These are the "True" Lilies and do not include Daylilies. They are native to temperate to boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, 25 species in North America alone.
They are among the boldest of all summer flowering bulbs for use in temperate climates.
Most Lilies prefer full sun to partial shade on moist, fertile, humus-rich, well drained soil with abundant organic material. In climates where winter temperature goes below 0 F ( -18 C ), is recommended to mulch them during winter. Remove old blooms before they set seed to preserve energy for growth ( unless you plan to use the seed ), feeding is recommended during mid-spring then again late summer. Plant the bulbs in autumn or early spring in a pocket of sand 6 to 9 inches deep or 2 to 3 times deeper than the bulb is tall. Rodents and squirrels do like to eat the bulbs, protection such as old window screening may be necessary on some sites. Deer may also be a problem in some areas.
Propagation is easy via division or the bulbils. The clumps can be divided every few years during autumn then replanted with the bulbs seperated.
Propagation is generally from bulbils ( small bulbs that are born at the leaf axils ) that are planted when ripened. The taller Lilies may flop over easily if planted too shallow.

* photos taken on June 1 2010 in Columbia, MD

* photos taken July 4 2010 @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photo taken on 4th of July 2010 in Washington, D.C.
* photo taken on May 15 2011 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on April 11 2011 in Columbia, MD
* photos of unknown internet source

* photos taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
* photo taken on June 25 2017 in Columbia, MD
Lilium amabile
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 1 foot, that is native to Korea.
The narrow leaves are up to 3.5 inches in length.
The rich red ( spotted black and with brown anthers ), pendulous flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne in clusters of up to 6 during early summer. The flowers are scented but not fragrantly.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in partial shade. It spreads by underground bulbils.
Lilium auratum ( Gold Band Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 11 x 1.5 feet, that is native to mountain meadows in central Japan. It has declined considerably and is now critically endangered with extinction.
The leathery leaves, up to 9 x 2 inches, are deep green.
The fragrant, white ( with deep red spotting and gold banded petals ) flowers, up to 12 inches across, are borne in racemes of up to 40 during late summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8. Plant bulbs 10 inches deep on sandy, well drained soil. It hates limey and winter wet soils. Prone to viruses.
* historic archive photo
Flower petals have deep red banding at the tips.
Very large flowers.
Flowers banded deep red.
Lilium bolanderi ( Thimble Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 4 feet, that is native from southern Oregon to northwest California.
The broadly-ovate leaves, up to 3 x 1 inches in size, are borne in whorls.
The abundant, horizontal to nodding flowers are purplish-red and blotched darker. Up to 9 flowers can be borne on a stalk during early summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in full sun to partial shade on moist, fertile, well drained soil. It is drought tolerant and prefers a dry summer climate.
Lilium bulbiferum ( Orange Lily )
A vigorous perennial, reaching a maximum size of 5 x 2+ feet, that is native to southern Europe. The lance-shaped leaves are up to 6 inches in length. The foliage is mid-green.
The erect, orange-red flowers, up to 6 inches in length, are borne in umbels of up to 20 during early summer.
Hardy zones 2 to 8 and is easy to grow in full sun or partial shade on just about any moist but well drained soil. Propagation is from the aerial bulbils that it produces.
Taller growing, up to 6 feet.
Lilium canadense ( Canada Lily )
A stoloniferous, colony-forming perennial, reaching a maximum size of 10 x 2 feet ( rarely over 7 feet ), that is native to wet acidic woods of North America ( from central Indiana to Niagara Falls, Ontario to southeast Quebec to Nova Scotia, south to southwest Kentucky to northern Alabama to Virginia ). It is also found in Nebraska and Kansas. It is endangered in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas and Delaware. In the Windsor/Essex County, Ontario region; it was considered abundant at Point Pelee and the Lake Erie Islands during the 1800s. Established plants will form stolons that are tipped by new bulbs.
The leaves, up to 8 x 1.2 inches in size, are borne in whorls.
The nodding, orangish-yellow to red ( spotted purplish-brown ) flowers, up to 4 inches in length, are borne in umbels of up to 20 during mid-summer. Up to 4 umbels may be borne on a plant.
The stems are reddish-green.
Hardy zones 2 to 8 in partial shade on humus-rich, moist, acidic soil.
* historic archive photo
Lilium candidum ( Madonna Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 2 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to Greece and Turkey. The plant dies down quickly after flowering, then the basal leaves, up to 10 inches in length, appear during autumn and persist into the following summer.-*/.;; The spirally-arranged. lance-shaped leaves are mid-green.
The horizontally held, very fragrant, waxy, pure white ( with golden anthers ), trumpet-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across, are borne in racemes of 5 to 20 during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun on neutral to alkaline, well drained soil. Plant bulbs 3 inches deep during early autumn. Prone to botrytis.
* historic archive photo
Lilium catesbaei ( Pine Lily )
A moderate growing, perennial, reaching a maximum height of 3 feet, that is native to swamps, bogs and moist pinelands in the southeastern U.S. ( from southern Illinois to southeastern Virginia; south to Louisiana to Florida - excluding the Appalachians ).
The lance-shaped leaves, up to 5 x 0.5 inches in size, are not whorled.
The flowers, up to 6 inches across, are intense deep orange ( centered yellow ). The flowers are usually borne singly.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 preferring wet, peaty or sandy soil
* photo taken by Mark A. Garland @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
* photo taken @ U.S. Botanical Garden, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
Lilium cernuum ( Nodding Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 4 ( rarely over 2 ) feet, that is native to eastern Asia in Russia, Manchuria and Korea.
The very narrow leaves, up to 7 inches in length, are glossy green.
The nooding, turk's-cap, purplish-pink ( with purple-pink spotting and lilac pink anthers ) flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne during early summer. The flowers are borne in racemes of up to 6. Forms with pure white flowers exist.
Hardy zones 3 to 6, even growing in Saskatchewan.
Lilium chalcedonicum ( Scarlet Turk's Cap Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 5 feet, that is native to Albania and Greece. The crowded, erect leaves, up to 5 x 0.6 inches, are luxuriant green and silvery-edged.
