Most prefer full sun on humus-rich, peaty or sandy soils mulched in pine needles or decorative gravel. Heaths and Heathers make excellent companion plants to the dwarf conifers! Many species tolerate partial shade however with less flowers and some of the Erica species will also tolerate alkaline soil. It is essential to spray make sure all perennial weeds are removed from any areas Heaths and Heathers are to be planted in advance. This may include using roundup however you do not want weeds to be competing and growing inside these plants. Mulch should be then applied to discourage weeds and preserve soil moisture. Heaths and Heathers should not be fertilized.
These plants generally grow quickly and will fill in greatly in just 2 to 3 years.
Many species should be sheared yearly immediately after blooming to encourage dense growth.
Propagation is from half hardened cuttings ( 2 inch lengths from the new growth tips ) taken during mid summer. The cuttings root easily in moist sand, even with no rooting hormone. The cuttings may take up to 8 weeks to develop roots.
Layering during spring then detaching the new plant once they root is also an option. In cold climates, it is best to plant during early spring. They should not be planted or transplanted while actively growing. Most cultivars can also be cultivated from softwood cuttings taken during spring, the species may also be propagated from seed during spring.
Deer usually ignore Heath and Heather, except for Erica vagens which they love to eat. Overwatered plants in containers that are left in direct sun and become hot may be prone to rot funguses. Phytophthora rot becomes far less common in cooler soil and especially soil that freezes during winter ( low winter temperatures kill the fungus in the soil and make infection unlikely )
A genus of a single species of plant, that is part of the larger Ericaceae family.
While only consisting of one species, the Heather has hundreds of cultivars. Almost all of them are sold by Heaths and Heathers Nursery which is the largest Calluna/Erica specialist worldwide. This article is not yet complete as I will be on the prowl this season to capture the many cultivars in photograph.
Calluna vulgaris ( Heather )
Low growing shrubs, reaching a maximum size of 3 x 4 ( usually much lower ), that are native from northern Europe to Siberia; south to the Azores to Morocco to Turkey.
In parts of North America, it has naturalized and now grows wild but never invasive. Individual plants live around 40 years.
The linear leaves are short and scale-like.
The bell-shaped or tubular flowers, up to 0.25 inches in length, are borne in inflorescences up to 10 inches in length, from late summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 7 ( 3 to 5 with reliable snowcover, 8 in British Isles and Pacific Northwest ) in full sun on humus-rich or sandy, acidic, well drained soil. Do not plant on heavy clay soils unless in raised beds, the absolutely hate it! They thrives especially well in western Europe and the Pacific Northwest of North America. They do not enjoy hot humid summers however with careful siting they can still succeed in many parts of the eastern U.S. and Canada. Growth typially comes to a half at temperatures above 80 F.
* photos of unknown internet source

* historic archive photo
'Alba Plena'
Reaches a maximum size of 1.5 x 5 feet with mid-green foliage and double white flowers. Some records include: 4 years - 1 x 1.5 feet.
Upright in habit, reaching up to 22 x 28 inches in 4 years, with deep green foliage.
The double flowers are rose-red.
Vigorous growing, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 5 feet, with deep green foliage and ruby-red flowers during late summer into fall. Some records include: 4 years - 20 inches x 2 feet.
Upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 6 feet.
The foliage is deep green and the flowers are deep red.
Upright in habit, reaching up to 22 x 28 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green and the double flowers are rose-red.
Reaches up to 2 x 2 feet in 4 years, with deep green foliage and double, rose-pink flowers borne on long racemes during late summer into early autumn.
Erect in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 inches x 3 feet. Some record include: 14 x 16 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green and the clear pink flowers are borne on long upright spikes. The foliage remains luxuriant mid-green during the winter.
'Anthony Davis'
Dense and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 feet x 20 inches.
The fleshy foliage is silvery-gray. The small, white, bell-shaped flowers are borne on long upright spikes during late summer.
'Beoley Gold'
Vigorous and dense in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 3.5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 15 x 20 inches.
The linear, scale-like foliage is bright green flushed golden-yellow.
The small, white, bell-shaped flowers are borne on spikes during summer into autumn.
* photos taken @ U.S. Botanical Garden, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
Reaches up to 20 inches in height with golden-green foliage that turns fiery red in winter. Some records include: 4 years - 14 inches x 2 feet.
The flowers are lavender-purple.
Dense and compact in habit, reaching up to 16 x 20 inches in 4 years.
The linear, scale-like foliage is golden-yellow, turning to deep orangish-red during winter.
The small, soft-pink flowers are lilac-pink.
Vigorous and upright in habit, reaching up to 20 x 26 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is yellow-green, turning to yellow in winter.
The flowers are white.
'Corbett's White'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 20 inches x 2 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is bright green and the flowers are white.
'County Wicklow '
Dense and compact, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1 x 1.5 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The very abundant, large, double, mid-pink flowers are borne on dense, long spikes mid-summer to early autumn.
Reaches up to 3.5 feet across.
* photos taken @ U.S. Botanical Garden, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
'Dark Beauty'
Upright and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 2 feet, with deep green foliage and double, deep red flowers. Some records include: 4 years - 10 x 14 inches.
Compact and dense in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 feet x 32 inches.
The fleshy foliage is bright green.
The abundant, deep pinkish-red, semi-double flowers are borne in dense spikes.
'Elsie Purnell'
Vigorous and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 32 x 32 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 20 inches x 2.5 feet.
The fleshy foliage is gray-green.
The double flowers are deep pink in bud, opening up to silvery-pink, borne on long racemes, during late summer to mid-autumn.
The flowers are borne later than average.
Vigorous, dense and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 inches x 3 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 feet x 20 inches.
The foliage is bright green with a salmon tone, turning to bright orange during winter.
The deep purplish-pink flowers are borne during late summer to early autumn.
Tip prune during winter to encourage dense habit.
'Foxii Nana'
A dense, very compact, mounding shrub, reaching up to 6 inches x 1 foot in 4 years.
The foliage is bright green and moss-like.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
Requires excellent drainage.
'Gold Haze'
Bushy in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 1.5 feet, with bright golden-yellow foliage all year. The white flowers are borne during late summer.
Some records include: 4 years - 15 inches x 1.5 feet.
'Golden Carpet'
Prostrate in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 15 inches. The golden-yellow leaves are flecked orange and red. The foliage turns intense orange-red during winter. The flowers are red-purple.
'Golden Feather'
Vigorous and dense in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 inches x 2.5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 10 inches x 2.5 feet.
The feathery golden-yellow foliage turns orange-red during the winter.
The new growth during spring is reddish.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
'Gold Haze'
Vigorous, upright and dense in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 15 inches x 1.5 feet.
The foliage is bright golden-yellow.
The small, bell-shaped flowers are white.
Reaches a maximum size of 32 x 32 inches, with white flowers borne in long inflorescences. Some records include: 4 years - 1 foot x 16 inches.
Upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2.5 x 5 feet, with deep gray-green foliage that turns bronze during winter. Some records include: 4 years - 2 x 2 feet; fastest growth rate - 1 foot.
