Extremely hardy; plants of the genus Hedera are tolerant of deer, drought, fire, hail, ice, snow, pollution, salt and high winds. Can be used as self clinging vines and groudcover. Prefers partial to full shade on moist, fertile, light, well drained soil. Ivy can be tipped to encourage branching and pruned hard in late winter to control size or renovate. Propagation is from semi-ripe or hardwood cuttings, layering also works well. Hedera should not be planted where cattle graze as it is poisonous to eat.
* photo of unknown internet source

* photos taken on Feb 15 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Mar 7 2013 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Hedera canariensis ( Algerian Ivy )
A very rapid growing, evergreen vine, reaching heights of 60 feet, that is native to the Canary Islands and Algeria. The Algerian Ivy is self rooting and can easily climb to the tops of trees and walls.
The 3 to 7 lobed leaves, up to 8 x 8 inches, are luxuriant green, turning bronze during autumn and winter.
The stems are deep red.
Hardy zones 8b to 10 in partial to full shade ( tolerant of sun ).
Deer resistant and very salt tolerant.
Foliage is bright green.
'Canary Cream'
Foliage is blotched creamy-white.
'Gold Leaf'
Foliage is boldly variegated yellow in the center.
Rapid growing with very attractive glossy gray-green foliage with a broad creamy-white margin. The stems are red.
* photo of unknown internet source

* photo taken on May 18 2015 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on July 25 2015 @ Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
Hedera colchica ( Persian Ivy )
A very rapid growing, evergreen vine, reaching heights of 60 or sometimes even 100 feet, that is native to the northern Caucasus and Turkey. The Perisan Ivy is self rooting and can easily climb to the tops of trees and walls. It can live up to 400 years or more.
The heart-shaped leaves, up to 10 x 8 inches, are luxuriant deep green.
Hardy zones 5 to 9
* photo taken on may 8 2010 @ McCrillis Gardens, Bethesda, MD
* photos taken on Apr 16 2016 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
Huge leaves, up to 1 foot in length, lends to a spectacular tropical appearance.
'Dentata' ( Elephant Ear Ivy )
A very vigorous self-clinging vine reaching the same size as regular Hedera colchica, with large, drooping, unlobed, oval leaves, up to 12 inches in length.
The folaige is glossy light green, later turning to deep green.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 in partial to full shade.
* photo taken on May 16 2010 @ Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
'Dentata Variegata' ( Variegated Persian Ivy )
Very fast growing, with large leaves, up to 10 x 8 inches. The foliage is mid-green with gray-green marbling and boldly edged creamy-white. It looks almost like a northern equivalent to the popular tropical Golden Pothos vine.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( tolerating -10 F and zone 6 on a protected site ).
* photo taken by Milan Havlis, owner of central Europe's premier plant nursery
'Sulphur Heart'
A very vigorous self-clinging vine with large, deep green leaves, up to 12 inches across, that are boldly splashed yellow in the center.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
* photo taken on may 8 2010 @ McCrillis Gardens, Bethesda, MD
* photo taken on Mar 18 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Apr 23 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
* photo taken on Aug 5 2017 @ Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
Toothed deep green leaves variegated with a bold creamy-white margin.
Hedera helix ( English Ivy )
A rapid growing, evergreen vine, reaching heights of 60 or sometimes even 120 feet, that is native to Europe. It can be very invasive in parts of the eastern U.S. and Ontario, Canada ( to as far north as Dyer's Bay near Tobermory, Ontario ) however many of its cultivars are much more well behaved.
The English Ivy is self rooting and can easily climb to the tops of trees and walls. The largest trunks recorded are up to 2 feet in diameter.
The 3 lobed leaves, up to 4 x 4 inches, are luxuriant deep green.
Hardy zones 5 to 9 in partial to full shade on fertile, moist soil though it is tolerant of drought. Deer resistant.