The hanging, intense scarlet-red, turks-cap flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne during mid summer. The flowers are borne in racemes of up to 10.
Hardy zones 5 to 8. Plant the bulbs 2 inches deep. Prone to viruses and botrytis.
Lilium columbianum ( Columbia Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum size of 8 x 1.5 feet ( rarely over 6.5 feet ) that is native to coniferous woods and open forests in the western U.S. ( from Vancouver Island to Prince George, British Columbia to Revelstoke, B.C. to northern Idaho; south to northern California to Nevada ). It has become rare in the wild.
The leaves, borne 6 to 9 per whorl, are up to 5.5 inches in length. The foliage is bright green.
The yellow to reddish-orange ( with deep red spotting ), turks-cap flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne in racemes of up to 40 during early to mid summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8, it thrives where the foliage is in the sun and the roots are shaded. It prefers fertile, well drained soil.
* photo taken by The Wild Garden,
* historical archive photo
Lilium concolor ( Star Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 4 feet, that is native to mountain meadows in Siberia, Mongolia, China and Korea.
The very narrow leaves are up to 4 x 0.2 inches in size.
The erect, intense scarlet-red, starry flowers, up to 2 inches in length, are borne in umbels of up to 7 during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
Lilium dauricum
Reaching up to 4 feet x 10 inches in size, this Lily is native to eastern Siberia; south to northwestern Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan.
The narrow lance-shaped leaves are up to 4.8 x 0.6 inches in size.
It bears intense orange-red flowers, up to 6 inches across, during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 7 in full sun to partial shade on moist, acidic, well drained soil.
Lilium davidii
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 2 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to China.
The finely-toothed, very narrow leaves are up to 4.7 inches in length.
The nodding, bright orange-red ( with raised black spots ), turks-cap flowers are borne in racemes of up to 20 during mid summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8. Propagatation is from bulbils that form just below the soil.
var 'willmottiae'
Strong stems bear massive pyramidal inflorescences of up to 100 flowers!
Lilium formosanum ( Formosan Lily )
A sturdy, rhizomatous perennial, reaching a maximum size of 9 x 3.5 ( rarely over 7 ) feet , that is native to southern Japan and Taiwan. It has naturalized and is very common in Australia.
The crowded, linear leaves are up to 10 x 0.5 ( rarely over 8 x 0.3 ) inches in size. The foliage is deep green.
The fragrant, white ( suffused purple on the outside ), funnel-shaped flowers, up to 12 ( rarely over 10 ) inches in length, borne in umbels of up to 10 during late summer into autumn.
Hardy zones 8 to 9 ( possibly north to zone 5 if very well mulched during winter on a warm protected site such as against a south facing wall ) in full sun to partial shade. Easy and fast growing from seed but requires acidic, well drained soil and prefers a climate with hot humid summers. Prone to viruses. The bulbs should be planted 8 inches deep during autumn. They are also easy to grow from seed sown during early spring.
* photos taken @ Smithsonian Inst, Wash., DC on Aug 25 2014
Lilium grayii ( Gray's Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 6 feet, that is native to swamps and low woods in the mountains of Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina where it is endangered.
The lance-shaped leaves, up to 5 x 1 inches, are mid-green. Each stems may bear up to 6 whorls each containing up to 9 leaves.
The nodding, fragrant, deep red ( black-spotted ), tubular flowers are borne in clusters of up to 4 ( rarely 10 ) during summer. The flowers require pollination by hummingbirds to set seed.
Hardy zones 4 to 7 in full sun to partial shade on just about any moist, acidic soil. It is tolerant of wet sites unlike mamy Lilies. It can be propagated from bulbils or offsets during late summer.
Lilium hansonii ( Hanson's Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum height of 5 feet, that is native to Korea where it is endangered.
The waxy deep green leaves, borne in whorls, are up to 7 x 1.6 inches.
The nodding, thick textured, orangish-yellow ( spotted brown ) flowers, up to 2.5 inches across, are borne in large racemes during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in light shade on acidic soil. Easy to grow and generally not bothered by insects or disease.
Lilium henryi
Native to China, this is one of the largest Lilies with arching stems reaching up to 11 ( rarely over 6.5 ) feet in height and is often best staked. It is extremely vigorous in growth and can live over 25 years forming clumps with a basal width up to 2 feet.
The arching stems are best if staked.
The crowded, glossy green leaves are up to 6 x 1.3 inches in size.
The very fragrant, apricot-orange ( spotted brown ), reflexed flowers, up to 4 inches in length, are borne in loose racemes of up to 70 during mid to late summer. The flowers are held horizontally.
The bulbs are huge, up to 10 inches in size. It is easy to grow from seed and the seedlings reach flowering size on 3 years.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in light shade on just about any well drained soil. It is lime tolerant and more drought tolerant than most Lilium. Plant deeply.
* photos taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
* photo taken on July 11 2014 @ U.S. Botanical Gardens, Washington, DC
Lilium humboldtii ( Humboldt Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum size of 10 x 3.3 ( rarely over 8 ) feet, that is native to the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. It is drought deciduous and goes dormant during mid to late summer.
The whorled, oblanceolate leaves, up to 5 x 1 inches in size, are deep green.
The fragrant, bright orange ( with deep red spot ) nodding flowers, up to 4 inches wide, are borne on a huge pyramidal inflorescence during early summer. Up to 100 flowers may be borne at a time on a plant. The flowers are magnets for hummingbirds and butterflies.
Hardy zones 5 to 10 in full sun to partial shade on deep, light, well drained soil. It prefers dry summers with no watering after it blooms. It is dry shade tolerant and may tolerate clay if sloped and very well drained.
Lilium japonicum ( Japanese Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum height of 3.3 feet, that is native to mountain meadows in southern Japan.
The leaves, up to 9 x 1.5 ( rarely over 6 ) inches, are deep green.
The fragrant, white, light pink or purple ( with orange-brown anthers ), trumpet-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches in length, are borne in small racemes during mid-summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial shade on sandy, acidic soil.
Prone to viruses.
Lilium kelloggii ( Kellogg's Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum height of 50 inches, that is native to the western U.S. from southern Oregon to northern California along the Pacific Coast.