The double, silvery-pink flowers are borne in long inflorescences during late summer and autumn.
Upright in habit, reaching up to 1 x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green and the flowers are purplish-pink.
Very vigorous and erect in habit, reaching up to 28 x 20 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green and the flowers are lilac-pink.
'J.H. Hamilton'
Compact, spreading and dense in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 1.5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 10 inches.
The fleshy foliage is silvery to deep green, turning to purplish-red during winter.
The abundant, large, double, deep pink to purple flowers are borne on dense, short spikes.
Dense and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 15 inches x 1.5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 10 x 16 inches.
The bright green foliage turns to bronze during winter.
The very abundant, showy, large, double, pure white flowers are borne on dense spikes during late summer to early autumn.
'Mair's Variety'
Vigorous and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 32 inches x 6 feet, with single, white flowers borne during late summer. Some records include: 4 years - 16 x 20 inches.
The foliage is mid-green.
Dense and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 8 inches x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 15 inches.
The linear, scale-like foliage is golden-green tipped vivid orange and red tones. The new growth tips during spring are scarlet-red.
The bell-shaped flowers are purplish-pink.
'My Dream'
Vigorous, upright and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 feet x 32 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 x 2 feet.
The fleshy foliage is deep green.
The large, double, white flowers are borne in long spikes late in the season.
'Oxshott Common'
Broad spreading in habit, reaching up to 20 x 32 inches in 4 years.
The downy foliage is gray-green.
The abundant, lavender flowers are borne late summer into early autumn.
'Peter Sparkles'
Graceful and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 16 inches x 2 feet.
The fleshy foliage is deep gray-green.
The double, deep pink flowers borne in long spikes, during early to late autumn.
'Ralph Purnell'
Vigorous in habit, reaching up to 2 x 2 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green and the profuse flowers are lilac-pink.
Vigorous and broad spreading, reaching up to 2 x 2 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green and the white flowers are borne in long racemes.
'Red Carpet'
Low and spreading, reaching up to 8 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
The golden foliage turns intense reddish-orange during winter.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
Dense in habit with luxuriant mid-green foliage and purple flowers.
'Robert Chapman'
Dense, compact and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 3 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1 foot x 26 inches.
The linear, scale-like foliage is orangish-golden, turning brilliant deep red during winter.
The small, soft purple, bell-shaped flowers are borne summer into autumn.
Very vigorous in habit, reaching up to 2 feet x 26 inches in 4 years, with bright green foliage.
The white flowers are borne in long inflorescences during late summer and early autumn.
'Silver Knight'
Vigorous, dense and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 inches x 5 feet. Some records include: 5 years 1.5 x 2.2 feet ( avg )
The downy foliage is silvery-gray, turning purplish-gray during winter.
The large, purplish-pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne in dense spikes during late summer.
'Silver Queen'
Spreading and dense, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 3 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 16 x 22 inches.
The downy foliage is silvery-gray.
The light lavender-purple flowers are borne during late summer to early autumn.
'Sister Anne'
Prostrate in habit, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 10 inches, with gray ( bronze in winter ) foliage and purplish-pink flowers borne during late summer. It is great for use draping over boulders and walls. Some records include; 4 years - 4 x 10 inches.
Prone to rot where foliage remains wet over extended periods during cold winter weather.
'Spring Cream'
Dense and vigorous, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 20 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 14 inches x 1.5 feet.
The bright green foliage is tipped with creamy-white during spring. The growth tips are yellow during autumn, turning to creamy-white in winter.
The small, white flowers are borne in long spikes during late summer into early autumn.
'Spring Torch'
Bushy and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 5 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 20 inches x 2 feet.
The foliage is mid-green turning coppery tinted or red tipped during winter. The new growth tips during spring are red.
The purplish-pink flowers are borne late summer into early autumn.
Dense, compact and rounded in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 feet x 16 inches.
The foliage is deep green, turning to bronze during winter.
The very abundant, deep rose-pink, double flowers are borne over a very long season from early summer to early autumn.
'Velvet Fascination'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 20 x 28 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is downy silvery-blue and does not fade during winter.
The white flowers are borne during late summer into early autumn.
Prune hard during late winter for compact habit.
* historic archive photo
Cassiope lycopodioides ( Clubmoss Mountain Heather )
* photos taken by Dr. Nick V. Kurzenko @ CalPhotos
Cassiope mertensiana ( Mertens Mountain Heather )
Native to northwest North America ( from extreme southwest Yukon to north-central British Columbia to Jasper National Park, Alberta; south to central Oregon to southwest Montana ).
* historic archive photos
Cassiope tetragona ( White Arctic Mountain Heather )
Native to central and eastern Siberia as well as northwest North America as well as much of Nunavut and northern Quebec. It is found in much of northern and central Alaska as well as coastal Greenland. In Alberta, it is only found in Jasper National Park.
Daboecia azorica
A dense, low, spreading shrub, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 2 feet, that is native to mountains of the Azores Islands.
The leaves, up to 0.2 inches, are lance-shaped with recurved margins. The foliage is deep green above, silvery beneath.
The red flowers, up to 0.3 inches, are borne on long racemes during early summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( protect north of zone 9 )
Daboecia cantabrica ( St. Dabeoc's Heath )
Also called Irish Heath. A low, spreading shrub, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 4 feet, that is native to western Europe.
The narrow elliptic leaves, up to 0.5 x 0.25 inches, are glossy deep green above, silvery-white beneath.
The purplish-pink, urn-shaped, pendulous flowers, up to 0.6 inches, are borne on racemes from early summer to mid autumn. From 6 to 15 flowers are borne on a raceme.
Hardy zones 4 to 9 ( protected sites north of zone 7 ) in full sun or partial shade on acidic, sandy, well drained soil. More drought tolerant than many other members of the Heather family. Plants that freeze back during the winter often resprout from the roots.
Reaches the same size with white flowers. Some records include: 4 years - 16 x 28 inches.
Reaches the same size with mid-green foliage and flowers that are white, pink or red, often with all colors on the same plant and even the same flower raceme. The flowers are sometimes striped. Some records include: 4 years - 14 x 26 inches.
'Creeping White'
Low and spreading, reaching up to 1 x 1.5 feet, with white flowers.
'Hookstone Purple'
A very vigorous, groundcover shrub. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 feet x 34 inches. The foliage is mid-green and the bright purple flowers are borne over a very long season from early summer to late autumn.
Mid green foliage and glowing reddish-pink flowers borne early summer to early fall. Some records include: 4 years - 16 inches x 2.5 feet.
Reaches the same size with bright purplish-pink flowers.
A low shrub, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet, with foliage that is bright green above and silvery-gray below.
The large, white flowers are borne on slender spikes from spring through fall.
'Waley's Red'
Reaches up to 14 x 20 inches in 4 years, with mid green foliage and glowing deep purplish-pink flowers borne early summer to early fall.
'White Blum'
Vigorous with large white flowers.