* photo taken on May 1 2010 in Ellicott City, MD
* photos taken on May 3 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on May 14 2012 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on June 22 2013 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Oct 24 2014 in Columbia, MD
* english ivy strangling a kentucky coffee tree in Baltimore, MD
* photos taken on July 23 2024 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Aug 15 2024 in Kincardine, ON
'Angularis Aurea'
Moderately vigorous vine, reaching up to 12 x 8 feet, with 3 lobed, glossy light green leaves that are variegated bright yellow. This cultivatr is not used for groundcover.
Hardy zones 6 to 9
'Anne Marie'
A fast growing, groundcover, up to 1 foot tall or medium-sized vine ( up to 40 feet ).
The leaves, up to 2.5 inches in length, are mid-green with gray-green and broad creamy-white margins.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
A dense upright shrub rather than vine, reaching a maximum height of 6 ( rarely over 3 ) feet.
* photos taken on May 27 2017 @ Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, VA
* historic archive photo
Deeply-cut leaves, with 5 to 7 long, narrow-lobed leaves. The foliage is mid-green.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
A vigorous vine reaching the same size as the species.
The 5-lobed foliage is green during summer, turning to purple with green veins during winter.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in partial shade.
Foliage is variegated yellow. Remove any shoots that revert to green.
Fast growing. The medium-sized glossy foliage is bright green at first, later turning to deep green during summer. During late autumn and winter, the foliage turns to bronze.
It can be used both as a climbing vine and groundcover.
Extremely hardy, zones 4 to 9 ( even surviving north to zone 3 on protected sites ).
More drought tolerant than regular Hedera helix.
A moderately growing vine, up to 6 x 6 feet, with foliage that is yellow turning to yellowish-green or green ( often with multiple shades in the same leaf ). The foliage often turns shades of deep red during winter.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
The large, wavy-edged leaves are variegated white.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
Leaves are deeply-lobed and deep green.
A bushy clone that is great for groundcover.
'Curled Parsley'
The large, wavy-edged, curled leaves are green.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
A clone of the subspecies 'hibernica' forming a vigorous vine with broad glossy deep green leaves divided into 5 finger-like lobes.
Is not used for groundcover.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 in partial shade.
Small leaves that are mottled white.
Dwarf in habit, with tiny, 3-lobed leaves.
Hardy zones 5 to 8 ( tolerating -25 F ).
A slow growing, stiffly upright shrub ( does not climb ), reaching up to 3 x 4 feet.
The arrow-shaped, 3-lobed leaves are deep green with pale green veins.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 in partial shade. Great for patio gardens and rock gardens.
A vigorous, dense vine reaching up to 40 feet high, with silvery grayish-green foliage that is margined in creamy-white.
Foliage is gray-green and edged in cream. Makes an excellent groundcover and looks great trailing over the sides of containers.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
* photo of unknown internet source

* photos of unknown internet source

* photos taken on Feb 15 2011 in Columbia, MD
'Gold Child'
A moderate growing groundcover or vine. The leaves, up to 3 inches in length, are green with a golden-yellow margin.
Hardy zones 6 to 10.
* photos taken on Feb 15 2011 in Columbia, MD
* photos taken on Nov 26 2016 in Columbia, MD
* photo taken on Apr 21 2019 in Elkridge, MD
* photo taken on May 19 2020 in Elkridge, MD
A rapid growing vine, reaching up to 20 x 20 feet, with bold foliage with is golden-yellow in the center with a luxuriant deep green margin.
This cultivar is not used for groundcover.
Hardy zones 7 to 9
* photo taken by Milan Havlis, owner of central Europe's premier plant nursery
'Green Ripple'
Foliage is luxuriant green and frilled at the edges.
Makes a great groundcover with mid-sized, bright green foliage.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
subsp 'Hibernica' ( Irish Ivy )
A very vigorous vine reaching the same size as regular Hedera helix.
Large, heart-shaped, 3 to 5 triangular-lobed, up to 6 x 6 inches in size.
The foliage is glossy deep green.
Makes an excellent groundcover.
Hardy zones 5 to 9 in partial to full shade.