The leaves are up to 4 inches in length.
The nodding flowers are very pale pink with deep purple spotting.
It prefers wet winters and cool foggy summers.
Lilium lanceifolium ( Tiger Lily )
Also called Lilium tigranum. It is a rapid multiplying, long lived perennial, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 3 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to China, Korea and much of Japan.
The crowed leaves, lance-shaped are up to 8 x 1.3 inches in size. The foliage is mid-green.
The nodding, brilliant orangish-red ( with purple-black spots and orange-brown anthers ), turks-cap flowers, up to 5 ( record is 9 ) inches, are borne on racemes of up to 25 ( rarely 40 ) during late summer.
The bulbs are edible.
Hardy zones 2 to 8 in full sun to partial shade on moist, fertile, acidic soil. It is more drought tolerant than most Lilium. Prone to viruses. This Lily propagated naturally from aerial bulbils. The tiny, black bulbils that form along the stems can be planted and will form blooming size bulbs in around 3 years.
* photos taken on 4th of July @ U.S. National Arboretum, D.C.
* photo taken on Aug 1 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 13 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 26 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 25 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 10 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 24 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 21 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 19 2023 in Columbia, MD
* historic archive photo
'Flore Pleno'
Double flowers.
Abundant larger rich red ( boldly spotted ) flowers.
Lilium lankongense
A stolon spreading perennial, reaching up to 5 feet, that is native to alpine grasslands in southeast Tibet and northwest Yunnan province in China.
The very fragrant, recurved, pink to violet ( violet-red spotted ) flowers are borne early to mid summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
Lilium ledebouri
Reaching up to 5 ( rarely over 3.3 ) feet, it is native to mountains in Azerbaijan and northern Iran where it is endangered.
The leaves are up to 4.8 inches in length.
The very attractive, fragrant, white flowers are borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 ( 4 on protected sites ) in full sun on very well drained soil.
Lilium leichtinii
A stolon spreading perennial reaching up to 4 feet, that is native to wet meadows from eastern Siberia to Korea & Japan.
The crowded, narrow leaves are up to 6 x 0.3 inches in size.
The nodding, lemon-yellow ( brown spotted ), turks-cap flowers, up to 3 inches in length, are borne in inflorescences of up to 5 during mid-summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 on acidic soil.
subsp 'maximowiczii'
Very vigorous, reaching up to 6.5 feet in height with up to 12 flowers per stem.
Lilium longiflorum ( Easter Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 4 x 1.5 feet, that is native to rocky cliffs along the seashore in Okinawa Island in southern Japan. It is endangered in the wild.
The glossy leaves are up to 8 x 1 inches in size.
The horizontally held, very fragrant, pure white ( with golden-yellow anthers ) flowers, up to 8 inches in length, are borne in small inflorescences during mid summer.
Hardy zones 8 to 10. Prone to viruses.
* photos taken on June 21 2018 in Columbia, MD
'Holland's Glory'
Hardier, north to zone 6
'Mount Everest'
Taller, reaching up to 6.5 feet, with huge waxy flowers.
'Snow Queen'
Also called Lilium formosanum 'Snow Queen'. It reaches up to 3.3 feet with pure white flowers.
* photos taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
var takeshima
Large flowers borne in clusters of up to 10.
'White Heaven'
Sturdy and dense in habit, reaching up to 4.5 feet, with white flowers, up to 7 inches long, from mid to late summer.
The lance--shaped leaves are glossy deep green.
* photos taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
'White Queen'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet with very showy, pure white flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne during mid summer.
Lilium martagon ( Turk's Cap Lily )
A vigorous, long-lived, clump-forming perennial reaching a maximum size of 8 x 2 feet ( rarely over 6 feet ), that is native from Europe to Siberia and Mongolia.
The deep green, lance-shaped leaves, up to 8 inches in length, are borne in spaced whorls along the stems.
The nodding, unpleasantly-scented, purplish-pink ( spotted black ) flowers, up to 2 inches in length, are borne in clusters or up to 50 during early summer.
Hardy zones 2 to 7 in partial shade on moist, fertile, very well drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Alkaline soil tolerant.
White ( with yellow anthrers ) unspotted flowers; otherwise identical.
* historic archive photo
Unspotted, deep wine-red, flowers.
'Claude Shride'
Vigorous and sturdy in habit, reaching up to 4 feet in height, bearing abundant, deep wine-red flowers.
Reaches up to 5 feet, with abundant, deep-red ( dotted golden-yellow ) flowers borne during mid summer.
'Mahogany Bells'
Reaches up to 4 feet, with intense deep-red flowers and stems.
'Margaret Mauve'
Reaches up to 3 feet with sturdy bright green stems bearing purplish-pink ( spotted deep lilac ) flowers.
Reaches up to 3 feet, with intense orange ( dotted brown ) flowers. Looks great with large Blue Hostas.
'Port Wine'
Reaches up to 4 feet, with intense glossy deep wine red flowers, up to 4 inches across, borne during early to mid summer.
Lilium michauxii ( Carolina Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 3.5 x 1 feet, that is native to dry woods in the southeastern U.S. ( from Arkansas to southern West Virginia to southeast Virginia; south to eastern Texas to far northern Florida to central South Carolina ). It is endangered in Florida.
The lance-shaped leaves, up to 6 inches in length, are usually borne in whorls.
The fragrant, nodding, orange ( rarely yellow or red ) flowers with purple or brown spotting, are up to 4 inches wide. They are borne during late summer, sometimes into early autumn. Up to 5 flowers are borne per stalk.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial shade on fertile, well drained soil. Drought tolerant.
Lilium michiganensis ( Michigan Lily )
A moderate growing,rhizomatous, clumping perennial, reaching up to 5 x 3 foot, that is native from eastern South Dakota to Minnesota to Sauble Beach, Ontario to upstate New York; south to Oklahoma, Arkansas to northwest Georgia.
The narrowly-elliptical leaves are up to 6 x 1 inches in size.
The hanging orange ( spotted purplish-brown ) flowers are borne during early summer.
They are a magnet for hummingbirds, sphinx moths and butterflies.