Daboecia x scotica
A dense, compact shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 15 inches, that is the hybrid between Daboecia azorica & D. cantabrica.
The oval to elliptical leaves are deep green.
The white, pink or red flowers are borne spring through fall though more often early summer then repeating during autumn.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
'Ellen Norris'
Compact and erect in habit, reaching up to 1 x 1 feet in 4 years, with mid-green foliage and bright purple flowers borne early summer into autumn.
'Jack Drake'
Compact and tidy in habit, reaching up to 6 inches x 1 foot in 4 years, with deep green foliage and intense deep red flowers borne all summer long.
Compact and tidy in habit, reaching up to 6 x 16 inches in 4 years,
with mid-green foliage and white flowers borne late spring into early autumn.
'William Buchanan'
Vigorous and compact, reaching up to 14 x 22 inches in 4 years, with deep green foliage and very abundant, purplish-red flowers borne late spring to late autumn.
Erica arborea ( Tree Heath )
A large shrub to small tree, reaching a maximum size of 30 x 30 feet with a trunk diameter of 1 foot ( reports as large as 72 feet with trunk diameter of 3.2 feet exist in Parque Nacional de Garajonay, Hermigua, Canary Islands of Spain ), that is native to southwest Europe, the Mediterranean and northern Africa. Some records include: 20 years - 25 x 17 feet ( it is much smaller in cool climates and only reaches up to 10 feet in London, England though has reached up to 27 feet in milder Cornwall ).
The needle-like leaves are borne in whorls of 3 or 4. The foliage is bright green, later turning to deep green. The young growth is hairy.
The fragrant, white, bell-shaped flowers are borne in pyramidal panicles, up to 18 inches in length, during early spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 in fulls sun, preferring acidic, well drained soil but tolerating neutral soils.
Drought tolerant. Old or snow damaged plants can be cut to the ground during early spring for renovation.
* excellent photo link found on internet
'Albert's Gold'
Reaches up to 4 x 3 feet in 2 years; 6 x 3 feet in 4 years, eventually up to 12 feet in height. The foliage is glowing yellowish-green during summer, turning to bright golden-yellow during winter.
The sparse white flowers are borne during late spring.
subsp 'Alpina'
Lower growing but can still become a large shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 24 feet. Some records include; 6.5 x 3 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green.
The white flowers with dense cylindrical racemes during late spring.
Hard pruning is necessary during early years to achieve a good dense habit.
'Estrella Gold'
Compact, broad and upright in habit, with foliage that is bright yellow at first, turning to yellow-green. The profuse, fragrant, white flowers are borne during late spring.
Some records include: 4 years - 4 x 3 feet.
'Golden Joy'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 6.5 x 3 feet in 4 years, eventually much larger.
The foliage is golden-yellow and the flowers are white.
Erica x arendsiana ( Arend's Heath )
A vigorous, upright hybrid between Erica cinerea & E. terminalis, reaching up to 3.3 x 3.3 feet in just 5 years.
The mid-green leaves are borne in whorls of 4.
The pink to lavender flowers are borne on and off from autumn into early spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
Erica australis ( Spanish Heath )
An open upright shrub, reaching a maximum size of 13 x 10 feet, that is native to the Portugal, western Spain as well as the Tangiers. Some records include: 10 years - 6.5 x 4 feet.
The linear leaves borne in whorls of 4, are rich deep green.
The fragrant, showy, reddish-pink, bell-shaped flowers, up to 0.3 inches, are borne in umbels, up to 8 inches, during mid spring into early summer. The flowers are borne on previous year wood.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 ( protected sites north of 8 ) on acidic to neutral soil. Prone to damage from wind and snow during winter.
'Mr. Robert'
Vigorous, loose and upright in habit, reaching up to 6 x 3 feet in just 4 years, eventually much more.
The foliage is bright green and the white flowers are borne late spring into early summer.
This is the hardiest of Erica australis cultivars.
Reaches up to 4 x 3 feet in 4 years, eventually more, with deep green foliage.
The lilac-pink flowers are borne late spring into early summer.
Erica baccans
A dense shrub, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 3.5 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The overlapping, blue-green, linear leaves, up to 0.3 inches in length, are arranged in whorls of 4.
The deep pink flowers are borne winter into spring.
Hardy zones 10 to 11
Erica bauera ( Bridal Heath )
An open, slender shrub, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 3 feet, that is native to South Africa where it is endangered.
The blue-green, linear leaves are arranged in whorls.
The waxy white to pink, tubular flowers are borne in small spikes at the branch tips during summer then sporadically the remainder of the year.
Hardy zones 9 to 10 on deep, sandy, well drained soil. The Bridal Heath likes summer water but does not enjoy high humidity. Tolerant of wind.
Pure white flowers.
Erica caffra
A vigorous, dense, narrow shrub, reaching a maximum height of 30 ( rarely over 10 ) feet, that is native to South Africa.
The mid-green ( silvery beneath ), linear leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length, are arranged in whorls.
The stems are hairy.
The white, tubular flowers are borne in whorls of 3 during spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 10 to 11 tolerating 28 F and even as low as 20 F if on a protected site.
Requires acidic soil.
Erica canaliculata
A fast growing, erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 18 x 12 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The mid-green ( hairy and paler beneath ), linear leaves, up to 0.4 inches in length, are arranged in whorls.
The white to pale pink flowers are borne in terminal clusters, up to 12 inches in length, from winter into early spring ( or most of the year in milder Mediterranean climates )
Hardy zones 8 to 10, hardy in southwest England.
Erica carnea ( Spring Heath )
A dense, hammock-forming shrub, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 7 feet, that is native to central and southern Europe.
The needle-like, linear leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length, are borne in whorls of 4. The foliage is bright to deep green.
The rosy-red, bell-shaped flowers, up to 0.3 inches, are borne in racemes, up to 6 inches in length, from late winter into early spring.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 ( snow protection is required north of 4 ) in full sun to partial shade on well drained soil. drought and alkaline tolerant and even grows on limestone soils in the wild. Deer resistant and tolerant of seashore conditions. Prune immediately after flowering or you may be removing next years flowers.
* photo taken @ U.S. Botanical Garden, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
* photo taken on Mar 22 2017 in Columbia, MD
'Ann Sparkles'
Slow growing and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 16 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 10 inches.
The striking golden-yellow foliage turns bronze to deep red during winter.
The deep pink flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
Compact and tidy in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 14 inches.
Foliage is golden-yellow ( tipped bright orange ) during spring. The profuse pale pink flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
Spreading in habit, reaching up to 6 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years, with deep bronze-green foliage and intense reddish-purple flowers borne winter into early spring.
'C.J. Backhouse'
Dense and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 10 inches.
The foliage is deep green. The flowers are pale pink.
'December Red'
Fast growing and spreading, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet.
The foliage is rich deep green.
The rose-purple flowers are borne early in the season.
'Ellen Porter'
Slow growing, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet, with deep red, bicolored flowers borne very early.
'Fox Hollow'
Vigorous and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 3 feet.
Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 18 inches.
The golden-yellow to lime-green foliage is tipped orange during spring. During late autumn and winter the foliage turns striking deep orange-red.
The pink to reddish-purple flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
Vigorous and spreading groundcover shrub, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 20 inches in 4 years, with deep blue-green foliage that turns to bronze during the winter. The rosy-purple flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
'March Seedling'
Reaches up to 6 x 20 inches in 4 years, with mid-green foliage and profuse pale red-purple flowers borne during spring. Generally similar to regular Erica carnea.
'Myretoun Ruby'
Reaches a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet, with deep green foliage.
Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 18 inches.
The flowers are pink at first, deepening to deep red and are borne late winter into early spring.
Reaches a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet, with deep green foliage.
Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 18 inches.
The purple flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
'Pink Sprangles'
Vigorous and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 18 inches.
The foliage is mid-green.
The purplish-pink flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
'Pirbright Rose'
Spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet, with bluish foliage.
The reddish-purple flowers are borne early in the season.
'Praecox Rubra'
Vigorous and spreading, reaching up to 6 x 16 inches in 4 years, eventually more.
The foliage is deep green and the rose-pink flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
'R.B. Cooke'
Reaches up to 8 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years, with mid-green leaves and very abundant pink flowers that later turn purplish-pink. The flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
'Snow Queen'
Compact, and neat in habit, it is slow growing, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 6 feet.
The foliage is luxuriant bright green and the large flowers are white.
'Springwood Pink'
A vigorous, low, spreading, groundcover form, reaching up to 10 inches x 2 feet in 4 years. Since the stems self root as they touch the ground, it can spread indefinately.
The foliage is bright green at first, turning to rich deep green.
The profuse rosy-pink flowers are borne winter into early spring.
'Springwood White'
A vigorous, low, spreading, groundcover form, reaching up to 8 inches x 2 feet in 4 years. Since the stems self root as they touch the ground, it can spread indefinately.
The foliage is bright green at first, turning to rich deep green.
The abundant, white flowers are borne winter into early spring.
Compact and dense in habit, reaching up to 9 x 14 inches in 4 years, eventually up to 2 feet across.
The rich deep green foliage turns to bronze during winter.
The flowers are deep red to deep purplish-pink.
'Westwood Yellow'
Dense and compact in habit, reaching up to 9 x 14 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is golden-yellow.
The deep pink flowers are borne late winter into early spring.
Erica casta
A sparsely branched shrub, reaching a maximum height of 20 inches, that is native to the Cape region of South Africa.
The mid-green leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length, are densely-packed and borne in whorls of 6.
The white ( rarely deep pink ) flowers are borne in small spikes during winter into spring.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica cerinthoides
A long lived shrub, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 3.5 feet, that is native to Swaziland and South Africa.
The erect, hairy, gray-green leaves, up to 0.7 inches in length, are borne in whorls.
The intense scarlet-red, tubular flowers are borne in small umbels at the branch tips. The flowers are borne during winter and spring, also sporadically the remainder of the year. The flowers attract hummingbirds.
Hardy zones 9 to 10 ( tolerating as low as 19 F ) in full sun on fertile, moist, acidic, well drained soil. This Heath can resprout after being cut, and pruning is recommended to keep it dense. Fertilize with low phosphate Osmocote only.
Erica ciliaris ( Fringed Heath )
Also called Dorset Heath. A somewhat straggly shrub, reaching a maximum size of 32 inches x 2 feet, but often pruned smaller. It is native to Ireland, southwestern England and other parts of southwestern Europe.
The lance-shaped to oval leaves, up to 0.2 inches, are borne in whorls of 3 or 4. The foliage is bright green later turning to gray-green or deep green above, white beneath.
The large, rosy-red, urn-shaped flowers are borne in long racemes, up to 4.7 inches in length, from mid summer into mid or late autumn.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in full sun on moist, acidic soil. Prefers warm conditions. Suffers some winter damage at 10 F but usually revives after a heavy pruning during early spring.
Upright in habit, with golden-yellow ( coral in winter and spring ) foliage and pink flowers borne late summer into autumn. Some records include: 4 years - 10 inches x 2 feet.
Prone to wind burn on windy sites. In areas with hot summers, it is recommended to plant in light shade to avoid scorching the foliage.
'Corfe Castle'
Compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 20 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 8 x 18 inches.
The foliage is deep green, turning to bronze during winter.
The striking, large, hot salmon-pink flowers are borne on long spikes during late summer.
'David McClintock'
Low and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 20 inches. Some records include: 4 years - 1 x 1.5 feet.
The foliage is bright gray-green. The white ( tipped deep pink ) flowers are borne late summer into early autumn.
'Egdon Heath'
Grayish-green foliage and pink flowers.
Upright and sturdy, reaching a maximum height of 1.5 feet.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
'Mrs. C.H. Gill'
Similar to species and bushy in habit, with deep green foliage and large, glowing deep red flowers borne mid summer into early autumn. Some records include: 4 years - 8 x 18 inches.
Whitish flowers that later deepen to purple over a long season.
Vigorous and erect in habit, reaching a maximum height of 2 feet.
Some records include: 4 years - 10 x 18 inches.
The foliage is mid-green and the white flowers are borne summer into early autumn.
'White Wings'
Compact, dense and spreading, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 1.5 foot. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 18 inches.
The foliage is deep gray-green. The flowers are white.
Erica cinerea ( Bell Heather )
A fast growing, stiff branched, low, bushy shrub, reaching a maximum size of 3.5 x 7 ( rarely over 2 x 4 ) feet, that is native to western Europe. In the U.S., it has naturalized on Nantucket Island in Massachusetts.
The neat foliage is glossy deep green. The needle-like, linear leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length, are borne in whorls of 3.
The profuse, purple, urn-shaped flowers, up to 0.3 inches, are borne in racemes, up to 3 inches in length, from early summer into early autumn.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( protected sites in 5 & 6 ) in full sun to partial shade preferring dry warm sites though young plants should be kept consistantly moist.
Mature plants are best mulched and with a regular deep summer watering once weekly.
Plants are difficult to establish and dry winds can dessicate the foliage ( reported to scorch in London, England ). Tough once established but requires acidic, very well drained soil. Deer resistant.
Shear by up to 1/3 after flowering ends for compact habit.
'Alba Major'
Similar to species with mid-green foliage and white flowers.
'Alba Minor'
Compact in habit, reaching up to 8 x 22 inches in 4 years, with profuse white flowers borne summer into early autumn.
'Alice Anne Davies'
Vigorous spreading with deep pink flowers borne in long spikes.
'Apricot Charm'
Compact in habit with orangish foliage.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
A spreading groundcover form, reaching up to 1 foot x 20 inches in 4 years.
Profuse, intense rose-purple flowers contrast with deep green foliage.
Reaches up to 10 x 20 inches in 4 years, with glowing red-purple flowers.
'C.D. Eason'
Dense, compact and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 3 feet.
Some records include: 4 years - 10 x 20 inches.
