplish-pink ( light pink inside ), bell-shaped flowers are borne in terminal panicles, up to 3 x 2 inches in size, during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in full sun on light, fertile, well drained soil. It does survive in zone 4b at Dominion Arboretum in Ottawa, Canada but frequent winter dieback causes it to rarely bloom.
* photos taken on Nov 19 2016 @ London Town Gardens, Edgewater, MD
Larger white flowers are borne in dense panicles.
It is larger growing; reaching as much as 7 feet in 15 years; eventually slightly larger.
Flowers are purplish on the outside, light pink on the inside.
Deutzia rubens ( Shensi Deutzia )
A vigorous, upright, deciduous shrub, reaching up to 7 feet in 4 years, 11 feet in 13 years, eventually 13 x 13 feet. It is native to Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces in China.
The ovate or oblong leaves are up to 3 x 1.3 inches in size. The foliage is glossy mid-green above; bluish-white beneath.
The very pale pink flowers are borne on rounded clusters, up to 4 inches wide, during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8.
Deutzia scabra ( Fuzzy Deutzia )
A very vigorous, upright, arching large shrub that is native to central and southern Japan. Some records include: 5 years - 6 x 12 feet; largest on record - 17 x 15 ( rarely over 10 ) feet.
The coarsely-toothed, pointed broadly-ovate leaves are up to 4 x 2 inches in size. The rough, deep green foliage turns to deep red during autumn.
The honey-scented, white to whitish-pink, bell-shaped flowers, up to 1 inch in size, are borne on dense conical, terminal panicles, up to 6 inches in length, during late spring.
The attractive bark is peeling and orange to red-brown.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun to partial shade on sandy, acidic, fertile, well drained soil. Very heat and humidity tolerant. It has survived for decades at Dominion Arboetum in Ottawa, Canada but a cycle of frequent winter dieback and rapid regrowth causes it to rarely bloom.
* photos taken on Aug 1 2013 in Stratford, Ontario
* photos taken on Aug 15 2024 in Kincardine, ON
* photos taken on Nov 14 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo of unknown internet source
The double flowers are pure white; otherwise identical to species.
* photo taken on May 16 2010 @ Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
* photos taken on June 23 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Sep 8 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 29 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 24 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 8 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Pink Pompom'
Double flowers that are deep pink in bud, opening to bright pink; it is otherwise similar to species.
'Pride of Rochester'
Reaches up to 10 feet with very large double white flowers with pinkish-purple tinge.
* pride of rochester deutzia in Wiarton, ON
* historical archive photo
Deutzia schneideriana ( Schneider's Deutzia )
A vigorous, medium-sized shrub, reaching a maximum height of 8 feet, that is native to Hubei province in China.
The finely-toothed, pointed elliptic leaves, up to 5 x 2 inches, are bright green above, gray-white felted beneath.
The white flowers, up to 0.7 inches wide, are borne in loose clusters, up to 6 x 1.6 inches in size, during late spring.
The attractive bark is brown and peeling.
Hardy zones 6 to 10
Deutzia setchuensis ( Sichuan Deutzia )
A vigorous medium-size shrub, reaching up to 8 x 8 feet, that is native to western China. Some records include: 4 years - 4 feet.
The finely-toothed, pointed ovate leaves are up to 5 x 2 inches in size. The foliage is rough dull green above, densely hairy gray beneath. The foliage often turns to deep orange during autumn.
The white flowers, up to 0.5 inches in size, are borne on loose clusters, up to 4 inches wide, during late spring.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( reports of 4 )
More vigorous, reaching up to 5 x 4.5 feet in 5 years, eventually up to 10 feet.
It also has larger leaves, up to 5 x 2.5 inches.
The flowers are borne on larger clusters abundantly during late spring, then sporadically until autumn frost.
The attractive bark is brown and peeling.
* photo taken on Apr 11 2015 in Elkridge, MD
* photo taken on May 2 2015 in Elkridge, MD
* photo taken on June 9 2015 in Columbia, MD
Deutzia staminea
A very large, deciduous shrub, reaching a maximum height of 17 feet, that is native to the Himalayas.
The toothed, pointed oval leaves are up to 4 x 1.5 inches in size. The foliage is rough and dull green above, gray hairy beneath.
The white or pink flowers, up to 0.5 inches in size, are borne on racemes, up to 2 inches wide, during late spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
Deutzia vilmoreana ( Vilmore Deutzia )
A rapid growing, medium-sized to large shrub, reaching up to 10 x 6 feet, that is native to central China. Some records include: fastest recorded growth rate - 6 feet.
The pointed leaves are up to 6 x 2 inches.
The white flowers, up to 1 inches in size, are borne in loose clusters, up to 3 x 3 inches in size.
The very attractive bark is orange and peeling.
Hardy zones 6 to 8
Deutzia wilsonii ( Wilson's Deutzia )
A medium-sized, deciduous shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 10 feet, that is native to western China. It is closely related to Deutzia discolor except for having leaves that are smooth below.
The pointed, oblong leaves are up to 5 x 1.5 inches in size.
The flowers, up to 1.5 inches wide, are borne in clusters, up to 4 inches in length, during late spring.
The bark is reddish-brown and peeling.
Hardy zones 6 to 8
* historic archive photo
ADDITIONAL CULTIVARS ( Spring Sensation Deutzia )
Wonderful list - it is helping me figure out what I think is a rooted cutting of my Grandmothers that I thought was lost forever!