Hardy zones 3 to 7 in full sun ( with soil preferrably shaded ) on moist, fertile, well drained soil. It may require protection from rabbits and deer.
* photos taken on July 9 2022 in Bayfield, ON
Lilium monadelphum ( Caucasian Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 6 ( rarely over 4 ) feet, that is native to the Black Sea region of Eurasia.
The crowded, lance-shaped leaves are up to 5 inches in length. The foliage is mid-green.
The nodding, fragrant, bright yellow ( spotted purple ), reflexing, bell-shaped flowers are up to 5 ( rarely over 3 ) inches across. They are borne on large racemes of up to 30 during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in partial shade.
var 'szovitsianum'
Similar with smaller inflorescences.
Lilium nepalense ( Nepal Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 4.5 x 1.5 feet, that is native to Nepal. It has stems that run underground before emerging.
The sparse leaves are up to 6 x 1.3 inches.
The arching stalks bear pendant, greenish-yellow ( blotched or stained purple on the inside ), trumpet-shaped flowers, up to 4.7 inches in length, during mid summer.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 5 to 6 on protected site ) requiring abundant humidity and a long, warm growing season.
Requires very well drained soil and hates excessive moisture during autumn and winter.
It can be propagated from the bulbils that form at the ground level.
Hardier to zone 5 ( if mulched and on a protected site ) with larger flowers.
Lilium occidentale ( Western Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum size of 6.5 feet, that is native to the western U.S. from southern Oregon to northern California along the Pacific Coast. It is endangered in the wild, originally there were only 58 known locations, now there are less than half that. It is found in seaside grassland, spruce forest and swampland in the wild.
The leaves are up to 5 inches in length.
The flowers are orange to red with deep purple spotting. The flowers are often yellow on the inside.
Lilium pardalinum ( Panther Lily )
Also called Leopard Lily. A stong rhizome spreading, strong stemmed perennial reaching a maximum size of 11 x 1.5 feet, that is native to moist woods on coastal ranges from southern Oregon to northern California.
The narrow leaves are up to 7 x 2 inches. The leaves are borne in whorls of up to 15.
The nodding, fragrant, bright orange-red ( heavily spotted and lightly shaded deep red ), turks-cap flowers are up to 7 inches across. The flowers are borne singly or in loose clusters from late spring to mid summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 9 on moist acidic soil. It does not enjoy hot humid summers and does not grow in the southeast U.S. It is much more cold hardy than its native range suggest and is even reported to grow in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is best to leave it alone once established since it does not enjoy transplanting.
* photo taken by The Wild Garden,
'Giganteum' ( Sunset Lily )
Large flowers that are bright red ( centered yellow and spotted purple )
Lilium parryi ( Lemon Lily )
A perennial, reaching up to 8 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to high elevation mountain meadows in California.
The flowers, up to 5 inches, are bright yellow and dotted orange to red.
Hardy zones 6 to 8 in partial shade on moist, fertile soil.
* photo taken by The Wild Garden,
Lilium parvum ( Alpine Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 6 feet, that is native to mountain streams and springs from southern Oregon south into California through the Sierra Nevada.
The flowers are intense scarlet-red except yellow in the middle with deep red spotting.
Hardy zones 4 to 7.
Lilium philadelphicum ( Wood Lily )
A long lived, sturdy stemmed perennial reaching a maximum height of 6 feet ( rarely over 4 feet ), that is native to very acidic dry sandy woods in eastern North America ( from Rainbow Lake, Alberta to Fort McMurray, Alberta to central Saskatchewan to Lake Nipigon, Ontario to Hearst, Ontario to Moosonee, Ontario to southern Quebec and Maine; south to Arizona to Arkansas to western North Carolina to Maryland ). Declining over much of its range, it has become endangered in Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and New Mexico. It is extinct in Maryland. Increased deer predation and loss of habitat are the main reasons. In the Windsor/Essex County, Ontario regions; it occurred locally along Lake St Clair as well as the Ohio shoreline during the 1800s.
The whorled, narrow, lance-shaped leaves, up to 4 x 0.6 inches, are borne in whorls.
The intense orange-red ( spotted purple ), open, bell-shaped flowers, up to 4 inches across, are borne in small inflorescences of up to 5 during early to mid summer, lasting up to 5 weeks. Tiger Swallowtail butterflies pollinate the flowers. Hummingbirds also love the nectar but are not an efficiant pollinator of the Wood Lily.
Hardy zones 3 to 7 ( likely 2 for seed source from Fort McMurray, Alberta ) in partial shade on acidic, moist, well drained soil. It does not like soil that is excessively wet during winter. Prefers to be mulched to keep soil cool.
Lilium pumilum ( Coral Lily )
A wiry-stemmed perennial, reaching a maximum size of 4 feet x 20 ( usually half that ) inches, that is native to eastern Siberia, south to northern Mongolia, China and northern Korea. The clumps increase a little bit each year.
The crowded, very narrow, grassy leaves, up to 4 x 0.8 inches in size, are glossy green.
The very showy, fragrant, nodding, intense scarlet-red, turks-cap flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne in racemes of up to 24 ( rarely 30 ) during early summer. The flowering season lasts up to 3 weeks.
Hardy zones 3 to 7 ( tolerating -50 F ) in partial to full shade on humus rich, well drained soil. Propagation is from the bulbils and offsets during late summer...the seed begins to germinate in 2 weeks at 70 F. It is among the easiest Liliums to grow but is shorter lived than most...rarely making it to 4 years.
Lilium pyrenaicum ( Pyrenees Lily )
A perennial reaching a maximum size of 56 inches x 1.5 feet, that is native to the Pyrenees Mountains in Europe.
The crowded, narrow leaves are up to 4.7 x 0.8 inches.
The unpleasantly-scented, pendant, greenish-yellow ( with orange-brown anthers and purplish-black spotting ) turks-cap flowers are up to 2 inches across. The flowers are borne in loose racemes of up to 12 during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in full sun. It is very tolerant of alkaline soils.
Very sweetly fragrant, deep yellow ( greenish throated ) flowers.
Lilium regale ( Regal Lily )
A rapid spreading perennial, reaching a maximum size of 7 x 2 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to western China.