The foliage is dull deep-green.
The bright rose-red flowers are borne in erect sprays.
* photo taken on June 3 2013 in Ellicott City, MD
A compact, carpet forming groundcover shrub, reaching up to 1 foot x 26 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green and the purplish-pink flowers are borne late summer into early autumn.
'C.G. Best'
Reaches up to 1 foot x 28 inches in 4 years, eventually larger.
The foliage is mid-green and the salmon-pink flowers borne in long inflorescences during summer into early autumn.
Reaches up to 10 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years, with deep red flowers.
The foliage is deep green.
'Eden Beauty'
Compact, dense and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet.
Some records include: 4 years - 8 x 20 inches.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
The white ( tipped pinkish-purple ) flowers are borne mid summer to mid autumn.
'Fiddler's Gold'
Reaches up to 10 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years, with golden-yellow foliage that turns to red during winter.
The lilac-pink flowers are borne during summer.
Vigorous and spreading in habit, with luxuriant mid-green foliage and bright rosey-pink flowers.
Compact, dense and spreading, reaching up to 1 foot x 22 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is luxuriant mid-green, tipped pink and red during spring.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
'Golden Drop'
Mat-forming in habit, reaching up to 10 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years. The stunning golden-yellow foliage turns orange during autumn then deep red during winter. The sparse purplish-pink flowers are borne during summer.
'Golden Hue'
Erect in habit, reaching up to 14 x 28 inches in 4 years, eventually larger.
The pale yellow foliage becomes orange tipped during winter.
The bright purple flowers are borne summer into early autumn.
'Hookstone White'
Low and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 feet x 26 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is bright green. The profuse, white flowers are borne in long racemes.
'Hookstone Lavender'
Low and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 2 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is bright to mid-green. The profuse, pale-lavender flowers are borne in long racemes.
Compact, reaching up to 8 x 20 inches in 4 years, with deep blue-green foliage and very deep purple to blackish-purple flowers.
'Knap Hill Pink'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 1 x 2 feet in 4 years, eventually more.
The foliage is deep green and the abundant, purplish-pink flowers are borne over a very long season from early summer into early autumn.
'Lime Soda'
Reaches up to 1 x 2 feet in 4 years, eventually more.
The foliage is vivid lime-green and the abundant, light lavender flowers are borne during summer into early autumn.
Reaches up to 1 x 2 feet in 4 years, with deep green foliage and very deep red flowers.
'Pink Ice'
Dwarf and dense in habit, reaching up to 6 x 14 inches in 4 years.
Foliage is deep green, turning bronzed during winter.
The rose-pink flowers are borne mid summer into late autumn.
'P.S. Patrick'
Reaches up to 16 inches in height with deep green foliage.
Some records include: 4 years - 1 x 1.5 feet.
The reddish-purple flowers are borne in long inflorescences.
'Purple Beauty'
Dense and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet.
Some records include: 4 years - 12 x 22 inches.
The foliage is deep green. The deep rose-purple flowers are borne on long racemes.
* photo taken on May 14 2012 in Howard Co., MD
'Robert Michael'
Taller than most cultivars, forming a spreading dense mat. The flowers are deep pink.
'Rock Pool'
Compact and dense in habit, reaching up to 6 x 14 inches in 4 years.
The golden-yellow foliage turns to orange and red during autumn.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
Dense and compact in habit, reaching up to 6 x 6 inches.
The foliage is deep gray-green.
The bright red flowers are borne all summer long.
'Stephen Davis'
Erect, dense and neat in habit, reaching up to 8 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green foliage and the intense red flowers are borne profusely all summer long.
'Velvet Night'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 10 inches x 2 feet in 4 years, with
deep green foliage and very dark purplish-red to almost black flowers borne during summer. Looks incredible with white flowering plants.
'Vivienna Patricia'
Spreading and neat in habit, reaching up to 8 x 16 inches in 4 years.
Foliage is very deep green with red tips.
The flowers are deep lavender.
Vigorous and dense, reaching up to 6 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years, eventually up to 14 x 20 inches.
The golden-yellow foliage turns to bright orange and red during winter.
The purplish-pink flowers are borne during summer into early autumn.
Erica curviflora ( Water Heath )
A moderate growing, dense, erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5.5 x 6 feet, that is native to the Cape region of South Africa.
The mid-green, lance-shaped leaves, up to 0.3 inches in length, are borne in whorls of 4.
The yellow, orange, pink or red, tubular flowers are borne on terminal branches.
The flowers are profusely borne winter and spring, sporadically the remainder of the year.
Hardy zones 9 to 10 preferring wet soil.
Erica darleyensis ( Mediterranean Heather )
The hybrid between Erica carnea & E. erigena, forming a vigorous, spreading shrub, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 6 ( rarely over 3 ) feet.
The long, needle-like to lance-shaped leaves are borne in whorls of 4. The foliage is mid-green.
The bell-shaped flowers are borne on racemes, up to 6 inches in length, during late winter to early spring.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun on ( preferably acidic ), well drained soil. Tolerant of both lime and hot humid summers unlike most other Heathers. Enjoys protection from excessive wind during winter. Deer resistant.
Prune immediately after blooming to encourage increased density.
* photo taken on Aug 2 2012 in Bayfield, Ontario
* photo taken on Jan 17 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 14 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Jan 26 2021 in Columbia, MD
'Archie Graham'
Dense and vigorous, reaching a maximum size of 28 inches x 4 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 20 inches x 2 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The flowers are purplish-pink.
'Arthur Johnson'
Reaches a maximum height of 40 inches ( 2 x 2.5 feet in 4 years ), with deep pink flowers that are borne in very long spikes during late winter into spring. The foliage is mid-green and during spring is tipped creamy-white.
Similar in habit, with yellow foliage that becomes reddish during winter.
The flowers are deep pink.
'Darley Dale'
Also called 'Mediterranean Pink'. Dense and vigorous, reaching a maximum size of 28 inches x 4.5 feet. Some records include: 1.5 x 3 feet in 4 years.
The deep green foliage is tipped creamy-white during spring.
The abundant, pale purplish-pink flowers are borne mid-winter to mid-spring.
* photos taken on Dec 20 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 15 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 31 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 1 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 4 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Feb 16 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Feb 16 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 20 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 17 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 15 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 22 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 3 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 11 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 3 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Dec 10 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Jan 18 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 2 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 24 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Feb 20 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Dunwood Splendour'
The largest cultivar, reaching up to 4 feet in height.
Vigorous and dense, reaching up to 1.5 x 3 feet in size. The foliage is deep green. The deep rosy-pink flowers are borne late autumn into early spring.
* photo taken @ U.S. Botanical Garden, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
'Ghost Hills'
Dense and vigorous, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 3 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 1.5 x 3 feet.
The deep green foliage is tipped with creamy-white during spring.
The profuse, pink ( with deep pink tips ) flowers are borne late autumn into spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 8
'Jenny Porter'
Vigorous and dense in habit, reaching up to 1 x 2 feet in 4 years, with mid-green foliage that is tipped creamy-white.