* photo taken by Milan Havlis, owner of central Europe's premier plant nursery
'Ivalace' ( Lace Ivy )
A moderate growing, bushy, reaching up to 3 x 4 feet, rarely a low vine, with crimped, curled, shallowly 5 lobed, very glossy deep green leaves.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in partial shade.
'Little Diamond'
The small, diamond-shaped leaves are gray-green with a creamy-white margin.
Makes an excellent, dense groundcover.
Hardy zones 6 to 9.
'Manda's Crested'
The curled foliage is green. Makes an excellent groundcover.
'Marbled Dragon'
Large foliage is deep green with bright green marbling along the veins.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
'Mini Esther'
A dwarf vine, reaching a maximum height of 10 feet, with foliage that is variegated white and creamy-yellow.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
Forms a moderate growing, densely foliaged vine, reaching up 40 feet in height.
It makes a good groundcover if planted 6 feet apart, it will take about 2 years to fill in. The wavy-margined, 3 pointed-lobed leaves are bright green at first, later turning to deep green. The leaves are small, up to 2 inches in length.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 ( tolerating as low as -20 F ).
* photo taken on May 9 2021 in Columbia, MD
Leaves with 5 finger-like lobes.
'Parsley Crested'
Slow growing, reaching up to 6 x 4 feet. Very frilled, parsley-like, bright green foliage. Makes an excellent groundcover.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 in partial shade.
'Pin Oak'
Luxuriant green leaves are shaped like a bird foot. Makes an excellent groundcover.
Bushy in habit, up to 3 x 4 feet ( sometimes a weak climbing vine ) with glossy mid green leaves that are 5-lobed with the middle lobe being long and pointed.
Hardy zones 6 to 9 in partial to full shade.
Luxuriant green arrow-shaped leaves.
Bright green foliage. Makes an excellent groundcover.
Large deeply-cut leaves are deep green with bright green striping.
Hardy zones 7 to 9 ( 6 on protected sites ).
A dwarf, low, spreading shrub with curly, mid-green leaves, up to 0.5 inches in length.
Luxuriant green heart-shaped foliage. Makes an excellent groundcover.
The leathery, small leaves are deep green with white veins. The foliage turns reddish-bronze during winter.
Hardy zones 5 to 9.
* photo taken on Feb 15 2011 in Columbia, MD
Very attractive foliage is edged in white which turns to red during autumn and winter. Makes an excellent groundcover.
Hedera nepalensis ( Nepal Ivy )
A rapid growing, evergreen vine, reaching heights of 60 or sometimes even 100 feet, that is native to most of the Himalayas. The Nepal Ivy is self rooting and can easily climb to the tops of trees and walls. The largest trunks recorded are up to 2 feet in diameter.
The 3 lobed leaves, up to 6 x 6 inches, are luxuriant deep green.
The foliage is almost identical to that of Hedera helix.
The flowers are yellow.
Hardy zones 5 to 9
Hedera pastuchowii ( Pastuchov's Ivy )
Also called Caspian Ivy. A rapid growing, evergreen vine, reaching heights of 60 or sometimes even 100 feet, that is native to mid-level mountain forests in the eastern Caucasian Mountains in central Asia. The Nepal Ivy is self rooting and can easily climb to the tops of trees and walls. Unlike Hedera helix, it does not make good groundcover and grows poorly if it has nothing to climb.
The wavy-edged to lobed, rounded leaves, up to 5 x 4 inches, are glossy bright green.
Hardy zones 5 to 9, preferring full sun.
Hedera rhombea ( Japanese Ivy )
Similar to Hedera helix, it is native to China, most of Japan and Taiwan.
The leaves, up to 3 inches in length, are glossy deep green.
The creamy-white flowers, up to 0.2 inches wide, appear during early to mid autumn.
They are followed by rounded, black berries, up to 0.4 inches wide, ripening during late autumn, persisting into late spring.
The stems are purplish-green.
Hardy zones 4 to 9.
* photo of unknown internet source
Kalopanaxsaponin H is extracted from the herbs of Hedera nepalensis K. Koch var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd. It has antidiabetic activity. Kalopanaxsaponin H