The crowded, linear leaves are up to 5 inches in length. The foliage is glossy deep green.
The very fragrant, horizontally held, trumpet-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches in length, are borne during mid summer.
The flowers are white with pinkish-purple shading on the outside and deep yellowish shading on the inside. Up to 25 flowers may be borne atop each stem.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in full sun on just about any moist but well drained soil. Easy to grow from seed, the bulbils or offsets during late summer.
* photos taken on July 5 2021 in Columbia, MD
Very fragrant, pure white flowers with a yellowish throat.
Lilium rubellum
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 32 inches, that is native to high mountain meadows in Japan.
The rather wide, stalked leaves are up to 4 x 1.5 inches.
The horizontally held, fragrant, rose-pink, bell-shaped flowers, up to 3.2 inches in length, are borne in umbels of up to 9 during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium rubescens ( Chaparral Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 9 feet, that is native to wooded slopes from southern Oregon to central California.
The lance-shaped leaves are borne in whorls of up to 7.
The white to pale-lilac ( dotted brown ) flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne early to mid summer.
Lilium sargentiae ( Sargent Lily )
A rapid spreading perennial, reaching a maximum size of 8 x 2 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to western China. It is similar to Lilium regale except that is forms aerial bulbils.
The crowded leaves are up to 5 inches in length.
The fragrant, horizontally held, trumpet-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches in length, are borne during mid to late summer.
The flowers are white with greenish to purple shading on the outside and deep yellowish shading on the inside.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in full sun.
* historic archive photo
Very fragrant, pure white flowers with a yellowish throat.
Lilium speciosum ( Japanese Lily )
A very large Lily reaching up to 6.5 x 2 feet in size, that is native to limestone rock walls in China, Korea and southern Japan. It is endangered in the wild in Japan.
The deep green, leathery, lance-shaped leaves are large, to 8 x 2.3 inches in size.
The very fragrant, nodding, bowl-shaped flowers are very large to 6 inches across. They are waxy and white, shaded heavily with rose-pink or deep red with many raised crimson spots. The flowers appear late summer to early autumn, up to 12 may be borne on a raceme.
Grows best in partial shade on moist, acidic, well drained soil. Hardy zones 4 to 9
The fragrant flowers are white with a yellow throat
The fragrant flowers are pure white.
* photos taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
* photo taken on July 15 2015 in Columbia, MD
'Grand Commender'
The fragrant flowers are crimson red with a white edge and are also heavily spotted deep red.
'Lucie Wilson'
The very large, fragrant, rose-pink flowers are edged white and also have red spots.
the fragrant flowers are ruby-red on the inside.
* historic archive photo
'Rubrum Magnificum'
Very fragrant flowers that are rich red on the inside with a wide white edge.
* photos taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
Lilium superbum ( American Turk's Cap Lily )
A rhizome spreading perennial, that can form large colonies and reach a maximum size of 11 x 10 feet ( clump width in 3 years about 2 feet on average ). It is native to acidic, rich, wet woods from New York to New Brunswick, south to Alabama to Georgia. It occurred sporadically on the Ohio shore as well as at Detroit, Michigan during the 1800s. One meadow in New Jersey had at least 5000 plants, some with up to 40 flowers on a stem.
The lance-shaped leaves are up to 7 x 0.8 ( rarely over 5 ) inches in size. The leaves are borne in whorls of up to 8.
The very abundant, nodding, intense orange-red ( spotted purplish-brown ), turks-cap flowers, up to 5 inches across, are borne in very large inflorescences during mid to late summer.
The stems are greenish-purple.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 on acidic soil with abundant summer moisture. Tolerant of wet soil.
Lilium szovitsianum
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 6 feet, that is native to the Black Sea region of Eurasia.
The crowded, lance-shaped leaves are up to 5 inches in length.
The nodding, fragrant, bright yellow, reflexing, bell-shaped flowers, up to 5 inches across, are borne on large racemes of up to 20 during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 in full sun on moist, loamy, well drained soil. It does not like excessively sandy soils.
Lilium taliense
A vigorous, long lived, huge perennial, reaching up to 10 ( usually around 5 ) feet, that is native to limestone soils in mountains of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China.
The creamy-white to yellow flowers are borne early to mid summer.
As many as 62 flowers may be borne on stem but 10 to 14 is more typical.
Hardy zones 5 to 9 in partial shade on moist, humus-rich, well drained soil. Easy to grow and soil PH tolerant.
Lilium tsingtauense
A perennial, reaching a maximum size of 4 ( rarely over 3.3 ) feet, that is native to northeastern China and Korea.
The whorled leaves are up to 6 inches in length.
The erect, wide funnel-shaped flowers, up to 2 inches across, are borne in somewhat small, open clusters during mid summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 on acidic soil.
Lilium wallichianum
A perennial reaching a maximum height of 6.5 feet, that is native to the Himalayas.
The crowded narrow leaves are up to 10 x 0.5 inches in size. The stems tend to run underground before emerging.
The horizontally held, very fragrant, creamy-white flowers are greenish tinted on the outside and have yellow anthers. The flowers are borne during the end of summer and are usually solitary.
Hardy zones 5 to 8
Lilium wardii
A perennial reaching a maximum height of 5 feet with stems that tend to run underground before emerging.
The crowded leaves are short.
The nodding, fragrant, intense rose-pink, ( reddish-purple spotted and with orange anthers ), turk's-cap flowers, are up to 2.5 inches across. The flowers are borne in racemes of up to 40 during mid summer.
Lilium washingtonensis ( Washington Lily )
A perennial, reaching a maximum height of 8 ( rarely over 6 ) feet, that is native to mountain forests of the western U.S. from southwest Oregon and south in to California through the Cascades and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges.
The stems bear up to 6 whorls of leaves, each containing up to 12.
The white ( dotted purple ) flowers, up to 4 inches, are borne during mid to late summers. The aging flowers fade to purlish. As many as 52 flowers may appear on a raceme but it is usually much less.
Rhizome spreading Lilies that originate from Lilium pardalinum, L. parryi and other species native to North America.
Flowers borne early to mid summer unless otherwise noted.
They attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in full sun to partial shade on acidic soil.
* photos taken on June 23 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, DC
* photos taken on Jun 14 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 12 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 26 2020 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'African Queen'
Vigorous growing, reaching up to 7 x 2 feet, with apricot-orange, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 x 8 inches in size, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Hardy zones 4 to 9
* photo taken on June 30 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photos taken on June 26 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 4 2018 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 30 2023 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Apricot'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet in height, with yellow and orange, cup-shaped flowers, up to 3.5 inches across.
Lilium 'Apricot Beauty'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with apricot-orange, cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across, borne during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade.
Lilium 'Blackbird'
Reaches up to 3 x 1.5 feet, with deep red flowers, up to 6 inches across.
* photos taken on June 25 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 9 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 18 2018 in Sykesville, MD
Lilium 'Black Dragon'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with fragrant, white & purple outside ( white inside ), funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade. Alkaline soil tolerant.
Lilium 'Bright Star'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing silvery-white ( with orange starry central markings ), flat, starry flowers borne on clusters at the top of the stems during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Blushing Joy'
Reaches up to 2 feet, with intense scsrlet-red, upfacing flowers.
The foliage is very deep green.
* photo taken on July 5 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 15 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Chianti'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet with bright pink flowers.
* photos taken on June 24 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 25 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 28 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 4 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Citronella'
Vigorous in habit, reaching up to 5 ( rarely over 4 ) feet in height, bearing yellow ( with red dots ) flowers in clusters of up to 30 during mid-summer.
Lilium 'Compass'
Golden-yellow flowers that are deeper golden towards the center, are borne during mid-summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8.
Lilium 'Connecticut King'
Reaches up to 4 x 1 feet, with golden-yellow ( non-spotted ), cup-shaped flowers, up to 8 x 6 inches.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photo taken on June 25 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 17 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 14 2023 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Corsage'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with rosy-pink shading to white ( deep red spotted ), cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Prefers partial shade.
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Crimson Pixie'
Reaches a maximum size of 2.5 x 1.5 ( rarely over 2 ) feet, with deep red flowers borne during late spring into early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 ( possibly colder with a deep winter mulch ).
* photos taken on June 12 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 10 2020 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Damson'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with silvery-deep pink, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Enchantment'
Vigorous growing, reaching up to 3 feet in height, with orange-red, cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Lilium 'Exception'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with narrow-petalled, deep rose-pink, cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Prefers partial shade.
Lilium 'Firecracker'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with glowing scarlet-red, cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Lilium 'Fire King'
Reaches up to 3 x 2 feet, with flame-red, cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Prefers partial shade.
Lilium 'Forever Susan'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height.
The flowers have petals that are deep reddish-purple and edged and tipped in intense golden-orange. They appear during early summer.
* photos taken on June 10 2020 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Golden Splendor'
Reaches up to 6 x 2 feet, with fragrant, large, deep golden-yellow ( deep red striped on the reverse ), funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Hardy zones 4 to 9
Lilium 'Harlequin Hybrids'
Reaches up to 5 feet in height, with up to 20 flowers, up to 4 inches across borne on a stem. They come in white, pink, lilac, salmon, orange, red, and purple. Some clones include 'Fuga' white has bright orange flowers with a reddish reverse.
'Maxmill' large inflorescences of orange-red flowers.
Lilium 'Heart's Desire'
Reaches up to 7 feet, with very fragrant, creamy-yellow ( orange throated ), shallow, bowl-shaped flowers borne in umbels during mid to late summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'LA Summer Scarlet'
Compact, sturdy and upright, reaching up to 1.7 feet.
The huge, upright-facing flowers, up to 8 inches wide, are intense red.
Hardy zones 4 to 9
* photo taken on Apr 15 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'LA Summer Sun'
Compact, sturdy and upright, reaching up to 1.7 feet.
The huge, upright-facing flowers, up to 7 inches wide, are yellow.
Hardy zones 4 to 9
* photo taken on June 7 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Lemon Pixie'
Reaches up to 2 feet, with large yellow flowers borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
* photo of unknown internet source

* photo taken on June 15 2019 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Lollipop'
Reaches up to 32 inches with white flowers with rose-pink tips.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photos taken on June 10 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 9 2021 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Mabel Violet'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with purple-violet, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Marseille'
Reaches up to 4 feet with creamy-white ( pink centered ), upfacing flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Menton'
Sturdy stems, reaching up to 32 inches x 2 feet, bearing salmon-pink flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Milan Heart'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet with flowers that are white ( deep purple on the inside ).
* photos taken on June 20 2018 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Monte Negro'
Reaching up to 4 feet with glossy green foliage and spectacular deep red flowers borne in early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photos taken on June 25 2014 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Montreux'
Reaches up to 3.5 x 1.5 feet with profuse pink flowers borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Navonna'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with upfacing, clear white flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Nutmegger'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing yellow ( spotted scarlet-red ), shallow, bowl-shaped flowers borne in umbels during late summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Orange Pixie'
Reaches up to 2 feet, with intense orange flowers borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 8
* photos taken on June 10 2011 in Columbia, MD

* photo taken on Jun 14 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* photos taken on June 9 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 5 2019 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Orange Triumph'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet in height, with vivid orange, cup-shaped flowers, up to 3.5 inches across.
Lilium 'Panamint'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing white flushed green ( spotted black ), shallow, bowl-shaped flowers borne in umbels during late summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Pink Perfection'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with fragrant, rose-pink, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on very well drained soil. Alkaline soil tolerant.
Hardy zones 3 to 9
* photos taken on July 12 2020 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Pink Sunburst'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing flat, starry flowers borne on clusters at the top of the stems during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Prince Constantine'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with orange ( darker shaded ), cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Prefers partial shade.
Lilium 'Pulsar'
Reaches only 2 feet in height with upfacing, pure white ( non-spotted ) flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Royal Gold'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with golden-yellow, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Sentinel Strain'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with white ( throated pale yellow ), funnel-shaped flowers, up to 8 inches in length, borne in umbels of 12 to 20 during mid summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Shocking'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with spectacular, bicolor red and yellow, outfacing flowers, up to 8 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Snow Crystal Pixie'
Reaches up to 2 feet, with pure white flowers borne on sturdy stems during early summer.