The flowers are pinkish-white.
'Kramer's Rote'
Also called 'Kramer's Red'. Reaches up to 16 inches x 2 feet in 4 years, with very deep green ( bronze in winter ) foliage and intense red-purple flowers borne mid-winter to mid-spring.
* photo taken on Mar 3 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Feb 7 2024 in Columbia, MD
Also called 'Mediterranean White'. Bushy in habit, reaching up to 14 x 32 inches in 4 years, eventually up to 2.5 x 4 feet. The foliage is mid-green ( red tinged during winter ) with creamy tips during spring.
The silvery-white flowers are borne mid-winter to mid-spring.
* photos taken on Dec 28 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Feb 16 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Jan 14 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Apr 2 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Dec 10 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Jan 27 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Mar 16 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Silver Beads'
Similar in habit, its foliage is deep green, even in winter.
The flowers are silvery-white.
'White Glow'
Dense and vigorous, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 10 x 20 inches.
The foliage is deep green.
The profuse flowers are white.
Hardy zones 7 to 8
'White Perfection'
Dense, erect and vigorous in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2.5 x 4 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 16 x 28 inches.
The foliage is bright yellow at first, deepening to bright green. The abundant, pure white flowers are borne in long racemes over a long season from early winter through spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 8
Erica densifolia
An upright shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 3 feet, that is native to South Africa.
The deep green, linear leaves are up to 0.2 inches in length.
The red, tubular flowers are borne in spikes, up to 1 inch in length, during summer.
The young stems are finely hairy.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica erigena ( Irish Heather )
Also called Erica mediterranea & Erica hibernica. An upright, bushy, dense shrub, reaching a maximum size of 17 x 6.5 feet, that is native to Ireland, southwest France, Portugal, Spain as well as the mountains of Morocco. Some records include: 4 years - 8 x 4 feet. It makes an excellent hedge in low snowfall climates ( heavy snowfall may break its brittle branches ). Great as an architectural feature or hedge.
The linear leaves, up to 0.3 inches in length, are deep green.
The leaves are arranged in whorls of 4.
The abundant, lightly honey-scented, lilac-pink, urn-shaped flowers are borne in dense racemes, up to 2 inches in length, during winter and spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 ( sheltered sites in 6 ) preferring acidic, well drained soil. It is generally soil tolerant but may be damaged by heavy snows.
Identical with white flowers.
* historic archive photo
Low and dense, reaching up to 40 ( rarely over 20 x 20 ) inches.
The needle-like foliage is blue-green, turning bronzy-purple during winter.
The fragrant flowers are purplish-pink.
'Golden Lady'
Slow growing, compact and upright in habit, reaching up to 30 x 22 inches in 4 years; 4 x 4 feet in 10 years.
The foliage is bright golden-yellow all year and the white flowers are borne during late spring.
'Irish Dusk'
Bushy, compact and upright in habit, reaching up to 2 x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
The deep gray-green foliage contrasts with rosy-pink flowers borne late autumn into late spring.
Similar to 'Superba' but broader in habit, reaching up to 5 x 3 feet in just 4 years.
The foliage is deep green and the flowers are mid pink.
Reaches up to 6+ feet with mid-green foliage and strongly scented, bright pink flowers. Some records include: 4 years - 5 x 2 feet; largest on record - 17 x 17 feet. Shear immediately after flowering.
'W.T. Rackliff'
Slow growing and compact in habit, reaching up to 2.5 x 2 feet in 4 years; 4 x 4 feet in 10 years, eventually to 5 feet.
The rich mid-green foliage contrasts with abundant, large, white ( with brown anthers ) flowers borne during spring.
Erica x gaudificans 'Edewecht Blush'
The vigorous hybrid between Erica bergiana & E. spiculifolia, reaching up to 2.5 + x 2.5 feet in 4 years, eventually larger.
The small, pale pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne on both the main and axilliary shoots from mid spring to late fall or even all year in mild climates.
The attractive feathery foliage is bright green.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
Erica glandulosa
An often sprawling shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 3 feet, that is native to the Cape region in South Africa.
The bright green, linear leaves, up to 0.4 inches in length, are borne in whorls of 4.
The pinkish-orange, tubular flowers are borne in terminal clusters from autumn into spring.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica glomiflora
A shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 3 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The mid-green, linear leaves are borne in whorls.
The glossy, pinkish-white flowers are borne on lateral stem tips from spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica gracilis
A small shrub, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 20 inches, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The linear leaves are arranged in whorls of 4. The foliage is deep green.
The bright to deep pink, urn-shaped flowers are borne in whorls of 4 at the stem tips. The flowers are borne autumn to winter.
Hardy zones 10 to 11
Erica x griffithsii
The vigorous but compact hybrids between Erica manipuliflora and E. vagans.
They make excellent low hedges and old plants will even regenerate if cut to ground during early spring.
Hardy zones 6 to 9. Tolerant of limestone soils.
'Heaven Scent'
Vigorous and upright in habit, reaching up to 3.3 x 2 feet in 4 years, eventually more. The foliage is deep gray-green. The very fragrant, lilac-pink flowers are borne on long sprays from mid summer into late fall.
Vigorous and upright in habit, reaching up to 3.3 x 2 feet in 4 years, eventually more. The foliage is deep gray-green. The very fragrant, red-pink flowers are borne on long sprays from mid summer into late fall.
'Valerie Griffith'
Bushy in habit, reaching up to 16 inches x 2 feet in 4 years with bright yellow foliage that deepens to golden-yellow during winter.
The pale pink flowers are borne summer into early fall.
Erica x hiemalis ( French Heather )
A shrub, reaching a maximum size of 2 x 2 feet, that is a hybrid of unknown origin.
The linear leaves, up to 0.2 inches in length, are arranged in whorls of 4. The foliage is bright green.
The pinkish-white, tubular flowers are borne in clusters, up to 4 inches in length, from autumn into winter.
Hardy zones 8 to 10
'Inspector Vorwerk'
The flowers are purple with white crowns.
The deep pink flowers are long and tubular.
'Prof Diels'
The flowers are scarlet-red with grayish-blue shading.
Erica lusitanica ( Portugese Heath )
A large shrub, reaching a maximum size of 23 x 7 feet, that is native to southwest France, Portugal and western Spain. Some records include: 4 years - 4 x 2.5 feet; 10 years - 10 x 3.3 feet. At Poole in England, the offspring of a single plant naturalized to cover 1.5 acres. It has naturalized along freeways in northern California. It has even become invasive in parts of Australia and New Zealand.
The linear leaves are arranged in whorls of 3 or 4 along the stems.
The feathery foliage is bright green, later turning to mid-green.
The very abundant, white ( pink in bud ), tubular flowers, up to 0.2 inches, are borne in racemes from late winter to mid-spring.
Hardy zones 8 to 10 ( tolerating 10 F ). Prefers moist, acidic soil but tolerates lime and also drought once established. It is important to make sure heavy snowloads do not accumulate on the plant as the stems are prone to breakage. Prune immediately after flowering for the first few years to encourage a plant of dense, sturdy habit.
* photo of unknown internet source

'George Hunt'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 2.5 x 1.5 feet in 4 years, eventually over 6 feet in height.
Foliage is bright yellow and the flowers are white ( pink in bud ).
Erica mackayana ( Mackay Heath )
Also called Erica mackaiana. A spreading to erect shrub reaching up to 12 x 16 inches in 10 years, and an eventual maximum size of 2 feet x 32 inches ( or much broader - singl clones have been known to form large colonies ). It is native to boggy habitats in western Ireland and Spain.
The small, lance-shaped to oblong, deep-green leaves, up to 0.2 inches, are borne in whorls of 4.
The small, pink, urn-shaped flowers are borne in rounded racemes, up to 2 inches in length, from mid summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 7 ( 3 ) in full sun to partial shade on acidic, constantly moist soil. Cultivars of Irish origin are especially NOT drought tolerant and die very quickly if they dry out.
Large, lilac-pink, semi-double flowers.
'Dr. Ronald Gray'
Compact and wide spreading in habit, reaching up to 6 x 14 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green.
The white flowers are borne over a long season from summer into autumn.
A compact groundcover shrub, reaching up to 1 foot x 16 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is deep green. The double flowers are purplish-pink, fading to white in the center.
'Shining Light'
Dense and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 24 inches.
The foliage is gray-green to deep green. The large, pure white flowers are borne late summer into early autumn.
Erica mammosa
A shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 7 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The lance-shaped leaves, up to 0.4 inches in length, are arranged in whorls of 4. The foliage is deep green.
The white to pink or deep red, tubular flowers are borne in clusters, up to 3 inches in length, from spring into summer.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
* photos of unknown internet source

Pink flowers.
Erica manipuliflora ( Whorled Heath )
Also called Erica verticillata. A shrub, reaching a maximum size of 7.5 x 6 ( rarely over 4 x 3.5 ) feet, that is native from southeast Italy to the Balkans.
The pointed, linear, mid-green leaves are borne in whorls of 3.
The fragrant, rose-pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne in racemes on 2nd year wood during late summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 ( 7 on protected sites ). Tolerant of limestone soils.
Unlike some other Heath, older Whorled Heath will regenerate if cut to ground during early spring.
Somewhat open and broad in habit, reaching up to 2 x 3.5 feet in 4 years, eventually larger. The foliage is mid-green.
The large, pinkish-white flowers borne in long sprays during late summer.
Erica melanthera
An erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 3 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The tiny, deep green leaves are borne in whorls of 3.
The pendant, bright pink to red flowers are borne spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 8 to 10
Erica x oldenburgensis ( Oldenburg Heath )
The compact, lime tolerant hybrids between Erica arborea and E. carnea.
The small, bell-shaped flowers are borne on long plumes.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
Compact and spreading in habit, reaching up to 2.5 x 2.5 feet in 4 years. The foliage is bright orange during spring, turning to mid-green during summer.
The pale pink flowers are borne on erect spikes over a long season during winter and spring.
Compact and spreading in habit, reaching up to 2.5 x 2.5 feet in 4 years. The foliage is mid-green. The white flowers are borne on erect spikes over a long season during winter and spring.
Erica patersonia ( Mealie Heath )
An erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 3.5 x 2 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa where it is endangered.
The mid-green, linear leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length, are borne in whorls of 4.
The waxy, golden-yellow, tubular flowers are borne in small spikes from late winter into early spring.
Hardy zones 9a to 12 on marshy, peaty, acidic soil that is mulched.
Erica periza ( Kapokkie Heath )
A dense, erect shrub, reaching a maximum height of 5 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The linear leaves, borne in whorls of 3, are mid-green.
The densely hairy, white, cup-shaped flowers are borne at the stem tips.
The stems are woolly.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica regia ( Elim Heath )
A dense, erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 3 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
The gray-green leaves, up to 0.5 inches across, are borne in whorls of 6.
The waxy, tubular flowers are whitish at the base and deep red on the upper 2/3rds.
The flowers are borne during spring.
Hardy zones 9 to 10
Erica scoparia ( Besom Heath )
An erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 20 x 6 feet, that is native from the Canary Islands to southwestern France; south into Spain and northern Africa. It is sometimes used as a low hedge.
The glossy deep green, linear leaves, up to 0.25 inches, are borne in whorls of 3 or 4.
The brownish-red, bell-shaped flowers, up to 0.1 inches, are borne in racemes during summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 on acidic soil.
subsp 'azorica'
Hardier to zone 6.
Greenish-brown flowers.
Erica spiculifolia
Also called Bruckenthalia spiculifolia. A compact, dwarf shrub, reaching up to 1 x 1 feet, that is native to high mountains of the Balkans in Europe as well as northern Turkey. Some records include; 4 years - 6 inches x 1 foot.
The very small, bristle-tipped, narrow leaves are borne in whorls of 4. The foliage is deep green.
The very small, rose-pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne on inflorescences up to 4 inch in length, during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun on acidic soil.
Erica x stuartii ( Praeger's Heath )
The natural hybrid between Erica mackaiana and Erica tetralix originating in western Ireland. It can reach as much as 2 x 4 feet in 10 years.
The narrow, lance-shaped leaves are borne in whorls of 4.
The rounded, bell-shaped flowers are borne in rounded clusters during late spring into summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 7 on moist, acidic soil. Drought tolerant.
'Charles Stuart'
Foliage is pinkish at first, later turning to gray-green.
The flowers are purplish-pink with pink tips.
'Irish Lemon'
Compact and dense in habit, reaching up to 1 foot x 20 inches in 4 years, eventually larger.
The deep green is tipped bright yellow during spring.
The pale purplish-pink flowers are borne late spring to mid autumn.
'Irish Orange'
Compact and dense in habit, reaching up to 10 x 20 inches in 4 years, eventually larger.
Foliage is orange at first, later turning to deep green.
The soft pink flowers are borne during summer.
Erica terminalis ( Corsican Heath )
An erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 8 feet, that is native to southern Spain, southern Italy, Sardinia and Corsica. Some records include: 8 x 3 feet in 4 years. It makes an excellent hedge with a little bit of pruning.
The deep green, linear leaves are borne in whorls of 4, 5 or 6.
The foliage turns rusty-red during cold winters.
The rose-pink, urn-shaped flowers are borne in terminal umbels, up to 2 inches across, during mid summer into early autumn. White flowering plants are known to grow in Corsica.
Hardy zones 7b to 10 ( possibly hardier on protected sites ). It is perfectly hardy at Kew in England, even in 1963 ( 0 F ). This is the hardiest of the Tree Heaths and there are even rumors of it surviving in courtyards in zone 5 though may be damaged by heavy snow.
Tolerant of alkaline soils. Prune frequently when young to encourage plants that are dense and sturdy in habit. It is easy to brush off spent blooms after flowering to tidy up appearance.