Hardy zones 4 to 9
Lilium 'Sorbet'
Reaches up to 4 feet with bicolor pink and white flowers borne during early summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Sparkling Joy'
Reaches up to 2 feet with pure white flowers during early to mid summer.
Hardy zones 3 to 9
* photo taken on Apr 24 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Sunray'
Reaches up to 4 feet with excellent deep green foliage and yellow flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photos taken on June 25 2014 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 21 2018 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tango In Paris'
Reaches up to 3 feet, with intense orange flowers that are heavily splotched purplish-black.
* photos taken on July 5 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Thunderbolt'
Reaches up to 7 feet, with fragrant, rich orange, shallow, bowl-shaped flowers borne in umbels during mid to late summer.
Prefers partial shade on fertile, acidic soil.
Lilium 'Tiny Crystal'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing pure white, upfacing flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+.
* photo taken on May 14 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Diamond'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing pink ( white in center ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
* photo taken on May 14 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Dino'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense orange, upfacing flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+.
* photos taken on June 10 2013 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Double You'
Reaches up to 1.7 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense reddish-orange, upward-facing, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
* photos taken on May 14 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Ghost'
Reaches up to 1.7 x 1.2 feet, bearing deep pinkish-red flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+
* photo taken on May 14 2024 in Elkridge, MD
* photos taken on June 7 2024 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Glow'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense bright yellow ( golden-yellow in center ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+.
* photo taken on June 10 2020 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Invader'
Vigorous but compact, reaching up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense bright orange flowers, up to 5.6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+.
* photo taken on May 15 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 7 2024 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Lion'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing deep burgundy-red ( with deep orange petal tips ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
* photo taken on Apr 15 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Padhye'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing cream ( blackish-purple on inside ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+
* photos taken on June 10 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 3 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on May 25 2024 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Parrot'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing deep red ( with orange tips ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
* photo taken on May 14 2024 in Elkridge, MD
* photos taken on May 25 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 1 2024 in Columbia, MD
'Tiny Ranger'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense golden-yellow ( speckled deep red in center ) flowers, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers, up to 6 inches wide, per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
* photos taken on Apr 24 2024 in Elkridge, MD
Lilium 'Tiny Yellow Sensation'
Reaches up to 1.5 x 1.2 feet, bearing intense bright yellow ( heavily speckled deep red in center ) flowers, up to 6 inches wide, during mid-summer. It bears 5 or 6 flowers per stem. It is great for containers and rock gardens.
The leaves are up to 4 x 0.6 inches in size.
Hardy zones 3+.
* photos taken on June 24 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 28 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 4 2021 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Vermillion Brilliant'
Reaches up to 3.3 feet in height, with scarlet-red, cup-shaped flowers, up to 3.5 inches across.
Lilium 'Vivaldii'
Reaches up to 2.5 feet with showy, soft pink, upfacing flowers.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photo taken on June 25 2017 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 23 2021 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Wallacei'
Reaches up to 3 feet in height, with rose-orange ( brown spotted ), cup-shaped flowers, up to 6 inches across.
Reaches up to 6 x 1.5 feet with strongly fragrant, huge, trumpet-shaped flowers.
The flowers borne mid to late summer, come in pink, orange, yellow and white.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 in full sun to partial shade on well drained soil. Easy to grow but stalks may sometimes need to be staked.
Hybrids of complex parentage that typically reach a maximum size of 7 feet.
The pendant, yellow, orange or red ( often multicolor and always spotted brown ), strongly reflexed flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne in racemes of exceeding 20.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial shade on acidic soil that is rich in humus.
Reddish-orange flowers
The hybrids between Lilium hansonii & L. martagon. They reach 5 to 6 feet in height with pendant, turks-cap flowers, up to 1.6 inches in length, borne in racemes of up to 30 during early summer.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial shade.
Lilium x backhousiae ( Backhouse Hybrids )
'J.S. Dijt'
Creamy flowers spotted purple.
Orange flowers with red-brown spotting.
Lilium x dalhansonii
The hybrids between Lilium hansonii & L. martagon cattaniae.
They reach up to 6.5 feet with profuse, unpleasantly scented, deep red ( orange spotted ) flowers
These are the hybrids of Lilium candidum and other Lilies native to Europe ( not including Lilium martagon ). Hardy zones 5 to 8. The bulbs should be planted 2 inches deep during early autumn.
Lilium x testaceum ( Nankeen Lily )
Reaches up to 6 feet in height. The crowded narrow leaves are up to 4 inches in length.
The very fragrant, nodding, waxy, orange-yellow ( flushed pink with orange-red anthers ) flowers, up to 3 inches across, are borne in racemes of up to 12 during mid summer.
The hybrids between Oriental and Trumpet Lilies, bred by Judith Freeman of the Lily Garden who sells high quality bulbs in bulk. These hybrids are among the most spectacular of all Lilies. A few including...
* photos taken on July 1 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 2 2019 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Alchemy'
A massive Lily with tree trunk like stalks up to 4 inches in diameter, bearing huge flowers, up to 10 inches across, that are deep red with a yellow border.
Lilium 'Altari'
Reaches up to 8 ( rarely over 5 ) feet, with huge, raspberry-red ( boldly edged and tipped in white ) flowers, up to 8 inches across.
* photos taken on July 5 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 11 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 15 2023 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Belcastro'
Fast growing and sturdily-stemmed, reaching up to 4 feet during the first year, eventually to 8 feet.
The large, fragrant flowers are white ( centered golden-yellow ).
* photos taken on July 15 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 29 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on June 22 2024 in Columbia, MD
Fast growing and sturdily-stemmed, reaching up to 4 feet during the first year, eventually to 8 feet.
The large, fragrant flowers, up to 8 inches across, are intense deep reddisn-pink ( centered golden-yellow ).
Lilium 'Lavon'
Reaches up to 6 feet with creamy-white to yellow flower petals that are deep red in the center.