'Thelma Woolner'
Deep green folaige contrasts with deep pink flowers. Slightly less hardy than regular Erica terminalis.
Erica tetralix ( Cross-Leafed Heath )
A shrub, reaching a maximum size of 3 x 7 feet, that is native to boggy sites throughout the British Isles, coastal Scandinavia, France, Portugal and Spain.
The linear to lance-shaped, soft gray-green ( silvery beneath ) leaves, up to 0.25 inches, are borne in whorls of 4s.
The soft rosy-pink, urn-shaped flowers, up to 0.5 inches, are borne in drooping, dense, rounded, terminal clusters over a very long season from early summer to mid autumn.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in full sun on consistantly moist, slightly acidic soil. The growth is severely stunted on alkaline soils. Shear plants in early spring to encourage bushiness.
'Alba Mollis'
Vigorous, compact and upright in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 feet x 20 inches.
The striking silvery-gray foliage turns to green later in summer.
The abundant, large, white flowers are borne in dense rounded clusters.
'Con Underwood'
Vigorous and flat in habit, reaching a maximum size of 2 feet x 20 inches. Some records include: 10 x 20 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is gray-green.
The flowers are deep red to purplish-red.
'George Frazer'
Upright in habit, reaching up to 10 inches x 1 foot in 4 years, with profuse deep rosey-pink flowers borne over a very long season. The foliage is olive-green.
'Pink Star'
Low and spreading in habit, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 20 inches.
Some records include: 4 years - 8 x 14 inches.
The foliage is gray-green. The upright starry flowers are deep pink.
The flowers are arranged horizontally around the stems.
Very compact in habit, reaching up to 8 inches x 1 foot, with red flowers.
Erica umbellata ( Dwarf Spanish Heath )
A rare, slow growing, compact, small shrub, reaching a maximum size of 3 x 3 feet, that is native to the area around the Strait of Gibraltar. Some records include: 1.5 feet x 22 inches in 4 years. A great shrub for the rock garden if trimmed regularly to keep it dense and compact.
The wiry stems bear tiny, linear leaves that are hairy when young. The gray-green leaves are arranged in whorls of 3.
The very profuse, deep purplish-pink, bell-shaped flowers, up to 0.3 inches in length, are borne in heads from late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 6 to 10 on very well drained soil. Tolerant of alkaline conditions.
Erica vagans ( Cornish Heath )
A very vigorous, spreading shrub, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 4 feet, that is native to western Europe.
The long needle-like foliage is borne in whorls of 4 to 5. The foliage is deep green.
The small, white to purplish-pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne in leafy racemes, up to 6 inches in length, late summer to late autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun. Somewhat alkaline tolerant and even tolerant of heavy clay if peat is added. Can be pruned to ground during spring if stems shatter from heavy snow damage.
'Birch Glow'
Fast growing and bushy in habit, reaching a maximum size of 40 inches x 4 feet.
Some records include: 1 foot x 20 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is bright green.
The flowers are rose-pink.
'Cornish Cream'
Reaches up to 1.5 feet x 26 inches in 4 years with mid-green foliage and white flowers borne on long racemes from late summer to late autumn.
Fast growing and bushy, reaching a maximum size of 40 inches x 4 feet.
Some records include: 16 x 26 inches in 4 years.
The foliage is bright green, later turning to deep green. The abundant, white flowers are borne in long tapering spikes.
Hardy zones 5 to 9
Mrs. D. F. Maxwell'
Compact in habit, reaching up to 1.6 x 1.5 feet in 4 years, with deep green foliage and abundant deep red flowers.
'St Keverne'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.5 feet with deep green foliage and rosy-red flowers borne late summer through mid fall.
Some records include: 8 inches x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
'Valerie Proudley'
Vigorous and bushy in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1.5 x 1.5 feet.
The foliage is golden-yellow.
The flowers are white.
Reaches up to 1 foot x 22 inches in 4 years, with mid-green foliage and blue-green bracted flowers.
Erica x veitchii ( Veitch's Heath )
A large, open shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 6.5 feet, that is the hybrid between Erica arborea & E. lutitanica.
The needle-like, linear leaves are mid-green.
The very profuse, lightly fragrant, white, bell-shaped flowers are borne in dense racemes, up to 12 inches in length, during late spring.
The young stems are covered in downy hairs.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( sheltered site in zone 7 ) in full sun on acidic or alkaline soil. Established plants prefer a deep watering once deeply during summer.
Tolerant of high winds but not salt air.
Bushy in habit, reaching up to 50 inches x 2 feet in 4 years, with an eventual maximum size of 10 x 7 feet.
The foliage is bright green.
The profuse, fragrant white flowers are borne in masses during spring.
'Gold Tips'
Reaches up to 26 inches x 2 feet in 4 years, eventually much more.
Foliage is golden-yellow at first, later turning to green.
The white flowers are borne late spring into early summer.
Somewhat alkaline soil tolerant unlike species.
'Pink Joy'
Bushy in habit, reaching up to 5 x 2.5 feet in 4 years, with an eventual mature size up to 10 x 6 feet.
The foliage is mid-green ( golden-yellow during spring ) and the showy flowers are bright pink in bud, opening to white.
Erica ventricosa
A compact shrub, reaching a maximum size of 6 x 2 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
The leaves, borne in whorls of 4, are deep green with a hairy margin.
The waxy, pinkish-red, tubular flowers are borne in terminal clusters during spring.
Hardy zones 10 to 11 ( tolerates as low as 28 F ) on acidic, well drained soil. Requires mulch and a Mediterranean climate.
Larger purplish-pink flowers.
Erica versicolor
An erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 3 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
The linear leaves, borne in whorls of 3, are mid-green.
The red ( tipped yellow ), tubular flowers are borne in whorls of 3 from autumn into winter.
Hardy zones 10 to 11
Erica verticillata
A handsome, fast growing, bushy, erect shrub, reaching a maximum size of 13 x 3 feet, that is native to the Western Cape Province in Africa.
The linear leaves, borne in whorls of 4 to 6, are mid-green.
The finely-hairy, purplish-pink, tubular flowers are borne in clusters during summer.
Hardy zones 9 to 10 on deep sandy soil. Requires mulch.
* photos of unknown internet source

Erica x watsonii ( Watson's Heath )
The hybrid between Erica ciliaris & E. tetralix, forming a shrub up to 1 x 2 feet.
The leaves are borne in 4s.
The rosy-pink, bell-shaped flowers are borne in short racemes during mid summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun on acidic soil.
Spreading and compact in habit, reaching a maximum size of 1 x 2 feet. Some records include: 4 years - 6 x 14 inches.
The mid-green foliage is tipped orangish-yellow during spring.
The deep purplish-pink flowers are borne in large clusters during late summer into early autumn.
'H. Maxwell'
Upright and bushy in habit, reaching up to 1 x 1.5 feet in 4 years.
The foliage is mid-green and tipped bronze-yellow to orange during spring.
The purplish-pink flowers are borne mid summer to late autumn.
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