* photos taken on July 15 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'LeVern Friemann'
Reaches up to 7 feet, with deep purplish-pink flowers borne during late summer.
* photos taken on July 25 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 12 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 29 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 28 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Aug 4 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 17 2024 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Miss Marple'
Fast growing and sturdily-stemmed, reaching up to 4 feet during the first year, eventually to 8 feet.
The large flowers are deep reddish-pink and boldly edged in white.
* photos taken on July 15 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Purple Lady'
Reaches up to 8 feet in height, with huge, purplish-pink flowers, up to 8 inches wide, that appear during mid-summer.
* photos taken on July 5 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 11 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Scheherazades'
Vigorous in habit, reaching up to 8 feet in height.
The large pinkish-purple ( with deeper speckles and creamy margins ) flowers are borne in large clusters.
Lilium 'Silk Road'
Reaches up to 8 feet, with very fragrant, white flowers with deep red centers.
Lilium 'Silk Rose'
Reaches up to 5 feet in height with sturdy stems that do not need staking.
The extremely fragrant, huge flowers, up to 8 inches across, are pinkish-red in the middle ( with a bold white border and petal tips ). A single clump may produce up to 200 blooms at a time.
The hybrids between Lilium auratum, L. speciosum, L. henryi and other Japanese species.
Hardy zones 4 to 8 with winter mulching recommended in zone 4 and 5. Prefers full sun on a sheltered site on fertile, light, sandy-loam, very well drained soil that is rich in organic matter.
* photos taken on July 13 2011 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Berlin'
Reaches up to 3 feet with fragrant, large, pinkish-red, upfacing flowers.
Lilium 'Black Beauty'
Vigorous growing, reaching up to 7 x 2 feet, with strong stems bearing very deep red, recurved flowers, up to 3 inches across, borne on large loose clusters during mid to late summer. A single plant may bear up to 50 flowers at a time.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
Lilium 'Casablanca'
Reaches up to 4 x 1.5 feet with abundant, huge, fragrant, pure white flowers, up to 11 inches across, borne during mid-summer.
* photos taken on July 25 2021 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Chinon'
Reaches up to 2.5 feet with red flowers borne during mid summer.
Lilium 'Crimson Beauty'
Reaches up to 5 feet, with strong stems bearing white banded deep-red ( with intense bright red spots ), bowl-shaped flowers, up to 10 inches across, borne on tall racemes during mid to late summer.
'Lilium 'Dizzy'
Reaches up to 2.5 feet with white flowers that have rosey-red bands.
Lilium 'Imperial Crimson'
Reaches up to 7 feet, with strong stems bearing deep red ( edged white, silvery reverse ), flattened, starry flowers, up to 10 inches across, borne on racemes during mid to late summer.
Lilium 'Imperial Silver'
Reaches up to 7 feet, with strong stems bearing white ( with intense scarlet-red spots ), flattened, starry flowers, up to 10 inches across, borne on racemes during mid to late summer.
Lilium 'Jamboree'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing deep red ( edged silver with deep red spots ), recurved flowers, up to 7 inches across, borne on large loose clusters during mid to late summer.
Lilium 'Journey's End'
Reaches up to 6 feet, with strong stems bearing deep rosey-pink ( edged in white ), recurved flowers, up to 7 inches across, borne on large loose clusters during mid to late summer.
Lilium 'Kissproof'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with redddish-purple flowers borne mid summer.
Lilium 'Limpopo'
Reaches up to 2 feet, with huge white flowers.
* photo taken on July 13 2011 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Marco Polo'
Reaches up to 5 feet with fragrant soft pink flowers that fade to almost white.
Lilium 'Mona Lisa'
Reaches up to 26 inches with fragrant flowers that are light pink ( with red spots and centered yellow ).
* photo taken on July 2 2019 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 21 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 23 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 15 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 14 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 22 2023 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Pompei'
Reaches up to 3 feet with yellow and white, outfacing flowers.
Lilium 'Red Band Hybrids'
Reaches up to 5 feet, with strong stems bearing very fragrant, intense scarlet-red ( edged in white ), bowl-shaped flowers, up to 10 inches across, borne on tall racemes during mid to late summer.
Lilium 'Siberia'
Sturdy stems, reaching up to 3 feet with fragrant, white, upfacing flowers.
Lilium 'Sorbonne'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with fragrant, pink, upfacing flowers.
* photos taken on July 5 2023 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 1 2022 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Starfighter'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with very fragrant flowers that are red with a white edge, borne during late summer.
Lilium 'Stargazer'
Fast growing, reaching up to 5 x 2 feet, bearing very fragrant, showy, pink to deep red ( with white border ) flowers, up to 8 inches across, borne during late summer. A single plant may bear up to 30 flowers in a year.
* photos taken on July 18 2020 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 20 2021 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 28 2022 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on July 22 2023 in Columbia, MD
Lilium 'Sumatra'
Showy red ( with deep red spots ) upfacing flowers.
Lilium 'Sunny Azores'
Compact and sturdy, upright in habit, reaching up to 1.7 x 1.3 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The flowers are pure white with yellow in the inner petals.
Hardy zones 3 to 8 ( mulch deeply during winter for zones 3 to 5 )
* photo taken during June 2021 in Ellicott City, MD
Lilium 'Sunny Keys'
Compact and sturdy, upright in habit, reaching up to 1.7 x 1.3 feet.
The foliage is deep green.
The flowers are deep reddish-pink with a thin white border. Hardy zones 3 to 8 ( mulch deeply during winter for zones 3 to 5 )
* photo taken during June 2021 in Ellicott City, MD
Lilium 'Tiber'
Reaches up to 3.5 feet with fragrant, showy, deep pink, upfacing flowers, borne during mid-summer.
Lilium 'Tom Pounce'
Reaches up to 4 feet with pink flowers that blend to yellow.
'Lilium 'White Stargazer'
Reaches up to 2.5 feet with white flowers that are borne during mid summer.
Lilium 'Viva La Vida'
Reaches up to 4.3 feet and clumps readily.
The very fragrant flowers, up to 8 inches wide, are golden-yellow with a deep red center.
Hardy zones 3 to 8
* photos taken on June 20 2024 in Columbia, MD
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